-- -- -- -- @author Victor Guerra (guerra@galileo.edu) -- @creation-date 2006-07-13 -- @arch-tag: 5d9217e6-cdc0-4fa3-81c7-2f51eb04780e -- @cvs-id $Id: upgrade-5.2.0d18-5.2.0d19.sql,v 2017/04/21 14:53:07 gustafn Exp $ -- -- this script was originally created by daveb -- upgrade-5.2.0d15-5.2.0a1.sql -- patch#548 bug#1937 select define_function_args('content_revision__copy_attributes','content_type,revision_id,copy_id'); create or replace function content_revision__copy_attributes (varchar,integer,integer) returns integer as ' declare copy_attributes__content_type alias for $1; copy_attributes__revision_id alias for $2; copy_attributes__copy_id alias for $3; v_table_name acs_object_types.table_name%TYPE; v_id_column acs_object_types.id_column%TYPE; cols varchar default ''''; attr_rec record; begin if copy_attributes__content_type is null or copy_attributes__revision_id is null or copy_attributes__copy_id is null then raise exception ''content_revision__copy_attributes called with null % % %'',copy_attributes__content_type,copy_attributes__revision_id, copy_attributes__copy_id; end if; select table_name, id_column into v_table_name, v_id_column from acs_object_types where object_type = copy_attributes__content_type; for attr_rec in select attribute_name from acs_attributes where object_type = copy_attributes__content_type LOOP cols := cols || '', '' || attr_rec.attribute_name; end loop; execute ''insert into '' || v_table_name || ''('' || v_id_column || cols || '')'' || '' select '' || copy_attributes__copy_id || '' as '' || v_id_column || cols || '' from '' || v_table_name || '' where '' || v_id_column || '' = '' || copy_attributes__revision_id; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- -- -- -- @author Dave Bauer (dave@thedesignexperience.org) -- @creation-date 2005-06-05 -- @arch-tag: 16725764-0b5d-4e98-a75d-dc77bf3141de -- @cvs-id $Id: upgrade-5.2.0d18-5.2.0d19.sql,v 2017/04/21 14:53:07 gustafn Exp $ -- -- patch#548 bug#1937 select define_function_args('content_revision__copy_attributes','content_type,revision_id,copy_id'); create or replace function content_revision__copy_attributes (varchar,integer,integer) returns integer as ' declare copy_attributes__content_type alias for $1; copy_attributes__revision_id alias for $2; copy_attributes__copy_id alias for $3; v_table_name acs_object_types.table_name%TYPE; v_id_column acs_object_types.id_column%TYPE; cols varchar default ''''; attr_rec record; begin if copy_attributes__content_type is null or copy_attributes__revision_id is null or copy_attributes__copy_id is null then raise exception ''content_revision__copy_attributes called with null % % %'',copy_attributes__content_type,copy_attributes__revision_id, copy_attributes__copy_id; end if; select table_name, id_column into v_table_name, v_id_column from acs_object_types where object_type = copy_attributes__content_type; for attr_rec in select attribute_name from acs_attributes where object_type = copy_attributes__content_type LOOP cols := cols || '', '' || attr_rec.attribute_name; end loop; execute ''insert into '' || v_table_name || ''('' || v_id_column || cols || '')'' || '' select '' || copy_attributes__copy_id || '' as '' || v_id_column || cols || '' from '' || v_table_name || '' where '' || v_id_column || '' = '' || copy_attributes__revision_id; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql';