select count(*) from dotlrn_member_rels_full where rel_type='dotlrn_member_rel' and community_id=:community_id select min(section_id) as section_id from survey_sections where survey_id = :survey_id select survey_id from survey_sections where section_id = :section_id select s.*, o.creation_user, o.creation_date, p.first_names || ' ' || p.last_name as creator_name, (case when enabled_p = 't' then 'Enabled' else 'Disabled' end) as enabled_display, (case when single_response_p = 't' then 'One response' else 'Multiple responses' end) as single_response_display, (case when editable_p = 'f' then 'Non-Editable' else 'Editable' end) as editable_display, (case when single_section_p = 'f' then 'Multiple sections' else 'Single section' end) as single_section_display from surveys s, acs_objects o, persons p where o.object_id = :survey_id and s.survey_id = o.object_id and p.person_id = o.creation_user select choice_id, boolean_answer, clob_answer, number_answer, varchar_answer, date_answer, attachment_answer from survey_question_responses where question_id = :question_id and response_id = :response_id select choice_id, boolean_answer, clob_answer, number_answer, varchar_answer, date_answer, attachment_answer from survey_question_responses where question_id = :question_id and response_id = :response_id select section_id, sort_order, question_text, abstract_data_type, required_p, active_p, presentation_type, presentation_options, presentation_alignment, creation_user, creation_date from survey_questions, acs_objects where object_id = question_id and question_id = :question_id select choice_id, label from survey_question_choices where question_id = :question_id order by sort_order select choice_id, label from survey_question_choices where question_id = :question_id order by sort_order select * from survey_question_choices where question_id = :question_id order by sort_order select label from survey_question_choices, survey_question_responses where survey_question_responses.question_id = :question_id and survey_question_responses.response_id = :response_id and survey_question_choices.choice_id = survey_question_responses.choice_id select * from survey_questions where question_id=:question_id update survey_questions set question_text = :question_text where question_id = :new_question_id update survey_questions set sort_order = sort_order + 1 where section_id = :section_id and sort_order > :after select * from survey_question_choices where question_id=:old_question_id insert into survey_question_choices (choice_id, question_id, label, numeric_value, sort_order) values (:new_choice_id, :new_question_id, :label, :numeric_value, :sort_order) select survey_id from survey_responses where response_id=:response_id select count(*) from survey_responses_latest where survey_id=:survey_id select count(*) from party_approved_member_map where party_id=:segment_id select sort_order, question_text, question_id from survey_questions where section_id in (select section_id from survey_sections where survey_id=:survey_id) select survey_id, name, description, description_html_p, 'f' as enabled_p, single_response_p, editable_p, single_section_p, type, display_type from surveys where survey_id=:survey_id update survey_sections set description=:description where section_id=:new_section_id select section_id from survey_sections where survey_id=:survey_id select question_id from survey_questions where section_id in (select section_id from survey_sections where survey_id=:survey_id) select sq.question_id, sq.section_id, sq.sort_order, sq.question_text, sq.abstract_data_type, sq.required_p, sq.active_p, sq.presentation_type, sq.presentation_options, sq.presentation_alignment, sqr.response_id, sqr.question_id, sqr.choice_id, sqr.boolean_answer, sqr.clob_answer, sqr.number_answer, sqr.varchar_answer, sqr.date_answer, sqr.attachment_answer from survey_questions sq, survey_question_responses sqr where sqr.response_id = :response_id and sq.question_id = sqr.question_id and sq.active_p = 't' order by sort_order select presentation_options from survey_questions where question_id=:question_id select title from cr_revisions where revision_id=:attachment_answer