-- packages/project-manager/sql/postgresql/project-manager-table-create.sql -- -- @author jader@bread.com -- @author ncarroll@ee.usyd.edu.au was involved in creating the initial CR version -- @author everyone else involved in this thread: http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=90742 -- @creation-date 2003-05-15 -- -- PROJECTS create sequence pm_project_status_seq start 3; create table pm_project_status ( status_id integer constraint pm_project_status_pk primary key, description varchar(100), -- closed or open status_type char(1) default 'c' constraint pm_projects_status_type_ck check (status_type in ('c','o')) ); insert into pm_project_status (status_id, description, status_type) values (1, 'Open', 'o'); insert into pm_project_status (status_id, description, status_type) values (2, 'Closed', 'c'); -- project revisions, items are kept in cr_items create table pm_projects ( project_id integer constraint pm_proj_rev_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint pm_proj_rev_pk primary key, -- a user-specified project code project_code varchar(255), goal varchar(4000), planned_start_date timestamptz, planned_end_date timestamptz, actual_start_date timestamptz, actual_end_date timestamptz, status_id integer constraint pm_projects_status_id_nn not null constraint pm_projects_status_id_fk references pm_project_status, -- if ongoing_p is true, then actual_end_date must be null ongoing_p char(1) default 'f' constraint pm_projects_ongoing_p_ck check (ongoing_p in ('t','f')), estimated_finish_date timestamptz, earliest_finish_date timestamptz, latest_finish_date timestamptz, -- denormalized, taken from logger actual_hours_completed numeric, estimated_hours_total numeric, -- The logger package keeps its own projects table logger_project integer constraint pm_projects_logger_pj_nn not null constraint pm_projects_logger_pj_fk references logger_projects ); -- create the content type select content_type__create_type ( 'pm_project', -- content_type 'content_revision', -- supertype 'Project', -- pretty_name 'Projects', -- pretty_plural 'pm_projects', -- table_name 'project_id', -- id_column 'pm_project__name' -- name_method ); -- other fields are added in too. See the -custom script. -- ROLES create sequence pm_role_seq start 4; create table pm_roles ( role_id integer constraint pm_role_id_pk primary key, one_line varchar(100) constraint pm_role_one_line_uq unique, description varchar(2000), sort_order integer, is_observer_p char(1) default 'f' constraint pm_role_is_observer_ck check (is_observer_p in ('t','f')), is_lead_p char(1) default 'f' constraint pm_role_is_lead_ck check (is_lead_p in ('t','f')) ); comment on table pm_roles is ' Roles represent the way in which a party participates in a project or task. For example, they could be a manager, or client, or participant.. The sort order determines what order it is displayed in. The is_observer_p specifies whether they are directly responsible for the task, or are just observers on it. '; insert into pm_roles (role_id, one_line, description, sort_order, is_lead_p) values ('1','Lead','Team members who are responsible for the completion of the project','10','t'); insert into pm_roles (role_id, one_line, description, sort_order) values ('2','Player','A person on the team responsible for completion of the project','20'); insert into pm_roles (role_id, one_line, description, sort_order, is_observer_p) values ('3','Watcher','A person interested in developments, possibly helping out on it.','30','t'); create table pm_default_roles ( role_id integer constraint pm_default_role_fk references pm_roles on delete cascade, party_id integer constraint pm_default_role_party_fk references parties(party_id) on delete cascade, constraint pm_default_roles_uq unique (role_id, party_id) ); comment on table pm_default_roles is ' Specifies what role a person is a part of by default '; -- PROJECT ASSIGNMENT create table pm_project_assignment ( project_id integer constraint pm_proj_role_map_project_fk references cr_items on delete cascade, role_id integer constraint pm_project_role_map_role_fk references pm_roles, party_id integer constraint pm_project_role_map_user_id_fk references parties(party_id) on delete cascade, constraint pm_project_assignment_uq unique (project_id, role_id, party_id) ); comment on table pm_project_assignment is ' Maps who is a part of what project, and in what capacity '; -- PROCESSES create sequence pm_process_seq; create table pm_process ( process_id integer constraint pm_process_id_pk primary key, one_line varchar(200) constraint pm_process_one_line_nn not null, description varchar(1000), party_id integer constraint pm_process_party_fk references parties constraint pm_process_party_nn not null, creation_date timestamptz, deleted_p char(1) default 'f' constraint pm_process_deleted_p_ck check (deleted_p in ('t','f')), ); comment on table pm_process is ' Processes are a set of templates for tasks, so that people can create sets of tasks quickly. Their structure needs to match that of tasks. The process holds the meta information, and is also an identifier that is used by the user to select which process they''d like to copy or use '; create or replace view pm_process_active as SELECT * FROM pm_process where deleted_p = 'f'; -- each time a process is used, it creates an instance of that process -- we use this to allow a user to see overviews of process status, etc.. create sequence pm_process_instance_seq start 1; create table pm_process_instance ( instance_id integer constraint pm_process_instance_id_pk primary key, name varchar(200), process_id integer constraint pm_process_instance_process_fk references pm_process on delete cascade, project_item_id integer constraint pm_process_project_fk references cr_items ); create sequence pm_process_task_seq; create table pm_process_task ( process_task_id integer constraint pm_process_task_id_pk primary key, process_id integer constraint pm_process_process_id_fk references pm_process constraint pm_process_process_id_nn not null, one_line varchar(200) constraint pm_process_task_one_line_nn not null, description varchar(4000), mime_type varchar(200) constraint pm_process_task_mime_type_fk references cr_mime_types(mime_type) on update no action on delete no action default 'text/plain' -- dates are optional, because it may be computed in reference -- to all other items, or simply not have a deadline -- percent complete is always 0 estimated_hours_work numeric, -- PERT charts require minimum and maximum estimates -- these are optionally used estimated_hours_work_min numeric, estimated_hours_work_max numeric, ordering integer ); comment on table pm_process_task is ' A template for the tasks that will be created by the process '; create sequence pm_process_task_dependency_seq; create table pm_process_task_dependency ( dependency_id integer constraint pm_proc_task_dependcy_pk primary key, process_task_id integer constraint pm_proc_task_proc_task_fk references pm_process_task on delete cascade, parent_task_id integer constraint pm_proc_task_parent_id_fk references pm_process_task on delete cascade, dependency_type varchar constraint pm_process_task_dep_type references pm_task_dependency_types, constraint pm_proc_task_depend_uq unique (process_task_id, parent_task_id) ); comment on table pm_process_task_dependency is ' Keeps track of dependencies. Used to create the dependencies in the new tasks. '; create table pm_process_task_assignment ( process_task_id integer constraint pm_proc_task_assign_task_fk references pm_process_task(process_task_id) on delete cascade, role_id integer constraint pm_task_assignment_role_fk references pm_roles, party_id integer constraint pm_task_assignment_party_fk references parties(party_id) on delete cascade, constraint pm_proc_task_assgn_uq unique (process_task_id, role_id, party_id) ); comment on table pm_process_task_assignment is ' Maps who is assigned to process tasks. These will be the default people assigned to the new tasks '; -- TASKS -- we create two tables to store task information -- the information that we keep revisions on is in the -- pm_task_revisions table, the rest is in pm_task create sequence pm_task_status_seq start 3; create table pm_task_status ( status_id integer constraint pm_task_status_pk primary key, description varchar(100), -- closed or open status_type char(1) default 'c' constraint pm_task_status_type_ck check (status_type in ('c','o')) ); insert into pm_task_status (status_id, description, status_type) values (1, 'Open', 'o'); insert into pm_task_status (status_id, description, status_type) values (2, 'Closed', 'c'); create sequence pm_tasks_number_seq; create table pm_tasks ( task_id integer constraint pm_tasks_task_id_fk references cr_items on delete cascade constraint pm_task_task_id_pk primary key, task_number integer, status integer constraint pm_tasks_task_status_fk references pm_task_status, deleted_p char(1) default 'f' constraint pm_tasks_deleted_p_ck check (deleted_p in ('t','f')), process_instance integer constraint pm_tasks_process_instance_fk references pm_process_instance; ); CREATE OR REPLACE view pm_tasks_active as SELECT task_id, task_number, status, process_instance FROM pm_tasks where deleted_p = 'f'; create table pm_tasks_revisions ( task_revision_id integer constraint pm_task_revs_id_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint pm_task_revs_id_pk primary key, -- dates are optional, because it may be computed in reference -- to all other items, or simply not have a deadline end_date timestamptz, -- keep track of completion status percent_complete numeric constraint pm_task_per_complete_gt_ck check(percent_complete >= 0) constraint pm_task_per_complete_lt_ck check(percent_complete <= 100), estimated_hours_work numeric, -- PERT charts require minimum and maximum estimates -- these are optionally used estimated_hours_work_min numeric, estimated_hours_work_max numeric, -- this should be computed by checking with logger? The actual -- data should be in logger, logged by who did it, when etc.. -- or we can create a separate table to keep track of task hours -- and make sure its data model is similar to logger? actual_hours_worked numeric, -- network diagram stuff, computed earliest_start timestamptz, earliest_finish timestamptz, latest_start timestamptz, latest_finish timestamptz ); -- create the content type select content_type__create_type ( 'pm_task', -- content_type 'content_revision', -- supertype 'Task', -- pretty_name 'Tasks', -- pretty_plural 'pm_tasks_revisions', -- table_name (should this be pm_task?) 'task_revision_id', -- id_column 'pm_task__name' -- name_method ); -- add in attributes select content_type__create_attribute ( 'pm_task', -- content_type 'end_date', -- attribute_name 'date', -- datatype 'End date', -- pretty_name 'End dates', -- pretty_plural null, -- sort_order null, -- default value 'timestamptz' -- column_spec ); select content_type__create_attribute ( 'pm_task', -- content_type 'percent_complete', -- attribute_name 'number', -- datatype 'Percent complete', -- pretty_name 'Percents complete', -- pretty_plural null, -- sort_order null, -- default value 'numeric' -- column_spec ); select content_type__create_attribute ( 'pm_task', -- content_type 'estimated_hours_work', -- attribute_name 'number', -- datatype 'Estimated hours work', -- pretty_name 'Estimated hours work', -- pretty_plural null, -- sort_order null, -- default value 'numeric' -- column_spec ); select content_type__create_attribute ( 'pm_task', -- content_type 'estimated_hours_work_min', -- attribute_name 'number', -- datatype 'Estimated minimum hours', -- pretty_name 'Estimated minimum hours', -- pretty_plural null, -- sort_order null, -- default value 'numeric' -- column_spec ); select content_type__create_attribute ( 'pm_task', -- content_type 'estimated_hours_work_max', -- attribute_name 'number', -- datatype 'Estimated maximum hours', -- pretty_name 'Estimated maximum hours', -- pretty_plural null, -- sort_order null, -- default value 'numeric' -- column_spec ); select content_type__create_attribute ( 'pm_task', -- content_type 'actual_hours_worked', -- attribute_name 'number', -- datatype 'Actual hours worked', -- pretty_name 'Actual hours worked', -- pretty_plural null, -- sort_order null, -- default value 'numeric' -- column_spec ); select content_type__create_attribute ( 'pm_task', -- content_type 'earliest_start', -- attribute_name 'date', -- datatype 'Earliest start date', -- pretty_name 'Earliest start dates', -- pretty_plural null, -- sort_order null, -- default value 'timestamptz' -- column_spec ); select content_type__create_attribute ( 'pm_task', -- content_type 'earliest_finish', -- attribute_name 'date', -- datatype 'Earliest finish date', -- pretty_name 'Earliest finish dates', -- pretty_plural null, -- sort_order null, -- default value 'timestamptz' -- column_spec ); select content_type__create_attribute ( 'pm_task', -- content_type 'latest_start', -- attribute_name 'date', -- datatype 'Latest start date', -- pretty_name 'Latest start dates', -- pretty_plural null, -- sort_order null, -- default value 'timestamptz' -- column_spec ); select content_type__create_attribute ( 'pm_task', -- content_type 'latest_finish', -- attribute_name 'date', -- datatype 'Latest finish date', -- pretty_name 'Latest finish dates', -- pretty_plural null, -- sort_order null, -- default value 'timestamptz' -- column_spec ); create table pm_task_logger_proj_map ( task_item_id integer constraint pm_task_log_proj_map_t_nn not null constraint pm_task_log_proj_map_t_fk references pm_tasks on delete cascade, logger_entry integer constraint pm_task_log_proj_map_l_nn not null constraint pm_task_log_proj_map_l_fk references logger_entries on delete cascade, constraint pm_task_logger_proj_map_uq unique (task_item_id, logger_entry) ); -- DEPENDENCIES -- dependency types -- such as: -- cannot start until Task X finishes -- cannot start until Task X begins -- cannot finish until Task X finishes -- cannot finish until Task X begins create table pm_task_dependency_types ( short_name varchar(100) constraint pm_task_const_sn_pk primary key, description varchar(1000) ); insert into pm_task_dependency_types (short_name, description) values ('start_before_start','Starts before this starts'); insert into pm_task_dependency_types (short_name, description) values ('start_before_finish','Starts before this finishes'); insert into pm_task_dependency_types (short_name, description) values ('finish_before_start','Finishes before this starts'); insert into pm_task_dependency_types (short_name, description) values ('finish_before_finish','Finishes before this finishes'); create sequence pm_task_dependency_seq; create table pm_task_dependency ( dependency_id integer constraint pm_task_const_id_pk primary key, task_id integer constraint pm_task_const_task_id_nn not null constraint pm_task_const_task_id_fk references pm_tasks on delete cascade, parent_task_id integer constraint pm_tasks_const_parent_id_nn not null constraint pm_tasks_const_parent_id_fk references pm_tasks on delete cascade, dependency_type varchar constraint pm_tasks_const_type_nn not null constraint pm_tasks_const_type_fk references pm_task_dependency_types, constraint pm_task_dependency_uq unique (task_id, parent_task_id) ); -- WORKGROUPS: currently not used create sequence pm_workgroup_seq; create table pm_workgroup ( workgroup_id integer constraint pm_workgroup_id_pk primary key, one_line varchar(100) constraint pm_workgroup_one_line_uq unique, description varchar(2000), sort_order integer ); create table pm_workgroup_parties ( workgroup_id integer constraint pm_workgroup_parties_wg_id_fk references pm_workgroup(workgroup_id) on delete cascade, party_id integer constraint pm_workgroup_party_fk references parties(party_id) on delete cascade, role_id integer constraint pm_workgroup_role_id references pm_roles, constraint pm_workgroup_parties_uq unique (workgroup_id, party_id, role_id) ); -- TASK ASSIGNMENTS create table pm_task_assignment ( task_id integer constraint pm_task_assignment_task_fk references pm_tasks(task_id) on delete cascade, role_id integer constraint pm_task_assignment_role_fk references pm_roles, party_id integer constraint pm_task_assignment_party_fk references parties(party_id) on delete cascade, constraint pm_task_assignment_uq unique (task_id, role_id, party_id) ); comment on table pm_task_assignment is ' Maps who is a part of what task, and in what capacity '; -- TASK CROSS REFERENCES create table pm_task_xref ( task_id_1 integer constraint pm_task_xref_task1_nn not null constraint pm_task_xref_task1_fk references pm_tasks(task_id) on delete cascade, task_id_2 integer constraint pm_task_xref_task2_nn not null constraint pm_task_xref_task2_fk references pm_tasks(task_id) on delete cascade, constraint pm_task_xref_lt check (task_id_1 < task_id_2) ); comment on table pm_task_xref is ' Maps related tasks. '; create table pm_users_viewed ( viewing_user integer constraint pm_users_viewed_viewing_user_fk references parties, viewed_user integer constraint pm_users_viewed_viewed_user_fk references parties ); comment on table pm_users_viewed is ' Used to keep track of what users to see on the task calendar and other views. '; \i project-manager-custom-create.sql