declare attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; begin attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'acs_object', attribute_name => 'package_id', datatype => 'integer', pretty_name => 'Package ID', pretty_plural => 'Package IDs', min_n_values => 0, max_n_values => 1 ); attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'acs_object', attribute_name => 'title', datatype => 'string', pretty_name => 'Title', pretty_plural => 'Titles', min_n_values => 0, max_n_values => 1 ); commit; end; / show errors alter table acs_objects add ( title varchar2(1000) default null, package_id integer default null constraint acs_objects_package_id_fk references apm_packages(package_id) on delete set null ); create index acs_objects_package_object_idx on acs_objects (package_id, object_id); create index acs_objects_title_idx on acs_objects(title); comment on column acs_objects.package_id is ' Which package instance this object belongs to. Please note that in mid-term this column will replace all package_ids of package specific tables. '; comment on column acs_objects.title is ' Title of the object if applicable. Please note that in mid-term this column will replace all titles or object_names of package specific tables. '; --------- -- update data --------- update acs_objects set title = (select group_name from groups where group_id = object_id) where object_id in (select group_id from groups); update acs_objects set title = (select email from parties where party_id = object_id) where object_type = 'party'; update acs_objects set title = (select first_names || ' ' || last_name from persons where person_id = object_id) where object_type in ('user','person'); update acs_objects set title = (select short_name from auth_authorities where authority_id = object_id) where object_type = 'authority'; update acs_objects set title = (select action from journal_entries where journal_id = object_id) where object_type = 'journal_entry'; update acs_objects set title = (select name from site_nodes where node_id = acs_objects.object_id), package_id = (select object_id from site_nodes where node_id = acs_objects.object_id) where object_type = 'site_node'; update acs_objects set title = (select instance_name from apm_packages where package_id = object_id), package_id = object_id where object_type in ('apm_package','apm_application','apm_service'); update acs_objects set title = (select package_key || ', Version ' || version_name from apm_package_versions where version_id = object_id) where object_type = 'apm_package_version'; update acs_objects set title = (select package_key || ': Parameter ' || parameter_name from apm_parameters where parameter_id = object_id) where object_type = 'apm_parameter'; update acs_objects set title = (select rel_type || ': ' || object_id_one || ' - ' || object_id_two from acs_rels where rel_id = object_id) where object_id in (select rel_id from acs_rels); update acs_objects set title = (select segment_name from rel_segments where segment_id = object_id) where object_type = 'rel_segment'; update acs_objects set title = (select constraint_name from rel_constraints where constraint_id = object_id) where object_type = 'rel_constraint'; update acs_objects set title = 'Unregistered Visitor' where object_id = 0; update acs_objects set title = 'Default Context' where object_id = -3; update acs_objects set title = 'Root Security Context' where object_id = -4; ------------------------ -- ACS_OBJECT PACKAGE -- ------------------------ create or replace package acs_object as function new ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE default null, object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE default 'acs_object', creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null, title in acs_objects.title%TYPE default null, package_id in acs_objects.package_id%TYPE default null ) return acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; procedure del ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ); function name ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return varchar2; -- The acs_object_types.name_method for "acs_object" -- function default_name ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return varchar2; function package_id ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return acs_objects.package_id%TYPE; -- Determine where the attribute is stored and what sql needs to be -- in the where clause to retreive it -- Used in get_attribute and set_attribute procedure get_attribute_storage ( object_id_in in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, attribute_name_in in acs_attributes.attribute_name%TYPE, v_column out varchar2, v_table_name out varchar2, v_key_sql out varchar2 ); -- Get/set the value of an object attribute, as long as -- the type can be cast to varchar2 function get_attribute ( object_id_in in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, attribute_name_in in acs_attributes.attribute_name%TYPE ) return varchar2; procedure set_attribute ( object_id_in in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, attribute_name_in in acs_attributes.attribute_name%TYPE, value_in in varchar2 ); function check_representation ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return char; procedure update_last_modified ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, modifying_user in acs_objects.modifying_user%TYPE, modifying_ip in acs_objects.modifying_ip%TYPE, last_modified in acs_objects.last_modified%TYPE default sysdate ); end acs_object; / show errors create or replace package body acs_object as procedure initialize_attributes ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) is v_object_type acs_objects.object_type%TYPE; begin -- XXX This should be fixed to initialize supertypes properly. -- Initialize dynamic attributes insert into acs_attribute_values (object_id, attribute_id, attr_value) select initialize_attributes.object_id, a.attribute_id, a.default_value from acs_attributes a, acs_objects o where a.object_type = o.object_type and o.object_id = initialize_attributes.object_id and = 'generic' and a.static_p = 'f'; -- Retreive type for static attributes select object_type into v_object_type from acs_objects where object_id = initialize_attributes.object_id; -- Initialize static attributes begin insert into acs_static_attr_values (object_type, attribute_id, attr_value) select v_object_type, a.attribute_id, a.default_value from acs_attributes a, acs_objects o where a.object_type = o.object_type and o.object_id = initialize_attributes.object_id and = 'generic' and a.static_p = 't' and not exists (select 1 from acs_static_attr_values where object_type = a.object_type); exception when no_data_found then null; end; end initialize_attributes; function new ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE default null, object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE default 'acs_object', creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null, title in acs_objects.title%TYPE default null, package_id in acs_objects.package_id%TYPE default null ) return acs_objects.object_id%TYPE is v_object_id acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; v_title acs_objects.title%TYPE; v_object_type_pretty_name acs_object_types.pretty_name%TYPE; begin if object_id is null then select acs_object_id_seq.nextval into v_object_id from dual; else v_object_id := object_id; end if; if title is null then select pretty_name into v_object_type_pretty_name from acs_object_types where object_type = new.object_type; v_title := v_object_type_pretty_name || ' ' || v_object_id; else v_title := title; end if; insert into acs_objects (object_id, object_type, title, package_id, context_id, creation_date, creation_user, creation_ip) values (v_object_id, object_type, v_title, package_id, context_id, creation_date, creation_user, creation_ip); acs_object.initialize_attributes(v_object_id); return v_object_id; end new; procedure del ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) is v_exists_p char; begin -- Delete dynamic/generic attributes delete from acs_attribute_values where object_id = acs_object.del.object_id; -- Delete directly assigned permissions -- -- JCD: We do this as an execute rather than just a direct query since -- the acs_permissions table is not created when this file is -- sourced. We need to clean up the creates and once that is done -- we can turn this into a simple delete statement. -- execute immediate 'delete from acs_permissions where object_id = :object_id' using in object_id; execute immediate 'delete from acs_permissions where grantee_id = :object_id' using in object_id; for object_type in (select table_name, id_column from acs_object_types start with object_type = (select object_type from acs_objects o where o.object_id = acs_object.del.object_id) connect by object_type = prior supertype) loop -- Delete from the table if it exists. select decode(count(*),0,'f','t') into v_exists_p from user_tables where table_name = upper(object_type.table_name); if v_exists_p = 't' then execute immediate 'delete from ' || object_type.table_name || ' where ' || object_type.id_column || ' = :object_id' using in object_id; end if; end loop; end del; function name ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is object_name acs_objects.title%TYPE; v_object_id integer := object_id; begin -- Find the name function for this object, which is stored in the -- name_method column of acs_object_types. Starting with this -- object's actual type, traverse the type hierarchy upwards until -- a non-null name_method value is found. -- select title into object_name from acs_objects where object_id = name.object_id; if (object_name is not null) then return object_name; end if; for object_type in (select name_method from acs_object_types start with object_type = (select object_type from acs_objects o where o.object_id = name.object_id) connect by object_type = prior supertype) loop if object_type.name_method is not null then -- Execute the first name_method we find (since we're traversing -- up the type hierarchy from the object's exact type) using -- Native Dynamic SQL, to ascertain the name of this object. -- --execute immediate 'select ' || object_type.name_method || '(:1) from dual' execute immediate 'begin :1 := ' || object_type.name_method || '(:2); end;' using out object_name, in object_id; --into object_name exit; end if; end loop; return object_name; end name; function default_name ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is object_type_pretty_name acs_object_types.pretty_name%TYPE; begin select ot.pretty_name into object_type_pretty_name from acs_objects o, acs_object_types ot where o.object_id = default_name.object_id and o.object_type = ot.object_type; return object_type_pretty_name || ' ' || object_id; end default_name; function package_id ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return acs_objects.package_id%TYPE is v_package_id acs_objects.package_id%TYPE; begin if object_id is null then return null; end if; select package_id into v_package_id from acs_objects where object_id = package_id.object_id; return v_package_id; end package_id; procedure get_attribute_storage ( object_id_in in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, attribute_name_in in acs_attributes.attribute_name%TYPE, v_column out varchar2, v_table_name out varchar2, v_key_sql out varchar2 ) is v_object_type acs_attributes.object_type%TYPE; v_static acs_attributes.static_p%TYPE := null; v_attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE := null; v_storage := null; v_attr_name acs_attributes.attribute_name%TYPE := null; v_id_column varchar2(200) := null; v_sql varchar2(4000) := null; v_return varchar2(4000) := null; -- Fetch the most inherited attribute cursor c_attribute is select a.attribute_id, a.static_p,, a.table_name, a.attribute_name, a.object_type, a.column_name, t.id_column from acs_attributes a, (select object_type, id_column from acs_object_types connect by object_type = prior supertype start with object_type = (select object_type from acs_objects where object_id = object_id_in) ) t where a.attribute_name = attribute_name_in and a.object_type = t.object_type; begin -- Determine the attribute parameters open c_attribute; fetch c_attribute into v_attr_id, v_static, v_storage, v_table_name, v_attr_name, v_object_type, v_column, v_id_column; if c_attribute%NOTFOUND then close c_attribute; raise_application_error (-20000, 'No such attribute ' || v_object_type || '::' || attribute_name_in || ' in acs_object.get_attribute_storage.'); end if; close c_attribute; -- This should really be done in a trigger on acs_attributes, -- instead of generating it each time in this function -- If there is no specific table name for this attribute, -- figure it out based on the object type if v_table_name is null then -- Determine the appropriate table name if v_storage = 'generic' then -- Generic attribute: table name/column are hardcoded v_column := 'attr_value'; if v_static = 'f' then v_table_name := 'acs_attribute_values'; v_key_sql := '(object_id = ' || object_id_in || ' and ' || 'attribute_id = ' || v_attr_id || ')'; else v_table_name := 'acs_static_attr_values'; v_key_sql := '(object_type = ''' || v_object_type || ''' and ' || 'attribute_id = ' || v_attr_id || ')'; end if; else -- Specific attribute: table name/column need to be retreived if v_static = 'f' then select table_name, id_column into v_table_name, v_id_column from acs_object_types where object_type = v_object_type; else raise_application_error(-20000, 'No table name specified for storage specific static attribute ' || v_object_type || '::' || attribute_name_in || ' in acs_object.get_attribute_storage.'); end if; end if; else -- There is a custom table name for this attribute. -- Get the id column out of the acs_object_tables -- Raise an error if not found select id_column into v_id_column from acs_object_type_tables where object_type = v_object_type and table_name = v_table_name; end if; if v_column is null then if v_storage = 'generic' then v_column := 'attr_value'; else v_column := v_attr_name; end if; end if; if v_key_sql is null then if v_static = 'f' then v_key_sql := v_id_column || ' = ' || object_id_in ; else v_key_sql := v_id_column || ' = ''' || v_object_type || ''''; end if; end if; exception when no_data_found then if c_attribute%ISOPEN then close c_attribute; end if; raise_application_error(-20000, 'No data found for attribute ' || v_object_type || '::' || attribute_name_in || ' in acs_object.get_attribute_storage'); end get_attribute_storage; -- Get/set the value of an object attribute, as long as -- the type can be cast to varchar2 function get_attribute ( object_id_in in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, attribute_name_in in acs_attributes.attribute_name%TYPE ) return varchar2 is v_table_name varchar2(200); v_column varchar2(200); v_key_sql varchar2(4000); v_return varchar2(4000); begin get_attribute_storage(object_id_in, attribute_name_in, v_column, v_table_name, v_key_sql); begin execute immediate 'select ' || v_column || ' from ' || v_table_name || ' where ' || v_key_sql into v_return; exception when no_data_found then return null; end; return v_return; end get_attribute; procedure set_attribute ( object_id_in in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, attribute_name_in in acs_attributes.attribute_name%TYPE, value_in in varchar2 ) is v_table_name varchar2(200); v_column varchar2(200); v_key_sql varchar2(4000); v_return varchar2(4000); v_dummy integer; begin get_attribute_storage(object_id_in, attribute_name_in, v_column, v_table_name, v_key_sql); execute immediate 'update ' || v_table_name || ' set ' || v_column || ' = :value where ' || v_key_sql using value_in; end set_attribute; function check_context_index ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, ancestor_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, n_generations in integer ) return char is n_rows integer; n_gens integer; begin -- Verify that this row exists in the index. select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into n_rows from acs_object_context_index where object_id = check_context_index.object_id and ancestor_id = check_context_index.ancestor_id; if n_rows = 1 then -- Verify that the count is correct. select n_generations into n_gens from acs_object_context_index where object_id = check_context_index.object_id and ancestor_id = check_context_index.ancestor_id; if n_gens != n_generations then acs_log.error('acs_object.check_representation', 'Ancestor ' || ancestor_id || ' of object ' || object_id || ' reports being generation ' || n_gens || ' when it is actually generation ' || n_generations || '.'); return 'f'; else return 't'; end if; else acs_log.error('acs_object.check_representation', 'Ancestor ' || ancestor_id || ' of object ' || object_id || ' is missing an entry in acs_object_context_index.'); return 'f'; end if; end; function check_object_ancestors ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, ancestor_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, n_generations in integer ) return char is context_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE; security_inherit_p acs_objects.security_inherit_p%TYPE; n_rows integer; n_gens integer; result char(1); begin -- OBJECT_ID is the object we are verifying -- ANCESTOR_ID is the current ancestor we are tracking -- N_GENERATIONS is how far ancestor_id is from object_id -- Note that this function is only supposed to verify that the -- index contains each ancestor for OBJECT_ID. It doesn''t -- guarantee that there aren''t extraneous rows or that -- OBJECT_ID''s children are contained in the index. That is -- verified by seperate functions. result := 't'; -- Grab the context and security_inherit_p flag of the current -- ancestor''s parent. select context_id, security_inherit_p into context_id, security_inherit_p from acs_objects where object_id = check_object_ancestors.ancestor_id; if ancestor_id = 0 then if context_id is null then result := 't'; else -- This can be a constraint, can''t it? acs_log.error('acs_object.check_representation', 'Object 0 doesn''t have a null context_id'); result := 'f'; end if; else if context_id is null or security_inherit_p = 'f' then context_id := 0; end if; if check_context_index(object_id, ancestor_id, n_generations) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; if check_object_ancestors(object_id, context_id, n_generations + 1) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; end if; return result; end; function check_object_descendants ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, descendant_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, n_generations in integer ) return char is result char(1); begin -- OBJECT_ID is the object we are verifying. -- DESCENDANT_ID is the current descendant we are tracking. -- N_GENERATIONS is how far the current DESCENDANT_ID is from -- OBJECT_ID. -- This function will verfy that each actualy descendant of -- OBJECT_ID has a row in the index table. It does not check that -- there aren't extraneous rows or that the ancestors of OBJECT_ID -- are maintained correctly. result := 't'; -- First verify that OBJECT_ID and DESCENDANT_ID are actually in -- the index. if check_context_index(descendant_id, object_id, n_generations) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; -- For every child that reports inheriting from OBJECT_ID we need to call -- ourselves recursively. for obj in (select * from acs_objects where context_id = descendant_id and security_inherit_p = 't') loop if check_object_descendants(object_id, obj.object_id, n_generations + 1) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; end loop; return result; end; function check_path ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, ancestor_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return char is context_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE; security_inherit_p acs_objects.security_inherit_p%TYPE; begin if object_id = ancestor_id then return 't'; end if; select context_id, security_inherit_p into context_id, security_inherit_p from acs_objects where object_id = check_path.object_id; if context_id is null or security_inherit_p = 'f' then context_id := 0; end if; return check_path(context_id, ancestor_id); end; function check_representation ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return char is result char(1); object_type acs_objects.object_type%TYPE; n_rows integer; begin result := 't'; acs_log.notice('acs_object.check_representation', 'Running acs_object.check_representation on object_id = ' || object_id || '.'); -- If this fails then there isn''t even an object associated with -- this id. I'm going to let that error propogate as an exception. select object_type into object_type from acs_objects where object_id = check_representation.object_id; acs_log.notice('acs_object.check_representation', 'OBJECT STORAGE INTEGRITY TEST'); -- Let's look through every primary storage table associated with -- this object type and all of its supertypes and make sure there -- is a row with OBJECT_ID as theh primary key. for t in (select t.object_type, t.table_name, t.id_column from acs_object_type_supertype_map m, acs_object_types t where m.ancestor_type = t.object_type and m.object_type = check_representation.object_type union select object_type, table_name, id_column from acs_object_types where object_type = check_representation.object_type) loop execute immediate 'select decode(count(*),0,0,1) from ' || t.table_name || ' where ' || t.id_column || ' = ' || object_id into n_rows; if n_rows = 0 then result := 'f'; acs_log.error('acs_object.check_representation', 'Table ' || t.table_name || ' (primary storage for ' || t.object_type || ') doesn''t have a row for object ' || object_id || ' of type ' || object_type || '.'); end if; end loop; acs_log.notice('acs_object.check_representation', 'OBJECT CONTEXT INTEGRITY TEST'); -- Do a bunch of dirt simple sanity checks. -- First let's check that all of our ancestors appear in -- acs_object_context_index with the correct generation listed. if check_object_ancestors(object_id, object_id, 0) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; -- Now let's check that all of our descendants appear in -- acs_object_context_index with the correct generation listed. if check_object_descendants(object_id, object_id, 0) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; -- Ok, we know that the index contains every entry that it is -- supposed to have. Now let's make sure it doesn't contain any -- extraneous entries. for row in (select * from acs_object_context_index where object_id = check_representation.object_id or ancestor_id = check_representation.object_id) loop if check_path(row.object_id, row.ancestor_id) = 'f' then acs_log.error('acs_object.check_representation', 'acs_object_context_index contains an extraneous row: ' || 'object_id = ' || row.object_id || ', ancestor_id = ' || row.ancestor_id || ', n_generations = ' || row.n_generations || '.'); result := 'f'; end if; end loop; acs_log.notice('acs_object.check_representation', 'Done running acs_object.check_representation ' || 'on object_id = ' || object_id || '.'); return result; end check_representation; procedure update_last_modified ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, modifying_user in acs_objects.modifying_user%TYPE, modifying_ip in acs_objects.modifying_ip%TYPE, last_modified in acs_objects.last_modified%TYPE default sysdate ) is v_parent_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE; begin update acs_objects set acs_objects.last_modified = acs_object.update_last_modified.last_modified, acs_objects.modifying_user = acs_object.update_last_modified.modifying_user, acs_objects.modifying_ip = acs_object.update_last_modified.modifying_ip where acs_objects.object_id in (select ao.object_id from acs_objects ao connect by prior ao.context_id = ao.object_id start with ao.object_id = acs_object.update_last_modified.object_id) and acs_objects.context_id is not null and acs_objects.object_id != 0; end update_last_modified; end acs_object; / show errors ------- -- Acs_Rels ------- create or replace package body acs_rel as function new ( rel_id in acs_rels.rel_id%TYPE default null, rel_type in acs_rels.rel_type%TYPE default 'relationship', object_id_one in acs_rels.object_id_one%TYPE, object_id_two in acs_rels.object_id_two%TYPE, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null ) return acs_rels.rel_id%TYPE is v_rel_id acs_rels.rel_id%TYPE; begin -- XXX This should check that object_id_one and object_id_two are -- of the appropriate types. v_rel_id := ( object_id => rel_id, object_type => rel_type, title => rel_type || ': ' || object_id_one || ' - ' || object_id_two, context_id => context_id, creation_user => creation_user, creation_ip => creation_ip ); insert into acs_rels (rel_id, rel_type, object_id_one, object_id_two) values (v_rel_id, new.rel_type, new.object_id_one, new.object_id_two); return v_rel_id; end; procedure del ( rel_id in acs_rels.rel_id%TYPE ) is begin acs_object.del(rel_id); end; end; / show errors --------- -- APM --------- create or replace package body apm as procedure register_package ( package_key in apm_package_types.package_key%TYPE, pretty_name in apm_package_types.pretty_name%TYPE, pretty_plural in apm_package_types.pretty_plural%TYPE, package_uri in apm_package_types.package_uri%TYPE, package_type in apm_package_types.package_type%TYPE, initial_install_p in apm_package_types.initial_install_p%TYPE default 'f', singleton_p in apm_package_types.singleton_p%TYPE default 'f', spec_file_path in apm_package_types.spec_file_path%TYPE default null, spec_file_mtime in apm_package_types.spec_file_mtime%TYPE default null ) is begin apm_package_type.create_type( package_key => register_package.package_key, pretty_name => register_package.pretty_name, pretty_plural => register_package.pretty_plural, package_uri => register_package.package_uri, package_type => register_package.package_type, initial_install_p => register_package.initial_install_p, singleton_p => register_package.singleton_p, spec_file_path => register_package.spec_file_path, spec_file_mtime => spec_file_mtime ); end register_package; function update_package ( package_key in apm_package_types.package_key%TYPE, pretty_name in apm_package_types.pretty_name%TYPE default null, pretty_plural in apm_package_types.pretty_plural%TYPE default null, package_uri in apm_package_types.package_uri%TYPE default null, package_type in apm_package_types.package_type%TYPE default null, initial_install_p in apm_package_types.initial_install_p%TYPE default null, singleton_p in apm_package_types.singleton_p%TYPE default null, spec_file_path in apm_package_types.spec_file_path%TYPE default null, spec_file_mtime in apm_package_types.spec_file_mtime%TYPE default null ) return apm_package_types.package_type%TYPE is begin return apm_package_type.update_type( package_key => update_package.package_key, pretty_name => update_package.pretty_name, pretty_plural => update_package.pretty_plural, package_uri => update_package.package_uri, package_type => update_package.package_type, initial_install_p => update_package.initial_install_p, singleton_p => update_package.singleton_p, spec_file_path => update_package.spec_file_path, spec_file_mtime => update_package.spec_file_mtime ); end update_package; procedure unregister_package ( package_key in apm_package_types.package_key%TYPE, cascade_p in char default 't' ) is begin apm_package_type.drop_type( package_key => unregister_package.package_key, cascade_p => unregister_package.cascade_p ); end unregister_package; function register_p ( package_key in apm_package_types.package_key%TYPE ) return integer is v_register_p integer; begin select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_register_p from apm_package_types where package_key = register_p.package_key; return v_register_p; end register_p; procedure register_application ( package_key in apm_package_types.package_key%TYPE, pretty_name in apm_package_types.pretty_name%TYPE, pretty_plural in apm_package_types.pretty_plural%TYPE, package_uri in apm_package_types.package_uri%TYPE, initial_install_p in apm_package_types.initial_install_p%TYPE default 'f', singleton_p in apm_package_types.singleton_p%TYPE default 'f', spec_file_path in apm_package_types.spec_file_path%TYPE default null, spec_file_mtime in apm_package_types.spec_file_mtime%TYPE default null ) is begin apm.register_package( package_key => register_application.package_key, pretty_name => register_application.pretty_name, pretty_plural => register_application.pretty_plural, package_uri => register_application.package_uri, package_type => 'apm_application', initial_install_p => register_application.initial_install_p, singleton_p => register_application.singleton_p, spec_file_path => register_application.spec_file_path, spec_file_mtime => register_application.spec_file_mtime ); end register_application; procedure unregister_application ( package_key in apm_package_types.package_key%TYPE, cascade_p in char default 'f' ) is begin apm.unregister_package ( package_key => unregister_application.package_key, cascade_p => unregister_application.cascade_p ); end unregister_application; procedure register_service ( package_key in apm_package_types.package_key%TYPE, pretty_name in apm_package_types.pretty_name%TYPE, pretty_plural in apm_package_types.pretty_plural%TYPE, package_uri in apm_package_types.package_uri%TYPE, initial_install_p in apm_package_types.initial_install_p%TYPE default 'f', singleton_p in apm_package_types.singleton_p%TYPE default 'f', spec_file_path in apm_package_types.spec_file_path%TYPE default null, spec_file_mtime in apm_package_types.spec_file_mtime%TYPE default null ) is begin apm.register_package( package_key => register_service.package_key, pretty_name => register_service.pretty_name, pretty_plural => register_service.pretty_plural, package_uri => register_service.package_uri, package_type => 'apm_service', initial_install_p => register_service.initial_install_p, singleton_p => register_service.singleton_p, spec_file_path => register_service.spec_file_path, spec_file_mtime => register_service.spec_file_mtime ); end register_service; procedure unregister_service ( package_key in apm_package_types.package_key%TYPE, cascade_p in char default 'f' ) is begin apm.unregister_package ( package_key => unregister_service.package_key, cascade_p => unregister_service.cascade_p ); end unregister_service; -- Indicate to APM that a parameter is available to the system. function register_parameter ( parameter_id in apm_parameters.parameter_id%TYPE default null, package_key in apm_parameters.package_key%TYPE, parameter_name in apm_parameters.parameter_name%TYPE, description in apm_parameters.description%TYPE default null, datatype in apm_parameters.datatype%TYPE default 'string', default_value in apm_parameters.default_value%TYPE default null, section_name in apm_parameters.section_name%TYPE default null, min_n_values in apm_parameters.min_n_values%TYPE default 1, max_n_values in apm_parameters.max_n_values%TYPE default 1 ) return apm_parameters.parameter_id%TYPE is v_parameter_id apm_parameters.parameter_id%TYPE; cursor all_parameters is select ap.package_id, p.parameter_id, p.default_value from apm_parameters p, apm_parameter_values v, apm_packages ap where p.package_key = ap.package_key and p.parameter_id = v.parameter_id (+) and v.attr_value is null and p.package_key = register_parameter.package_key; begin -- Create the new parameter. v_parameter_id := object_id => parameter_id, object_type => 'apm_parameter', title => register_parameter.package_key || ': Parameter ' || register_parameter.parameter_name ); insert into apm_parameters (parameter_id, parameter_name, description, package_key, datatype, default_value, section_name, min_n_values, max_n_values) values (v_parameter_id, register_parameter.parameter_name, register_parameter.description, register_parameter.package_key, register_parameter.datatype, register_parameter.default_value, register_parameter.section_name, register_parameter.min_n_values, register_parameter.max_n_values); -- Propagate parameter to new instances. for cur_val in all_parameters loop apm.set_value( package_id => cur_val.package_id, parameter_id => cur_val.parameter_id, attr_value => cur_val.default_value ); end loop; return v_parameter_id; end register_parameter; function update_parameter ( parameter_id in apm_parameters.parameter_id%TYPE, parameter_name in apm_parameters.parameter_name%TYPE default null, description in apm_parameters.description%TYPE default null, datatype in apm_parameters.datatype%TYPE default 'string', default_value in apm_parameters.default_value%TYPE default null, section_name in apm_parameters.section_name%TYPE default null, min_n_values in apm_parameters.min_n_values%TYPE default 1, max_n_values in apm_parameters.max_n_values%TYPE default 1 ) return apm_parameters.parameter_name%TYPE is begin update apm_parameters set parameter_name = nvl(update_parameter.parameter_name, parameter_name), default_value = nvl(update_parameter.default_value, default_value), datatype = nvl(update_parameter.datatype, datatype), description = nvl(update_parameter.description, description), section_name = nvl(update_parameter.section_name, section_name), min_n_values = nvl(update_parameter.min_n_values, min_n_values), max_n_values = nvl(update_parameter.max_n_values, max_n_values) where parameter_id = update_parameter.parameter_id; update acs_objects set title = (select package_key || ': Parameter ' || parameter_name from apm_parameters where parameter_id = update_parameter.parameter_id) where object_id = update_parameter.parameter_id; return parameter_id; end; function parameter_p( package_key in apm_package_types.package_key%TYPE, parameter_name in apm_parameters.parameter_name%TYPE ) return integer is v_parameter_p integer; begin select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_parameter_p from apm_parameters where package_key = parameter_p.package_key and parameter_name = parameter_p.parameter_name; return v_parameter_p; end parameter_p; procedure unregister_parameter ( parameter_id in apm_parameters.parameter_id%TYPE default null ) is begin delete from apm_parameter_values where parameter_id = unregister_parameter.parameter_id; delete from apm_parameters where parameter_id = unregister_parameter.parameter_id; acs_object.del(parameter_id); end unregister_parameter; function id_for_name ( parameter_name in apm_parameters.parameter_name%TYPE, package_key in apm_parameters.package_key%TYPE ) return apm_parameters.parameter_id%TYPE is a_parameter_id apm_parameters.parameter_id%TYPE; begin select parameter_id into a_parameter_id from apm_parameters p where p.parameter_name = id_for_name.parameter_name and p.package_key = id_for_name.package_key; return a_parameter_id; end id_for_name; function get_value ( parameter_id in apm_parameter_values.parameter_id%TYPE, package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE ) return apm_parameter_values.attr_value%TYPE is value apm_parameter_values.attr_value%TYPE; begin select attr_value into value from apm_parameter_values v where v.package_id = get_value.package_id and parameter_id = get_value.parameter_id; return value; end get_value; function get_value ( package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE, parameter_name in apm_parameters.parameter_name%TYPE ) return apm_parameter_values.attr_value%TYPE is v_parameter_id apm_parameter_values.parameter_id%TYPE; begin select parameter_id into v_parameter_id from apm_parameters where parameter_name = get_value.parameter_name and package_key = (select package_key from apm_packages where package_id = get_value.package_id); return apm.get_value( parameter_id => v_parameter_id, package_id => get_value.package_id ); end get_value; -- Sets a value for a parameter for a package instance. procedure set_value ( parameter_id in apm_parameter_values.parameter_id%TYPE, package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE, attr_value in apm_parameter_values.attr_value%TYPE ) is v_value_id apm_parameter_values.value_id%TYPE; begin -- Determine if the value exists select value_id into v_value_id from apm_parameter_values where parameter_id = set_value.parameter_id and package_id = set_value.package_id; update apm_parameter_values set attr_value = set_value.attr_value where parameter_id = set_value.parameter_id and package_id = set_value.package_id; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then v_value_id := package_id => set_value.package_id, parameter_id => set_value.parameter_id, attr_value => set_value.attr_value ); end set_value; procedure set_value ( package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE, parameter_name in apm_parameters.parameter_name%TYPE, attr_value in apm_parameter_values.attr_value%TYPE ) is v_parameter_id apm_parameter_values.parameter_id%TYPE; begin select parameter_id into v_parameter_id from apm_parameters where parameter_name = set_value.parameter_name and package_key = (select package_key from apm_packages where package_id = set_value.package_id); apm.set_value( parameter_id => v_parameter_id, package_id => set_value.package_id, attr_value => set_value.attr_value ); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'The parameter named ' || set_value.parameter_name || ' that you attempted to set does not exist AND/OR the specified package ' || set_value.package_id || ' does not exist in the system.'); end set_value; end apm; / show errors create or replace package body apm_package as procedure initialize_parameters ( package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE, package_key in apm_package_types.package_key%TYPE ) is v_value_id apm_parameter_values.value_id%TYPE; cursor cur is select parameter_id, default_value from apm_parameters where package_key = initialize_parameters.package_key; begin -- need to initialize all params for this type for cur_val in cur loop v_value_id := package_id => initialize_parameters.package_id, parameter_id => cur_val.parameter_id, attr_value => cur_val.default_value ); end loop; end initialize_parameters; function new ( package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE default null, instance_name in apm_packages.instance_name%TYPE default null, package_key in apm_packages.package_key%TYPE, object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE default 'apm_package', creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null ) return apm_packages.package_id%TYPE is v_singleton_p integer; v_package_type apm_package_types.package_type%TYPE; v_num_instances integer; v_package_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; v_instance_name apm_packages.instance_name%TYPE; begin v_singleton_p := apm_package.singleton_p( package_key => ); v_num_instances := apm_package.num_instances( package_key => ); if v_singleton_p = 1 and v_num_instances >= 1 then select package_id into v_package_id from apm_packages where package_key =; return v_package_id; else if instance_name is null then v_instance_name := package_key || ' ' || v_package_id; else v_instance_name := instance_name; end if; v_package_id := object_id => package_id, object_type => object_type, title => v_instance_name, creation_date => creation_date, creation_user => creation_user, creation_ip => creation_ip, context_id => context_id ); update acs_objects set package_id = v_package_id where object_id = v_package_id; select package_type into v_package_type from apm_package_types where package_key =; insert into apm_packages (package_id, package_key, instance_name) values (v_package_id, package_key, v_instance_name); if v_package_type = 'apm_application' then insert into apm_applications (application_id) values (v_package_id); else insert into apm_services (service_id) values (v_package_id); end if; initialize_parameters( package_id => v_package_id, package_key => ); return v_package_id; end if; end new; procedure del ( package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE ) is cursor all_values is select value_id from apm_parameter_values where package_id = apm_package.del.package_id; cursor all_site_nodes is select node_id from site_nodes where object_id = apm_package.del.package_id; begin -- Delete all parameters. for cur_val in all_values loop apm_parameter_value.del(value_id => cur_val.value_id); end loop; delete from apm_applications where application_id = apm_package.del.package_id; delete from apm_services where service_id = apm_package.del.package_id; delete from apm_packages where package_id = apm_package.del.package_id; -- Delete the site nodes for the objects. for cur_val in all_site_nodes loop site_node.del(cur_val.node_id); end loop; -- Delete the object. acs_object.del ( object_id => package_id ); end del; function initial_install_p ( package_key in apm_packages.package_key%TYPE ) return integer is v_initial_install_p integer; begin select 1 into v_initial_install_p from apm_package_types where package_key = initial_install_p.package_key and initial_install_p = 't'; return v_initial_install_p; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return 0; end initial_install_p; function singleton_p ( package_key in apm_packages.package_key%TYPE ) return integer is v_singleton_p integer; begin select 1 into v_singleton_p from apm_package_types where package_key = singleton_p.package_key and singleton_p = 't'; return v_singleton_p; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return 0; end singleton_p; function num_instances ( package_key in apm_package_types.package_key%TYPE ) return integer is v_num_instances integer; begin select count(*) into v_num_instances from apm_packages where package_key = num_instances.package_key; return v_num_instances; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return 0; end num_instances; function name ( package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is v_result apm_packages.instance_name%TYPE; begin select instance_name into v_result from apm_packages where package_id = name.package_id; return v_result; end name; function highest_version ( package_key in apm_package_types.package_key%TYPE ) return apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE is v_version_id apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE; begin select version_id into v_version_id from apm_package_version_info i where apm_package_version.sortable_version_name(version_name) = (select max(apm_package_version.sortable_version_name(v.version_name)) from apm_package_version_info v where v.package_key = highest_version.package_key) and package_key = highest_version.package_key; return v_version_id; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return 0; end highest_version; function parent_id ( package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE ) return apm_packages.package_id%TYPE is v_package_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; begin select sn1.object_id into v_package_id from site_nodes sn1 where sn1.node_id = (select sn2.parent_id from site_nodes sn2 where sn2.object_id = apm_package.parent_id.package_id); return v_package_id; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return -1; end parent_id; end apm_package; / show errors create or replace package body apm_package_version as function new ( version_id in apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE default null, package_key in apm_package_versions.package_key%TYPE, version_name in apm_package_versions.version_name%TYPE default null, version_uri in apm_package_versions.version_uri%TYPE, summary in apm_package_versions.summary%TYPE, description_format in apm_package_versions.description_format%TYPE, description in apm_package_versions.description%TYPE, release_date in apm_package_versions.release_date%TYPE, vendor in apm_package_versions.vendor%TYPE, vendor_uri in apm_package_versions.vendor_uri%TYPE, auto_mount in apm_package_versions.auto_mount%TYPE, installed_p in apm_package_versions.installed_p%TYPE default 'f', data_model_loaded_p in apm_package_versions.data_model_loaded_p%TYPE default 'f' ) return apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE is v_version_id apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE; begin if version_id is null then select acs_object_id_seq.nextval into v_version_id from dual; else v_version_id := version_id; end if; v_version_id := object_id => v_version_id, object_type => 'apm_package_version', title => package_key || ', Version ' || version_name ); insert into apm_package_versions (version_id, package_key, version_name, version_uri, summary, description_format, description, release_date, vendor, vendor_uri, auto_mount, installed_p, data_model_loaded_p) values (v_version_id, package_key, version_name, version_uri, summary, description_format, description, release_date, vendor, vendor_uri, auto_mount, installed_p, data_model_loaded_p); return v_version_id; end new; procedure del ( version_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE ) is begin delete from apm_package_owners where version_id = apm_package_version.del.version_id; delete from apm_package_dependencies where version_id = apm_package_version.del.version_id; delete from apm_package_versions where version_id = apm_package_version.del.version_id; acs_object.del(apm_package_version.del.version_id); end del; procedure enable ( version_id in apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE ) is begin update apm_package_versions set enabled_p = 't' where version_id = enable.version_id; end enable; procedure disable ( version_id in apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE ) is begin update apm_package_versions set enabled_p = 'f' where version_id = disable.version_id; end disable; function copy( version_id in apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE, new_version_id in apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE default null, new_version_name in apm_package_versions.version_name%TYPE, new_version_uri in apm_package_versions.version_uri%TYPE ) return apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE is v_version_id integer; begin v_version_id := object_id => new_version_id, object_type => 'apm_package_version' ); insert into apm_package_versions(version_id, package_key, version_name, version_uri, summary, description_format, description, release_date, vendor, vendor_uri, auto_mount) select v_version_id, package_key, copy.new_version_name, copy.new_version_uri, summary, description_format, description, release_date, vendor, vendor_uri, auto_mount from apm_package_versions where version_id = copy.version_id; update acs_objects set title = (select v.package_key || ', Version ' || v.version_name from apm_package_versions v where v.version_id = copy.version_id) where object_id = copy.version_id; insert into apm_package_dependencies(dependency_id, version_id, dependency_type, service_uri, service_version) select acs_object_id_seq.nextval, v_version_id, dependency_type, service_uri, service_version from apm_package_dependencies where version_id = copy.version_id; insert into apm_package_callbacks (version_id, type, proc) select v_version_id, type, proc from apm_package_callbacks where version_id = copy.version_id; insert into apm_package_owners(version_id, owner_uri, owner_name, sort_key) select v_version_id, owner_uri, owner_name, sort_key from apm_package_owners where version_id = copy.version_id; return v_version_id; end copy; function edit ( new_version_id in apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE default null, version_id in apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE, version_name in apm_package_versions.version_name%TYPE default null, version_uri in apm_package_versions.version_uri%TYPE, summary in apm_package_versions.summary%TYPE, description_format in apm_package_versions.description_format%TYPE, description in apm_package_versions.description%TYPE, release_date in apm_package_versions.release_date%TYPE, vendor in apm_package_versions.vendor%TYPE, vendor_uri in apm_package_versions.vendor_uri%TYPE, auto_mount in apm_package_versions.auto_mount%TYPE, installed_p in apm_package_versions.installed_p%TYPE default 'f', data_model_loaded_p in apm_package_versions.data_model_loaded_p%TYPE default 'f' ) return apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE is v_version_id apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE; version_unchanged_p integer; begin -- Determine if version has changed. select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into version_unchanged_p from apm_package_versions where version_id = edit.version_id and version_name = edit.version_name; if version_unchanged_p <> 1 then v_version_id := copy( version_id => edit.version_id, new_version_id => edit.new_version_id, new_version_name => edit.version_name, new_version_uri => edit.version_uri ); else v_version_id := edit.version_id; end if; update apm_package_versions set version_uri = edit.version_uri, summary = edit.summary, description_format = edit.description_format, description = edit.description, release_date = trunc(sysdate), vendor = edit.vendor, vendor_uri = edit.vendor_uri, auto_mount = edit.auto_mount, installed_p = edit.installed_p, data_model_loaded_p = edit.data_model_loaded_p where version_id = v_version_id; return v_version_id; end edit; -- Add an interface provided by this version. function add_interface( interface_id in apm_package_dependencies.dependency_id%TYPE default null, version_id in apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE, interface_uri in apm_package_dependencies.service_uri%TYPE, interface_version in apm_package_dependencies.service_version%TYPE ) return apm_package_dependencies.dependency_id%TYPE is v_dep_id apm_package_dependencies.dependency_id%TYPE; begin if add_interface.interface_id is null then select acs_object_id_seq.nextval into v_dep_id from dual; else v_dep_id := add_interface.interface_id; end if; insert into apm_package_dependencies (dependency_id, version_id, dependency_type, service_uri, service_version) values (v_dep_id, add_interface.version_id, 'provides', add_interface.interface_uri, add_interface.interface_version); return v_dep_id; end add_interface; procedure remove_interface( interface_id in apm_package_dependencies.dependency_id%TYPE ) is begin delete from apm_package_dependencies where dependency_id = remove_interface.interface_id; end remove_interface; procedure remove_interface( interface_uri in apm_package_dependencies.service_uri%TYPE, interface_version in apm_package_dependencies.service_version%TYPE, version_id in apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE ) is v_dep_id apm_package_dependencies.dependency_id%TYPE; begin select dependency_id into v_dep_id from apm_package_dependencies where service_uri = remove_interface.interface_uri and interface_version = remove_interface.interface_version; remove_interface(v_dep_id); end remove_interface; -- Add a requirement for this version. A requirement is some interface that this -- version depends on. function add_dependency( dependency_id in apm_package_dependencies.dependency_id%TYPE default null, version_id in apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE, dependency_uri in apm_package_dependencies.service_uri%TYPE, dependency_version in apm_package_dependencies.service_version%TYPE ) return apm_package_dependencies.dependency_id%TYPE is v_dep_id apm_package_dependencies.dependency_id%TYPE; begin if add_dependency.dependency_id is null then select acs_object_id_seq.nextval into v_dep_id from dual; else v_dep_id := add_dependency.dependency_id; end if; insert into apm_package_dependencies (dependency_id, version_id, dependency_type, service_uri, service_version) values (v_dep_id, add_dependency.version_id, 'requires', add_dependency.dependency_uri, add_dependency.dependency_version); return v_dep_id; end add_dependency; procedure remove_dependency( dependency_id in apm_package_dependencies.dependency_id%TYPE ) is begin delete from apm_package_dependencies where dependency_id = remove_dependency.dependency_id; end remove_dependency; procedure remove_dependency( dependency_uri in apm_package_dependencies.service_uri%TYPE, dependency_version in apm_package_dependencies.service_version%TYPE, version_id in apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE ) is v_dep_id apm_package_dependencies.dependency_id%TYPE; begin select dependency_id into v_dep_id from apm_package_dependencies where service_uri = remove_dependency.dependency_uri and service_version = remove_dependency.dependency_version; remove_dependency(v_dep_id); end remove_dependency; function sortable_version_name ( version_name in apm_package_versions.version_name%TYPE ) return varchar2 is a_fields integer; a_start integer; a_end integer; a_order varchar2(1000); a_char char(1); a_seen_letter char(1) := 'f'; begin a_fields := 0; a_start := 1; loop a_end := a_start; -- keep incrementing a_end until we run into a non-number while substr(version_name, a_end, 1) >= '0' and substr(version_name, a_end, 1) <= '9' loop a_end := a_end + 1; end loop; if a_end = a_start then return -1; -- raise_application_error(-20000, 'Expected number at position ' || a_start); end if; if a_end - a_start > 4 then return -1; -- raise_application_error(-20000, 'Numbers within versions can only be up to 4 digits long'); end if; -- zero-pad and append the number a_order := a_order || substr('0000', 1, 4 - (a_end - a_start)) || substr(version_name, a_start, a_end - a_start) || '.'; a_fields := a_fields + 1; if a_end > length(version_name) then -- end of string - we're outta here if a_seen_letter = 'f' then -- append the "final" suffix if there haven't been any letters -- so far (i.e., not development/alpha/beta) a_order := a_order || lpad(' ',(7 - a_fields)*5,'0000.') || ' 3F.'; end if; return a_order; end if; -- what's the next character? if a period, just skip it a_char := substr(version_name, a_end, 1); if a_char = '.' then null; else -- if the next character was a letter, append the appropriate characters if a_char = 'd' then a_order := a_order || lpad(' ',(7 - a_fields)*5,'0000.') || ' 0D.'; elsif a_char = 'a' then a_order := a_order || lpad(' ',(7 - a_fields)*5,'0000.') || ' 1A.'; elsif a_char = 'b' then a_order := a_order || lpad(' ',(7 - a_fields)*5,'0000.') || ' 2B.'; end if; -- can't have something like 3.3a1b2 - just one letter allowed! if a_seen_letter = 't' then return -1; -- raise_application_error(-20000, 'Not allowed to have two letters in version name ''' -- || version_name || ''''); end if; a_seen_letter := 't'; -- end of string - we're done! if a_end = length(version_name) then return a_order; end if; end if; a_start := a_end + 1; end loop; end sortable_version_name; function version_name_greater( version_name_one in apm_package_versions.version_name%TYPE, version_name_two in apm_package_versions.version_name%TYPE ) return integer is a_order_a varchar2(1000); a_order_b varchar2(1000); begin a_order_a := sortable_version_name(version_name_one); a_order_b := sortable_version_name(version_name_two); if a_order_a < a_order_b then return -1; elsif a_order_a > a_order_b then return 1; end if; return 0; end version_name_greater; function upgrade_p( path in varchar2, initial_version_name in apm_package_versions.version_name%TYPE, final_version_name in apm_package_versions.version_name%TYPE ) return integer is v_pos1 integer; v_pos2 integer; v_path varchar2(1500); v_version_from apm_package_versions.version_name%TYPE; v_version_to apm_package_versions.version_name%TYPE; begin -- Set v_path to the tail of the path (the file name). v_path := substr(upgrade_p.path, instr(upgrade_p.path, '/', -1) + 1); -- Remove the extension, if it's .sql. v_pos1 := instr(v_path, '.', -1); if v_pos1 > 0 and substr(v_path, v_pos1) = '.sql' then v_path := substr(v_path, 1, v_pos1 - 1); end if; -- Figure out the from/to version numbers for the individual file. v_pos1 := instr(v_path, '-', -1, 2); v_pos2 := instr(v_path, '-', -1); if v_pos1 = 0 or v_pos2 = 0 then -- There aren't two hyphens in the file name. Bail. return 0; end if; v_version_from := substr(v_path, v_pos1 + 1, v_pos2 - v_pos1 - 1); v_version_to := substr(v_path, v_pos2 + 1); if version_name_greater(upgrade_p.initial_version_name, v_version_from) <= 0 and version_name_greater(upgrade_p.final_version_name, v_version_to) >= 0 then return 1; end if; return 0; exception when others then -- Invalid version number. return 0; end upgrade_p; procedure upgrade( version_id in apm_package_versions.version_id%TYPE ) is begin update apm_package_versions set enabled_p = 'f', installed_p = 'f' where package_key = (select package_key from apm_package_versions where version_id = upgrade.version_id); update apm_package_versions set enabled_p = 't', installed_p = 't' where version_id = upgrade.version_id; end upgrade; end apm_package_version; / show errors ------------------- -- PARTY PACKAGE -- ------------------- create or replace package body party as function new ( party_id in parties.party_id%TYPE default null, object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE default 'party', creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, email in, url in parties.url%TYPE default null, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null ) return parties.party_id%TYPE is v_party_id parties.party_id%TYPE; begin v_party_id := object_id => party_id, object_type => object_type, title => lower(email), creation_date => creation_date, creation_user => creation_user, creation_ip => creation_ip, context_id => context_id); insert into parties (party_id, email, url) values (v_party_id, lower(email), url); return v_party_id; end new; procedure del ( party_id in parties.party_id%TYPE ) is begin acs_object.del(party_id); end del; function name ( party_id in parties.party_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is begin if party_id = -1 then return 'The Public'; else return null; end if; end name; function email ( party_id in parties.party_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is v_email; begin select email into v_email from parties where party_id = email.party_id; return v_email; end email; end party; / show errors -------------------- -- PERSON PACKAGE -- -------------------- create or replace package body person as function new ( person_id in persons.person_id%TYPE default null, object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE default 'person', creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, email in, url in parties.url%TYPE default null, first_names in persons.first_names%TYPE, last_name in persons.last_name%TYPE, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null ) return persons.person_id%TYPE is v_person_id persons.person_id%TYPE; begin v_person_id :=, object_type, creation_date, creation_user, creation_ip, email, url, context_id); insert into persons (person_id, first_names, last_name) values (v_person_id, first_names, last_name); update acs_objects set title = first_names || ' ' || last_name where object_id = v_person_id; return v_person_id; end new; procedure del ( person_id in persons.person_id%TYPE ) is begin delete from persons where person_id = person.del.person_id; party.del(person_id); end del; function name ( person_id in persons.person_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is person_name varchar2(200); begin select first_names || ' ' || last_name into person_name from persons where person_id = name.person_id; return person_name; end name; function first_names ( person_id in persons.person_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is person_first_names varchar2(200); begin select first_names into person_first_names from persons where person_id = first_names.person_id; return person_first_names; end first_names; function last_name ( person_id in persons.person_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is person_last_name varchar2(200); begin select last_name into person_last_name from persons where person_id = last_name.person_id; return person_last_name; end last_name; end person; / show errors --------- -- Acs Groups --------- create or replace package body acs_group is function new ( group_id in groups.group_id%TYPE default null, object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE default 'group', creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, email in default null, url in parties.url%TYPE default null, group_name in groups.group_name%TYPE, join_policy in groups.join_policy%TYPE default null, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null ) return groups.group_id%TYPE is v_group_id groups.group_id%TYPE; v_group_type_exists_p integer; v_join_policy groups.join_policy%TYPE; begin v_group_id :=, object_type, creation_date, creation_user, creation_ip, email, url, context_id); v_join_policy := join_policy; -- if join policy wasn't specified, select the default based on group type if v_join_policy is null then select count(*) into v_group_type_exists_p from group_types where group_type = object_type; if v_group_type_exists_p = 1 then select default_join_policy into v_join_policy from group_types where group_type = object_type; else v_join_policy := 'open'; end if; end if; insert into groups (group_id, group_name, join_policy) values (v_group_id, group_name, v_join_policy); update acs_objects set title = group_name were object_id = v_group_id; -- setup the permissible relationship types for this group insert into group_rels (group_rel_id, group_id, rel_type) select acs_object_id_seq.nextval, v_group_id, g.rel_type from group_type_rels g where g.group_type = new.object_type; return v_group_id; end new; procedure del ( group_id in groups.group_id%TYPE ) is begin -- Delete all segments defined for this group for row in (select segment_id from rel_segments where group_id = acs_group.del.group_id) loop rel_segment.del(row.segment_id); end loop; -- Delete all the relations of any type to this group for row in (select r.rel_id, t.package_name from acs_rels r, acs_object_types t where r.rel_type = t.object_type and (r.object_id_one = acs_group.del.group_id or r.object_id_two = acs_group.del.group_id)) loop execute immediate 'begin ' || row.package_name || '.del(' || row.rel_id || '); end;'; end loop; party.del(group_id); end del; function name ( group_id in groups.group_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is group_name varchar2(200); begin select group_name into group_name from groups where group_id = name.group_id; return group_name; end name; function member_p ( party_id in parties.party_id%TYPE, group_id in groups.group_id%TYPE, cascade_membership char ) return char is m_result integer; begin if cascade_membership = 't' then select count(*) into m_result from group_member_map where group_id = member_p.group_id and member_id = member_p.party_id; if m_result > 0 then return 't'; end if; else select count(*) into m_result from acs_rels rels, all_object_party_privilege_map perm where perm.object_id = rels.rel_id and perm.privilege = 'read' and rels.rel_type = 'membership_rel' and rels.object_id_one = member_p.group_id and rels.object_id_two = member_p.party_id; if m_result > 0 then return 't'; end if; end if; return 'f'; end member_p; function check_representation ( group_id in groups.group_id%TYPE ) return char is result char(1); begin result := 't'; acs_log.notice('acs_group.check_representation', 'Running check_representation on group ' || group_id); if acs_object.check_representation(group_id) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; for c in (select c.rel_id from acs_rels r, composition_rels c where r.rel_id = c.rel_id and r.object_id_one = group_id) loop if composition_rel.check_representation(c.rel_id) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; end loop; for m in (select m.rel_id from acs_rels r, membership_rels m where r.rel_id = m.rel_id and r.object_id_one = group_id) loop if membership_rel.check_representation(m.rel_id) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; end loop; acs_log.notice('acs_group.check_representation', 'Done running check_representation on group ' || group_id); return result; end; end acs_group; / show errors -------- -- Journal -------- create or replace package body journal_entry as function new ( journal_id in journal_entries.journal_id%TYPE default null, object_id in journal_entries.object_id%TYPE, action in journal_entries.action%TYPE, action_pretty in journal_entries.action_pretty%TYPE, creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, msg in journal_entries.msg%TYPE default null ) return journal_entries.journal_id%TYPE is v_journal_id journal_entries.journal_id%TYPE; begin v_journal_id := ( object_id => journal_id, object_type => 'journal_entry', title => action, creation_date => creation_date, creation_user => creation_user, creation_ip => creation_ip, context_id => object_id ); insert into journal_entries ( journal_id, object_id, action, action_pretty, msg ) values ( v_journal_id, object_id, action, action_pretty, msg ); return v_journal_id; end new; procedure del ( journal_id in journal_entries.journal_id%TYPE ) is begin delete from journal_entries where journal_id = journal_entry.del.journal_id; acs_object.del(journal_entry.del.journal_id); end del; procedure delete_for_object( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) is cursor journal_cur is select journal_id from journal_entries where object_id = delete_for_object.object_id; begin for journal_rec in journal_cur loop journal_entry.del(journal_rec.journal_id); end loop; end delete_for_object; end journal_entry; / show errors; -------- -- Site Nodes -------- create or replace package body site_node as function new ( node_id in site_nodes.node_id%TYPE default null, parent_id in site_nodes.node_id%TYPE default null, name in, object_id in site_nodes.object_id%TYPE default null, directory_p in site_nodes.directory_p%TYPE, pattern_p in site_nodes.pattern_p%TYPE default 'f', creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null ) return site_nodes.node_id%TYPE is v_node_id site_nodes.node_id%TYPE; v_directory_p site_nodes.directory_p%TYPE; begin if parent_id is not null then select directory_p into v_directory_p from site_nodes where node_id = new.parent_id; if v_directory_p = 'f' then raise_application_error ( -20000, 'Node ' || parent_id || ' is not a directory' ); end if; end if; v_node_id := ( object_id => node_id, object_type => 'site_node', title => name, package_id => object_id, creation_user => creation_user, creation_ip => creation_ip ); insert into site_nodes (node_id, parent_id, name, object_id, directory_p, pattern_p) values (v_node_id, new.parent_id,, new.object_id, new.directory_p, new.pattern_p); return v_node_id; end; procedure del ( node_id in site_nodes.node_id%TYPE ) is begin delete from site_nodes where node_id = site_node.del.node_id; acs_object.del(node_id); end; function find_pattern ( node_id in site_nodes.node_id%TYPE ) return site_nodes.node_id%TYPE is v_pattern_p site_nodes.pattern_p%TYPE; v_parent_id site_nodes.node_id%TYPE; begin if node_id is null then raise no_data_found; end if; select pattern_p, parent_id into v_pattern_p, v_parent_id from site_nodes where node_id = find_pattern.node_id; if v_pattern_p = 't' then return node_id; else return find_pattern(v_parent_id); end if; end; function node_id ( url in varchar2, parent_id in site_nodes.node_id%TYPE default null ) return site_nodes.node_id%TYPE is v_pos integer; v_first; v_rest varchar2(4000); v_node_id integer; v_pattern_p site_nodes.pattern_p%TYPE; v_url varchar2(4000); v_directory_p site_nodes.directory_p%TYPE; v_trailing_slash_p char(1); begin v_url := url; if substr(v_url, length(v_url), 1) = '/' then -- It ends with a / so it must be a directory. v_trailing_slash_p := 't'; v_url := substr(v_url, 1, length(v_url) - 1); end if; v_pos := 1; while v_pos <= length(v_url) and substr(v_url, v_pos, 1) != '/' loop v_pos := v_pos + 1; end loop; if v_pos = length(v_url) then v_first := v_url; v_rest := null; else v_first := substr(v_url, 1, v_pos - 1); v_rest := substr(v_url, v_pos + 1); end if; begin -- Is there a better way to do these freaking null compares? select node_id, directory_p into v_node_id, v_directory_p from site_nodes where nvl(parent_id, 3.14) = nvl(site_node.node_id.parent_id, 3.14) and nvl(name, chr(10)) = nvl(v_first, chr(10)); exception when no_data_found then return find_pattern(parent_id); end; if v_rest is null then if v_trailing_slash_p = 't' and v_directory_p = 'f' then return find_pattern(parent_id); else return v_node_id; end if; else return node_id(v_rest, v_node_id); end if; end; function url ( node_id in site_nodes.node_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is v_parent_id site_nodes.node_id%TYPE; v_name; v_directory_p site_nodes.directory_p%TYPE; begin if node_id is null then return ''; end if; select parent_id, name, directory_p into v_parent_id, v_name, v_directory_p from site_nodes where node_id = url.node_id; if v_directory_p = 't' then return url(v_parent_id) || v_name || '/'; else return url(v_parent_id) || v_name; end if; end; end; / show errors @@ ../authentication-package-create.sql @@ ../rel-segments-body-create.sql @@ ../rel-constraints-body-create.sql