create table spam_messages ( -- extends acs_mail_bodies spam_id integer not null constraint spam_messages_spam_id_fk references acs_mail_links(mail_link_id) on delete cascade, -- date to send the spam out -- spam will be put in mail queue at that time send_date date not null, -- the sql query for selecting users. -- must be of the form "select party_id from ... where ..." sql_query varchar(4000) not null, -- has it been approved yet? spam won't go in queue until -- approved. approved_p char(1) constraint spam_messages_approved_p_ck check (approved_p in ('t', 'f')), -- has it been approved yet? sent_p char(1) default 'f' constraint spam_messages_sent_p_ck check (sent_p in ('t', 'f')) ); -- create a new object type begin acs_object_type.create_type ( supertype => 'acs_mail_body', object_type => 'spam_message', pretty_name => 'Spam Message', pretty_plural => 'Spam Messages', table_name => 'SPAM_MESSAGES', id_column => 'SPAM_ID', package_name => 'SPAM', name_method => 'ACS_OBJECT.DEFAULT_NAME' ); end; / show errors @@ spam-views @@ spam-packages