Usage by Joel Aufrecht This documentation refers to the setup of the OpenACS test-servers of 2003. This setup was active probably around 5 years, and is obsolete. Use regression testing of your local instance and Refer to a CI/CD pipeline as presented at the OpenACS conference in 2022. Here's the entire chain of code used to set up auto-rebuilding servers on The master server shows the status of all other servers. For, it listens on port 80. The acs-automated-testing parameter IsInstallReportServer is set to 1 The acs-automated-testing parameter XMLReportDir is set to /var/log/openacs-install. This is arbitrary - it just needs to be somewhere all the servers can write to. For each server that will be monitored: Suppose the first test server is service1. Set up a dedicated user and automated install script. To run automated testing automatically each time the server is rebuilt, add this to /home/service1/install/install.tcl: set do_tclapi_testing "yes" Get the results of the automated tests dumped where the master server can see them - in this example, the same directory as above, /var/log/openacs-install, by adding this to install.tcl (requires 5.1): set install_xml_file "/var/lib/aolserver/service0/packages/acs-core-docs/www/files/install-autotest.xml" This will copy in the file install-autotest.xml: example missing which will, during install, configure that parameter in acs-automated-testing on the monitored server. To enable the 'rebuild server' link, edit the file /usr/local/bin/ #!/bin/sh # script to trigger a server rebuild # hard-coding the valid server names here for some minimal security case $1 in service1) ;; service2) ;; "") echo "Usage: $0 servername" exit;; *) echo "$1 is not a permitted servername" exit;; esac sudo /home/$1/install/ 2>&1 and allow the master user to execute this file as root (this is a limitation of the automatic install script, which must be root). In /etc/sudoers, include a line: master ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/