select dc.course_info, dc.assessment_id, cr.item_id from dotlrn_catalog dc, cr_revisions cr where cr.revision_id = :course_id and dc.course_id = :course_id select cr.title from cr_folders cf, cr_items ci, cr_revisions cr, as_assessments a where cr.revision_id = ci.latest_revision and a.assessment_id = cr.revision_id and ci.parent_id = cf.folder_id and ci.item_id = :assessment_id order by cr.title select count(object_id) from category_object_map where object_id = :course_id select tree_id from category_tree_map where object_id = :cc_package_id select object_id_two as object_id, rel_type as type from acs_rels where object_id_one = :course_id order by type select class_instance_id as object_id, department_name, term_name, class_name, pretty_name, url from dotlrn_class_instances_full where class_instance_id in $dotlrn_class order by department_name, term_name, class_name, pretty_name select community_id as object_id, pretty_name, url from dotlrn_clubs_full where community_id in $dotlrn_com order by pretty_name select count(cal_item_id) from cal_items where on_which_calendar = :calendar_id and item_type_id = :item_type_id select count(*) as attendees from dotlrn_member_rels_approved where community_id = :community_id and (rel_type = 'dotlrn_member_rel' or rel_type = 'dotlrn_club_student_rel')