IMS Learning Design (short introduction)

We recommend to read the IMS-LD specification before reading this document. We made a introduction aout it here that will give you the required information in order to understand better the rest of this document. Skip this section if you are already familiarized with the IMS-LD spec.

IMS Learning Design (from now on referred as IMS-LD) is a specification done by the IMS Global Learning Consortium. It is an XML-based description for e-learning. It provides a global framework for including the description of different pedagogical and methodological learning models. Therefore IMS-LD is independent from a concrete pedagogy or methodology.

The XML file that is compliant with IMS-LD specifies a set of learning activities (which are usually related to a set of resources and services) and who and when can do these activities and with which conditions. Therefore, it establishes a sequencing of activities for each role. IMS-LD is in principle independent from IMS Content Packaging (IMS CP), so it can be used without IMS CP. Nevertheless, the most common case is to insert the IMS-LD file inside the organizations element of an IMS CP and the result is called "unit of learning". A unit of learning, as defined in the IMS-LD specification, is an abstract term used to refer to any delimited piece of education or training, such as a course, a module, a lesson, etc. In this specification, the terms unit of learning and course are used to represent the same thing: a collection of ordered activities which has associated resources and services to learn that are going to be delivered to different defined roles and the workflow of the activities.

Unit of learning and IMS Learning Design are not the same thing. A learning design is a description of a learning method used to achieve certain goals (learning objectives), and a unit of learning is the result of packaging a learning design (for example using IMS CP). There are some other terms introduced by IMS-LD that need to be defined, which are briefly explained bellow: