-- -- Note: some of the update operations might take on large sites a -- couple of minutes, since these operate on the largest tables of -- OpenACS. You might consider to run this on production offline or -- with a proxy turned off. -- -- Make sure there are no stray entries in cr_child_rels -- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS content_item__new(character varying,integer,integer,character varying,timestamp with time zone,integer,integer,character varying,character varying,character varying,character varying,text,character varying,character varying,character varying,text,character varying,boolean,character varying,integer,boolean); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS content_item__new(character varying,integer,integer,character varying,timestamp with time zone,integer,integer,character varying,character varying,character varying,character varying,text,character varying,character varying,character varying,text,character varying,boolean,character varying,integer); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS content_item__new(varchar,integer,integer,varchar,timestamptz,integer,integer,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,integer,integer,boolean); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS content_item__new(varchar,integer,integer,varchar,timestamptz,integer,integer,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,integer,integer); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS content_item__new(varchar,integer,integer,varchar,timestamptz,integer,integer,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,integer); select define_function_args('content_item__new','name,parent_id;null,item_id;null,locale;null,creation_date;now,creation_user;null,context_id;null,creation_ip;null,item_subtype;content_item,content_type;content_revision,title;null,description;null,mime_type;text/plain,nls_language;null,text;null,data;null,relation_tag;null,is_live;f,storage_type;null,package_id;null,with_child_rels;t'); -- -- procedure content_item__new/21 (accepts 19-21 args) -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_item__new( new__name cr_items.name%TYPE, new__parent_id cr_items.parent_id%TYPE, -- default null new__item_id acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, -- default null new__locale cr_items.locale%TYPE, -- default null new__creation_date acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE, -- default now -- default 'now' new__creation_user acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE, -- default null new__context_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE, -- default null new__creation_ip acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE, -- default null new__item_subtype acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, -- default 'content_item' new__content_type acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, -- default 'content_revision' new__title cr_revisions.title%TYPE, -- default null new__description cr_revisions.description%TYPE, -- default null new__mime_type cr_revisions.mime_type%TYPE, -- default 'text/plain' new__nls_language cr_revisions.nls_language%TYPE, -- default null new__text varchar, -- default null new__data cr_revisions.content%TYPE, -- default null new__relation_tag cr_child_rels.relation_tag%TYPE, -- default null new__is_live boolean, -- default 'f' new__storage_type cr_items.storage_type%TYPE, -- default null new__package_id acs_objects.package_id%TYPE default null, new__with_child_rels boolean DEFAULT 't' ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_parent_id cr_items.parent_id%TYPE; v_parent_type acs_objects.object_type%TYPE; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_title cr_revisions.title%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_rel_id acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; v_rel_tag cr_child_rels.relation_tag%TYPE; v_context_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE; v_storage_type cr_items.storage_type%TYPE; BEGIN -- place the item in the context of the pages folder if no -- context specified if new__parent_id is null then select c_root_folder_id from content_item_globals into v_parent_id; else v_parent_id := new__parent_id; end if; -- Determine context_id if new__context_id is null then v_context_id := v_parent_id; else v_context_id := new__context_id; end if; -- use the name of the item if no title is supplied if new__title is null or new__title = '' then v_title := new__name; else v_title := new__title; end if; if v_parent_id = -4 or content_folder__is_folder(v_parent_id) = 't' then if v_parent_id != -4 and content_folder__is_registered( v_parent_id, new__content_type, 'f') = 'f' then raise EXCEPTION '-20000: This items content type % is not registered to this folder %', new__content_type, v_parent_id; end if; else if v_parent_id != -4 then if new__relation_tag is null then v_rel_tag := content_item__get_content_type(v_parent_id) || '-' || new__content_type; else v_rel_tag := new__relation_tag; end if; select object_type into v_parent_type from acs_objects where object_id = v_parent_id; if NOT FOUND then raise EXCEPTION '-20000: Invalid parent ID % specified in content_item.new', v_parent_id; end if; if content_item__is_subclass(v_parent_type, 'content_item') = 't' and content_item__is_valid_child(v_parent_id, new__content_type, v_rel_tag) = 'f' then raise EXCEPTION '-20000: This items content type % is not allowed in this container %', new__content_type, v_parent_id; end if; end if; end if; -- Create the object v_item_id := acs_object__new( new__item_id, new__item_subtype, new__creation_date, new__creation_user, new__creation_ip, v_context_id, 't', v_title, new__package_id ); insert into cr_items ( item_id, name, content_type, parent_id, storage_type ) values ( v_item_id, new__name, new__content_type, v_parent_id, new__storage_type ); -- if the parent is not a folder, insert into cr_child_rels if new__with_child_rels = 't' and v_parent_id != -4 and content_folder__is_folder(v_parent_id) = 'f' then v_rel_id := acs_object__new( null, 'cr_item_child_rel', now(), null, null, v_parent_id, 't', v_rel_tag || ': ' || v_parent_id || ' - ' || v_item_id, new__package_id ); insert into cr_child_rels ( rel_id, parent_id, child_id, relation_tag, order_n ) values ( v_rel_id, v_parent_id, v_item_id, v_rel_tag, v_item_id ); end if; if new__data is not null then -- call content_revision__new/13 v_revision_id := content_revision__new( v_title, new__description, now(), -- publish_date new__mime_type, new__nls_language, new__data, v_item_id, null, -- revision_id new__creation_date, new__creation_user, new__creation_ip, null, -- content_length new__package_id ); elsif new__text is not null or new__title is not null then -- call content_revision__new/13 v_revision_id := content_revision__new( v_title, new__description, now(), -- publish_date new__mime_type, new__nls_language, new__text, v_item_id, null, -- revision_id new__creation_date, new__creation_user, new__creation_ip, null, -- content_length new__package_id ); end if; -- make the revision live if is_live is true if new__is_live = 't' then PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_revision_id); end if; return v_item_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- procedure content_item__new/17 (accepts 16-17 args) -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_item__new( new__name varchar, new__parent_id integer, -- default null new__item_id integer, -- default null new__locale varchar, -- default null new__creation_date timestamptz, -- default now() new__creation_user integer, -- default null new__context_id integer, -- default null new__creation_ip varchar, -- default null new__item_subtype varchar, -- default 'content_item' new__content_type varchar, -- default 'content_revision' new__title varchar, -- default null new__description varchar, -- default null new__mime_type varchar, -- default 'text/plain' new__nls_language varchar, -- default null new__text varchar, -- default null new__storage_type varchar, -- check in ('text','file') new__package_id integer default null ) RETURNS integer AS $$ -- -- content_item__new/17 is deprecated, one should call /21 -- DECLARE BEGIN raise NOTICE 'content_item__new/17 is deprecated, call content_item__new/21 instead'; return content_item__new(new__name, new__parent_id, new__item_id, new__locale, new__creation_date, new__creation_user, new__context_id, new__creation_ip, new__item_subtype, new__content_type, new__title, new__description, new__mime_type, new__nls_language, new__text, null, -- data null, -- relation_tag 'f', -- is_live new__storage_type, new__package_id, 't' -- with_child_rels ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- procedure content_item__new/17 (accepts 15-17 args) -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_item__new( new__name varchar, new__parent_id integer, -- default null new__item_id integer, -- default null new__locale varchar, -- default null new__creation_date timestamptz, -- default now() new__creation_user integer, -- default null new__context_id integer, -- default null new__creation_ip varchar, -- default null new__item_subtype varchar, -- default 'content_item' new__content_type varchar, -- default 'content_revision' new__title varchar, -- default null new__description varchar, -- default null new__mime_type varchar, -- default 'text/plain' new__nls_language varchar, -- default null new__data integer, -- default null new__package_id integer default null, new__with_child_rels boolean DEFAULT 't' ) RETURNS integer AS $$ -- -- This version passes "data" as integer (lob version), most other use -- "text" and "storage_type" -- DECLARE new__relation_tag varchar default null; new__is_live boolean default 'f'; v_parent_id cr_items.parent_id%TYPE; v_parent_type acs_objects.object_type%TYPE; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_title cr_revisions.title%TYPE; v_rel_id acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; v_rel_tag cr_child_rels.relation_tag%TYPE; v_context_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE; BEGIN -- place the item in the context of the pages folder if no -- context specified if new__parent_id is null then select c_root_folder_id from content_item_globals into v_parent_id; else v_parent_id := new__parent_id; end if; -- Determine context_id if new__context_id is null then v_context_id := v_parent_id; else v_context_id := new__context_id; end if; -- use the name of the item if no title is supplied if new__title is null or new__title = '' then v_title := new__name; else v_title := new__title; end if; if v_parent_id = -4 or content_folder__is_folder(v_parent_id) = 't' then if v_parent_id != -4 and content_folder__is_registered( v_parent_id, new__content_type, 'f') = 'f' then raise EXCEPTION '-20000: This items content type % is not registered to this folder %', new__content_type, v_parent_id; end if; else if v_parent_id != -4 then select object_type into v_parent_type from acs_objects where object_id = v_parent_id; if NOT FOUND then raise EXCEPTION '-20000: Invalid parent ID % specified in content_item.new', v_parent_id; end if; if content_item__is_subclass(v_parent_type, 'content_item') = 't' and content_item__is_valid_child(v_parent_id, new__content_type) = 'f' then raise EXCEPTION '-20000: This items content type % is not allowed in this container %', new__content_type, v_parent_id; end if; end if; end if; -- Create the object v_item_id := acs_object__new( new__item_id, new__item_subtype, new__creation_date, new__creation_user, new__creation_ip, v_context_id, 't', v_title, new__package_id ); insert into cr_items ( item_id, name, content_type, parent_id, storage_type ) values ( v_item_id, new__name, new__content_type, v_parent_id, 'lob' ); -- if the parent is not a folder, insert into cr_child_rels if new__with_child_rels = 't' and v_parent_id != -4 and content_folder__is_folder(v_parent_id) = 'f' and content_item__is_valid_child(v_parent_id, new__content_type) = 't' then if new__relation_tag is null or new__relation_tag = '' then v_rel_tag := content_item__get_content_type(v_parent_id) || '-' || new__content_type; else v_rel_tag := new__relation_tag; end if; v_rel_id := acs_object__new( null, 'cr_item_child_rel', now(), null, null, v_parent_id, 't', v_rel_tag || ': ' || v_parent_id || ' - ' || v_item_id, new__package_id ); insert into cr_child_rels ( rel_id, parent_id, child_id, relation_tag, order_n ) values ( v_rel_id, v_parent_id, v_item_id, v_rel_tag, v_item_id ); end if; -- create the revision if data or title is not null if new__data is not null then -- call content_revision__new/12 (data is integer) v_revision_id := content_revision__new( v_title, new__description, now(), -- publish_date new__mime_type, new__nls_language, new__data, v_item_id, null, -- revision_id new__creation_date, new__creation_user, new__creation_ip, new__package_id ); elsif new__title is not null then -- call content_revision__new/13 (data is null) v_revision_id := content_revision__new( v_title, new__description, now(), -- publish_date new__mime_type, new_nls_language, null, -- data/text v_item_id, null, -- revision_id new__creation_date, new__creation_user, new__creation_ip, null, -- content_length new__package_id ); end if; -- make the revision live if is_live is true if new__is_live = 't' then PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_revision_id); end if; return v_item_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- procedure content_item__new/6 (accepts 5-6 args) -- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS content_item__new(varchar, integer, varchar, text, text, integer); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS content_item__new(varchar, integer, varchar, text, text); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_item__new( new__name varchar, new__parent_id integer, -- default null new__title varchar, -- default null new__description text, -- default null new__text text, -- default null new__package_id integer default null ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN raise NOTICE 'content_item__new/5 is deprecated, call content_item__new/21 instead'; -- calls content_item__new/20 return content_item__new(new__name, new__parent_id, null, -- item_id null, -- locale now(), -- creation_date null, -- creation_user null, -- context_id null, -- creation_ip 'content_item', -- item_subtype 'content_revision', -- content_type new__title, new__description, 'text/plain', -- mime_type null, -- nls_language new__text, null, -- data null, -- relation_tag 'f', -- is_live 'text', -- storage_type new__package_id, 't' -- with_child_rels ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- procedure content_item__is_publishable/1 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_item__is_publishable( is_publishable__item_id integer ) RETURNS boolean AS $$ DECLARE v_child_count integer; v_rel_count integer; v_content_type varchar; v_template_id cr_templates.template_id%TYPE; v_child_type record; v_rel_type record; -- v_pub_wf record; BEGIN -- check valid item_id select content_item__get_content_type(is_publishable__item_id) into v_content_type; if v_content_type is null then raise exception 'content_item__is_publishable item_id % invalid',is_publishable__item_id; end if; -- validate children -- make sure the # of children of each type fall between min_n and max_n for v_child_type in select child_type, min_n, max_n from cr_type_children where parent_type = v_content_type and (min_n is not null or max_n is not null) LOOP select count(item_id) into v_child_count from cr_items where parent_id = is_publishable__item_id and content_item__get_content_type(child_id) = v_child_type.child_type; -- make sure # of children is in range if v_child_type.min_n is not null and v_child_count < v_child_type.min_n then return 'f'; end if; if v_child_type.max_n is not null and v_child_count > v_child_type.max_n then return 'f'; end if; end LOOP; -- validate relations -- make sure the # of ext links of each type fall between min_n and max_n -- only check if one of min_n max_n not null for v_rel_type in select target_type, min_n, max_n from cr_type_relations where content_type = v_content_type and (max_n is not null or min_n is not null) LOOP select count(rel_id) into v_rel_count from cr_item_rels i, acs_objects o where i.related_object_id = o.object_id and i.item_id = is_publishable__item_id and coalesce(content_item__get_content_type(o.object_id),o.object_type) = v_rel_type.target_type; -- make sure # of object relations is in range if v_rel_type.min_n is not null and v_rel_count < v_rel_type.min_n then return 'f'; end if; if v_rel_type.max_n is not null and v_rel_count > v_rel_type.max_n then return 'f'; end if; end loop; -- validate publishing workflows -- make sure any 'publishing_wf' associated with this item are finished -- KG: logic is wrong here. Only the latest workflow matters, and even -- that is a little problematic because more than one workflow may be -- open on an item. In addition, this should be moved to CMS. -- Removed this as having workflow stuff in the CR is just plain wrong. -- DanW, Aug 25th, 2001. -- for v_pub_wf in select -- case_id, state -- from -- wf_cases -- where -- workflow_key = 'publishing_wf' -- and -- object_id = is_publishable__item_id -- -- LOOP -- if v_pub_wf.state != 'finished' then -- return 'f'; -- end if; -- end loop; -- if NOT FOUND then -- return 'f'; -- end if; return 't'; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql stable; -- -- procedure content_item__is_valid_child/3 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_item__is_valid_child( is_valid_child__item_id integer, is_valid_child__content_type varchar, is_valid_child__relation_tag varchar ) RETURNS boolean AS $$ DECLARE v_is_valid_child boolean; v_max_children cr_type_children.max_n%TYPE; v_n_children integer; v_null_exists boolean; BEGIN v_is_valid_child := 'f'; -- first check if content_type is a registered child_type select sum(max_n) into v_max_children from cr_type_children where parent_type = content_item__get_content_type(is_valid_child__item_id) and child_type = is_valid_child__content_type and (is_valid_child__relation_tag is null or is_valid_child__relation_tag = relation_tag); if NOT FOUND then return 'f'; end if; -- if the max is null then infinite number is allowed if v_max_children is null then return 't'; end if; -- -- Next check if there are already max_n children of that content type. -- Use cr_child_rels only, when a non-null relation_tag is provided. -- if is_valid_child__relation_tag is null then select count(item_id) into v_n_children from cr_items where parent_id = is_valid_child__item_id and content_item__get_content_type(child_id) = is_valid_child__content_type; else select count(rel_id) into v_n_children from cr_child_rels where parent_id = is_valid_child__item_id and content_item__get_content_type(child_id) = is_valid_child__content_type and is_valid_child__relation_tag = relation_tag; end if; if NOT FOUND then return 'f'; end if; if v_n_children < v_max_children then v_is_valid_child := 't'; end if; return v_is_valid_child; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql stable; -- -- procedure content_item__is_valid_child/2 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_item__is_valid_child( is_valid_child__item_id integer, is_valid_child__content_type varchar ) RETURNS boolean AS $$ -- -- variant without relation_tag -- DECLARE v_is_valid_child boolean; v_max_children cr_type_children.max_n%TYPE; v_n_children integer; BEGIN v_is_valid_child := 'f'; -- first check if content_type is a registered child_type select sum(max_n) into v_max_children from cr_type_children where parent_type = content_item__get_content_type(is_valid_child__item_id) and child_type = is_valid_child__content_type; if NOT FOUND then return 'f'; end if; -- if the max is null then infinite number is allowed if v_max_children is null then return 't'; end if; -- next check if there are already max_n children of that content type select count(item_id) into v_n_children from cr_items where parent_id = is_valid_child__item_id and content_item__get_content_type(child_id) = is_valid_child__content_type; if NOT FOUND then return 'f'; end if; if v_n_children < v_max_children then v_is_valid_child := 't'; end if; return v_is_valid_child; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql stable; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS content_item__copy(integer,integer,integer,varchar,varchar); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS content_item__copy(integer,integer,integer,varchar); -- -- procedure content_item__copy/5 (accepts 3-5 args) -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_item__copy( copy__item_id integer, copy__target_folder_id integer, copy__creation_user integer, copy__creation_ip varchar default null, copy__name varchar default null ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_current_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; v_num_revisions integer; v_name cr_items.name%TYPE; v_content_type cr_items.content_type%TYPE; v_locale cr_items.locale%TYPE; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_is_registered boolean; v_old_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_new_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_old_live_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_new_live_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_storage_type cr_items.storage_type%TYPE; BEGIN -- call content_folder.copy if the item is a folder if content_folder__is_folder(copy__item_id) = 't' then PERFORM content_folder__copy( copy__item_id, copy__target_folder_id, copy__creation_user, copy__creation_ip, copy__name ); -- call content_symlink.copy if the item is a symlink else if content_symlink__is_symlink(copy__item_id) = 't' then PERFORM content_symlink__copy( copy__item_id, copy__target_folder_id, copy__creation_user, copy__creation_ip, copy__name ); -- call content_extlink.copy if the item is an url else if content_extlink__is_extlink(copy__item_id) = 't' then PERFORM content_extlink__copy( copy__item_id, copy__target_folder_id, copy__creation_user, copy__creation_ip, copy__name ); -- make sure the target folder is really a folder else if content_folder__is_folder(copy__target_folder_id) = 't' then select parent_id into v_current_folder_id from cr_items where item_id = copy__item_id; select content_type, name, locale, coalesce(live_revision, latest_revision), storage_type into v_content_type, v_name, v_locale, v_revision_id, v_storage_type from cr_items where item_id = copy__item_id; -- copy to a different folder, or allow copy to the same folder -- with a different name if copy__target_folder_id != v_current_folder_id or ( v_name != copy__name and copy__name is not null ) then -- make sure the content type of the item is registered to the folder v_is_registered := content_folder__is_registered( copy__target_folder_id, v_content_type, 'f' ); if v_is_registered = 't' then -- -- create the new content item via content_item__new/21 -- v_item_id := content_item__new( coalesce (copy__name, v_name), copy__target_folder_id, null, -- item_id v_locale, now(), -- creation_date copy__creation_user, null, -- context_id copy__creation_ip, 'content_item', v_content_type, null, -- title null, -- description 'text/plain', -- mime_type null, -- nls_language null, -- text null, -- data null, -- relation_tag 'f', -- is_live v_storage_type, null, -- package_id 't' -- with_child_rels ); select latest_revision, live_revision into v_old_revision_id, v_old_live_revision_id from cr_items where item_id = copy__item_id; end if; -- copy the latest revision (if any) to the new item if v_old_revision_id is not null then v_new_revision_id := content_revision__copy ( v_old_revision_id, null, v_item_id, copy__creation_user, copy__creation_ip ); end if; -- copy the live revision (if there is one and it differs from the latest) to the new item if v_old_live_revision_id is not null then if v_old_live_revision_id <> v_old_revision_id then v_new_live_revision_id := content_revision__copy ( v_old_live_revision_id, null, v_item_id, copy__creation_user, copy__creation_ip ); else v_new_live_revision_id := v_new_revision_id; end if; end if; update cr_items set live_revision = v_new_live_revision_id, latest_revision = v_new_revision_id where item_id = v_item_id; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; return v_item_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS content_item__get_title(integer,boolean); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS content_item__get_title(integer); -- -- procedure content_item__get_title/2 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_item__get_title( get_title__item_id integer, get_title__is_live boolean default 'f' ) RETURNS varchar AS $$ DECLARE v_title cr_revisions.title%TYPE; v_content_type cr_items.content_type%TYPE; BEGIN select content_type into v_content_type from cr_items where item_id = get_title__item_id; if v_content_type = 'content_folder' then select label into v_title from cr_folders where folder_id = get_title__item_id; else if v_content_type = 'content_symlink' then select label into v_title from cr_symlinks where symlink_id = get_title__item_id; else if v_content_type = 'content_extlink' then select label into v_title from cr_extlinks where extlink_id = get_title__item_id; else if get_title__is_live then select title into v_title from cr_revisions r, cr_items i where i.item_id = get_title__item_id and r.revision_id = i.live_revision; else select title into v_title from cr_revisions r, cr_items i where i.item_id = get_title__item_id and r.revision_id = i.latest_revision; end if; end if; end if; end if; return v_title; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql stable; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS content_item__move(integer,integer,varchar); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS content_item__move(integer,integer); -- -- procedure content_item__move/3 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_item__move( move__item_id integer, move__target_folder_id integer, move__name varchar default null ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN if move__target_folder_id is null then raise exception 'attempt to move item_id % to null folder_id', move__item_id; end if; if content_folder__is_folder(move__item_id) = 't' then PERFORM content_folder__move(move__item_id, move__target_folder_id); elsif content_folder__is_folder(move__target_folder_id) = 't' then if content_folder__is_registered(move__target_folder_id, content_item__get_content_type(move__item_id),'f') = 't' and content_folder__is_registered(move__target_folder_id, content_item__get_content_type(content_symlink__resolve(move__item_id)),'f') = 't' then -- update the parent_id for the item update cr_items set parent_id = move__target_folder_id, name = coalesce(move__name, name) where item_id = move__item_id; end if; if move__name is not null then update acs_objects set title = move__name where object_id = move__item_id; end if; end if; return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;