-- -- -- -- @author Victor Guerra (guerra@galileo.edu) -- @creation-date 2005-07-07 -- @arch-tag: 42606216-8bd1-43d1-9e86-b7ac723080c9 -- @cvs-id $Id: upgrade-2.1.2d1-2.1.2d2.sql,v 2014/08/19 17:11:31 gustafn Exp $ -- -- altering static_portal_content in order to support -- defining different format type for the content of the static portlet alter table static_portal_content add column body text; alter table static_portal_content add column format varchar(30); alter table static_portal_content alter column format set default 'text/html'; update static_portal_content set format = 'text/html'; alter table static_portal_content add constraint static_p_c_format_in check ( format in ('text/enhanced', 'text/plain', 'text/fixed-width', 'text/html')); -- updating data update static_portal_content set format = 'text/enhanced', body = substring(body from 2 for (length(body) - 16)) where substring(body from (length(body)-12) for 13) = 'text/enhanced'; update static_portal_content set format = 'text/plain', body = substring(body from 2 for (length(body) - 13)) where substring(body from (length(body)-9) for 10) = 'text/plain'; update static_portal_content set format = 'text/plain', body = substring(body from 2 for (length(body) - 19)) where substring(body from (length(body)-15) for 16) = 'text/fixed-width'; update static_portal_content set format = 'text/html', body = substring(body from 2 for (length(body) - 12)) where substring(body from (length(body)-8) for 9) = 'text/html'; -- API modifications drop function static_portal_content_item__new (integer, varchar, varchar); -- added -- -- procedure static_portal_content_item__new/4 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION static_portal_content_item__new( p_package_id integer, p_pretty_name varchar, p_content varchar, p_format varchar ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN return static_portal_content_item__new( p_package_id, p_pretty_name, p_content, p_format, null, null, null, null, null ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; drop function static_portal_content_item__new (integer,varchar,varchar,varchar,timestamptz,integer,varchar,integer); -- added select define_function_args('static_portal_content_item__new','package_id,pretty_name,content,format,object_type,creation_date,creation_user,creation_ip,context_id'); -- -- procedure static_portal_content_item__new/9 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION static_portal_content_item__new( p_package_id integer, p_pretty_name varchar, p_content varchar, p_format varchar, p_object_type varchar, p_creation_date timestamptz, p_creation_user integer, p_creation_ip varchar, p_context_id integer ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_content_id static_portal_content.content_id%TYPE; v_object_type varchar; BEGIN if p_object_type is null then v_object_type := 'static_portal_content'; else v_object_type := p_object_type; end if; v_content_id := acs_object__new( null, v_object_type, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip, p_context_id ); insert into static_portal_content (content_id, package_id, pretty_name, body, format) values (v_content_id, p_package_id, p_pretty_name, p_content, p_format); return v_content_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;