select r.target_rev_id, o.object_type
from as_item_rels r, acs_objects o
where r.item_rev_id = :as_item_id
and r.rel_type = 'as_item_display_rel'
and o.object_id = r.target_rev_id
update as_assessment_section_map
set section_id = :new_section_id
where assessment_id = :new_assessment_rev_id
and section_id = :section_id
update as_item_section_map
set sort_order = sort_order+1
where section_id = :new_section_id
and sort_order > :after
insert into as_item_section_map
(as_item_id, section_id, required_p, sort_order, max_time_to_complete,
fixed_position, points)
(select :as_item_id as as_item_id, :new_section_id as section_id,
required_p, :after as sort_order, max_time_to_complete,
0 as fixed_position, points
from as_items
where as_item_id = :as_item_id)
update as_item_rels
set target_rev_id = :as_item_display_id
where item_rev_id = :as_item_id
and rel_type = 'as_item_display_rel'
select required_p, max_time_to_complete, points
from as_items
where as_item_id = :as_item_id
update as_item_section_map
set as_item_id = :as_item_id,
required_p = :required_p,
max_time_to_complete = :max_time_to_complete,
points = :points
where as_item_id = :old_item_id
and section_id = :new_section_id