postgresql7.2 select state_id from workflow_fsm_states where workflow_id = :workflow_id order by sort_order limit 1 select m.party_id,, acs_object__name(m.party_id) as name from workflow_case_role_party_map m, parties p where m.case_id = :case_id and m.role_id = :role_id and p.party_id = m.party_id select l.entry_id, l.case_id, l.action_id, a.short_name as action_short_name, a.pretty_name as action_pretty_name, a.pretty_past_tense as action_pretty_past_tense, io.creation_user, iou.first_names as user_first_names, iou.last_name as user_last_name, as user_email, io.creation_date, to_char(io.creation_date, 'fmMM/DDfm/YYYY') as creation_date_pretty, r.content as comment, r.mime_type as comment_mime_type from workflow_case_log l join workflow_actions a using (action_id) join cr_items i on (i.item_id = l.entry_id) join acs_objects io on (io.object_id = i.item_id) join cc_users iou on (iou.user_id = io.creation_user) join cr_revisions r on (r.revision_id = i.live_revision) where l.case_id = :case_id order by creation_date