ns_xmlrpc -- 	adds XML-RPC server and client features to

Requirements: 	ns_xml 1.3
		AOLserver 3. using nsd8x
		OpenACS 3.2.5 

Setup:	Copy the Tcl files into your private Tcl library, ie. /web/yoursite/tcl
	and start/restart AOLserver

	To test the server go to http://validator.xmlrpc.com. Enter the 
	domain of your server and click the validate button. Hopefully
	everything works. If it doesn't, check your server error log.

	Call xmlrpc_register_proc with the procedure name for every Tcl
	procedure you want to be made available via XML-RPC.

How it works: 	A registered proc is setup in validator.tcl that sends all
		HTTP requests to /RPC2 to the XML-RPC handler. It checks to 
		make sure the methodName is registered as available via 
		XML-RPC. If the methodName is valid the XML-RPC request is
		parsed and the parameters are passed to the procedure.

		The procedure does whatever processing is necessary and returns
		a result to the XML-RPC handler which builds an XML-RPC
		methodResponse and returns it.

Credits:	Ns_xml conversion by Dave Bauer (dave@thedesignexperience.org)
		with help from Jerry Asher (jerry@theashergroup.com). 
		This code is based on the original Tcl-RPC by Steve Ball
		with contributions by Aaron Swartz. The original Tcl-RPC
		uses TclXML and TclDOM to parse the XML. It works fine but
		since OpenACS-4 will use ns_xml I converted it. 
Reference:	XML-RPC spec: http://www.xmlrpc.com/spec
		OpenACS: http://openacs.org
		AOLserver: http://www.aolserver.com	
		OpenNSD: http://www.opennsd.org
		ns_xml: http://acs-misc.sourceforge.net