postgresql7.1 select site_node__url(s.node_id) from site_nodes s, apm_packages a where s.object_id = a.package_id and a.package_key = 'adserver' update adv_log set display_count = display_count + 1 where adv_key = :adv_key and entry_date = current_date insert into adv_log (adv_key, entry_date, display_count) values (:adv_key, current_date, (select 1 where 0 = (select count (*) from adv_log where adv_key = :adv_key and entry_date = current_date))) insert into adv_user_map (user_id, adv_key, event_time, event_type) values (:user_id,:adv_key,current_timestamp,'d') select map.adv_key, track_clickthru_p, target_url, display_count from adv_group_map map, advs_todays_log log, advs where group_key = :group_key and map.adv_key = advs.adv_key and map.adv_key = log.adv_key UNION select map.adv_key, track_clickthru_p, target_url, 0 as display_count from adv_group_map map, advs where group_key = :group_key and map.adv_key = advs.adv_key and (select count(*) from adv_log where advs.adv_key=adv_log.adv_key)=0 order by display_count asc limit 1