-- -- The DotLRN communities construct -- copyright 2001, OpenForce, Inc. -- distributed under the GNU GPL v2 -- -- for Oracle 8/8i. (We're guessing 9i works, too). -- -- ben@openforce.net -- started September 20th, 2001 (redone) -- create table dotlrn_community_types ( community_type not null constraint dlrn_comm_type_pk primary key constraint dlrn_comm_type_fk references group_types (group_type), pretty_name varchar(100) not null, description varchar(4000), node_id constraint dlrn_comm_type_node_id_fk references site_nodes(node_id), supertype constraint dlrn_comm_supertype_fk references dotlrn_community_types(community_type) ); create table dotlrn_communities ( community_id not null constraint dlrn_comm_id_pk primary key constraint dlrn_comm_id_fk references groups(group_id), community_type not null constraint dlrn_comm_id_type_fk references dotlrn_community_types(community_type), community_key varchar(100) not null constraint dlrn_comm_key_un unique, pretty_name varchar(100) not null, description varchar(4000), node_id constraint dlrn_comm_node_id_fk references site_nodes(node_id) ); create table dotlrn_community_memberships ( rel_id integer not null constraint dlrn_comm_mem_fk references acs_rels(rel_id) constraint dlrn_comm_mem_pk primary key, community_id integer not null constraint dlrn_comm_mem_comm_id_fk references dotlrn_communities(community_id), user_id integer not null constraint dlrn_comm_mem_user_id_fk references users(user_id), page_id integer not null constraint dlrn_comm_mem_page_id_fk references portals(portal_id) ); create table dotlrn_community_applets ( community_id integer not null constraint dlrn_comm_appl_comm_id_fk references dotlrn_communities(community_id), applet_key varchar(100) not null, constraint dlrn_comm_appl_pk primary key (community_id, applet_key), active_p char(1) default 't' not null constraint dlrn_comm_appl_act_p_ch check (active_p in ('t','f')) );