select count(eg.grade_id) from evaluation_grades eg, acs_objects ao, cr_items cri where cri.live_revision = eg.grade_id and eg.grade_item_id = ao.object_id and ao.context_id = [ad_conn package_id] select eg.grade_id, eg.grade_plural_name, round(eg.weight,0) as weight from evaluation_grades eg, acs_objects ao, cr_items cri where cri.live_revision = eg.grade_id and eg.grade_item_id = ao.object_id and ao.context_id = :package_id order by grade_plural_name select cu.first_names||', '||cu.last_name as student_name, cu.user_id $sql_query from cc_users cu $orderby select cu.first_names||', '||cu.last_name as student_name, cu.user_id $sql_query from cc_users cu, dotlrn_member_rels_approved app where app.community_id = :community_id and app.user_id = cu.person_id and app.role in ('student','member') $orderby