ACS Interface Requirements

I. Introduction

This document explains the requirements for the ACS Interface application. It details the rationale and use cases for this system.

II. Vision Statement

Interfaces are represented by the combination of a name and a set of methods. Object types would implement these interfaces to either register for services or to provide a more specific implementation. For example, a 'person' object type could provide a more specific implementation of 'is_available' then a generic function that just checks out the attributes the person object type.

III. System Overview

Registration service -

IV. Use-cases and User-scenarios

[to be filled in]

V. Related Links

[to be filled in]

VI.A Registration Service Pages:

20.10 Interface Registration

20.10.10 Add/Delete interface

20.10.20 Add/Remove methods to/from interfaces

20.10.30 Specify parameters for methods

20.10.40 Edit paramters for methods

20.10.50 List of interfaces

20.20 Object type / Interface Registration

20.20.10 List of interfaces for object type

20.20.20 Edit association between object type and interface

VI.B Registration API:

30.10 Interface Registration API

30.10.10 Add/Delete interface

30.10.20 Add/Remove methods from interfaces

30.10.30 Add/Remove parameters from methods 30.20 Object type / Interface Registration

30.20.10 Add/Remove association of object types to interfaces

VII. Revision History

Document Revision # Action Taken, Notes When? By Whom?
0.2 Creation 2000/11/27 Khy Huang
0.1 Creation 2000/11/26 Khy Huang
0.2 Revision 2000/12/08 Joshua Finkler