
by Joel Aufrecht

OpenACS docs are written by the named authors, and may be edited by OpenACS documentation staff.


Automated Testing provides a framework for executing tests of all varieties and for storing and viewing the results.

Functional Requirements

Req #Status in 5.0Priority for 5.1 (A=required, B=optional)Description
1DoneDoneStore trees of category labels
1.1 ACategory is package-aware. (Data in one package is not visible from another package.)
2DoneDoneThere is a GUI for administrators to manage category trees (create, delete, move leaves, edit leaves).
3DoneDoneAn OpenACS Object can be associated with zero, one, or more categories.
3.1partialAThere is a GUI to control which categories are associated with an object.
3.1.1DoneDoneThis is provided in the current package via form-page.tcl.
3.1.1 DoneSpecific category trees can be added as additional fields in form builder. (Supports single select and multiple select.)
3.1.2 BA page for linking any category to an object exists, and is can be associated with an object edit or view page.
3.2partialAGUI to see object categorization.
3.2.1 AAll of the categories which an object belongs to can be displayed via an includelet on an object view page.
4 AList-builder can sort and filter by category.
5partialADisplay objects by category. Show all objects in a category. The current implementation depends on changes to the kernel data model.


Revision History

Document Revision #Action Taken, NotesWhen?By Whom?
1Creation18 Jan 2004Joel Aufrecht
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