{/doc/acs-service-contract {Service Contracts}} {}
ACS Service Contract Overview by Neophytos Demetriou
(k2pts@yahoo.com) and Kapil Thangavelu (k_vertigo@yahoo.com) Goals
- To increase inter-application code reuse by designating
interfaces for interaction. - To increase flexibility by allowing
developers to reimplement an interface for their needs. - To
provide the framework for constructing web services by housing the
metadata needed to construct wsdl. - To be low impediment to
developers to create interfaces for their packages. - To reduce
fixed dependencies in packages. Definitions Interface - An abstract
set of operations supported by one or more endpoints. Operation -
An abstract description of an action supported by the service.
Binding - A concrete implementation for a particular interface.
Function - The implementation of an operation. Actors Registrar -
An entity that defines the specification of a contract and
registers it with the repository. Provider - Provides an
implementation of the contract. Dependant - Something that uses a