-- -- packages/contacts/sql/postgresql/upgrade/upgrade-1.2b4-1.2b5.sql -- -- @author Matthew Geddert (openacs@geddert.com) -- @creation-date 2006-02-18 -- @arch-tag: -- @cvs-id $Id: upgrade-1.2b4-1.2b5.sql,v 1.2 2006/02/20 08:53:58 matthewg Exp $ -- create or replace function inline_0() returns integer as ' declare v_labels_p boolean; v_envelopes_p boolean; begin v_labels_p := ''1'' from contact_message_types where message_type = ''label''; if v_labels_p is not true then insert into contact_message_types (message_type,pretty_name) values (''label'',''#contacts.Labels#''); end if; v_envelopes_p := ''1'' from contact_message_types where message_type = ''envelope''; if v_envelopes_p is not true then insert into contact_message_types (message_type,pretty_name) values (''envelope'',''#contacts.Envelopes#''); end if; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- Calling and droping the function select inline_0(); drop function inline_0();