select as name from dual select distinct || ' (' || || ')' as label, p.party_id from [ad_decode $subquery "" "cc_users" $subquery] p where upper(coalesce( || ' ', '') || like upper('%'||:value||'%') order by label select || ' (' || || ')' as label, p.party_id from parties p where p.party_id in ([join $party_id_list ", "]) order by label select m.party_id,, as name from workflow_case_role_party_map m, parties p where m.case_id = :case_id and m.role_id = :role_id and p.party_id = m.party_id select state_id from workflow_fsm_states where workflow_id = :workflow_id order by sort_order limit 1 insert into workflow_cases ( case_id, workflow_id, object_id ) values ( :case_id, :workflow_id, :object_id ) insert into workflow_case_fsm ( case_id, parent_enabled_action_id, current_state ) values ( :case_id, null, null ) select case_id from workflow_cases c, workflows w where c.object_id = :object_id and w.workflow_id = c.workflow_id and w.short_name = :workflow_short_name select distinct role_id from workflow_case_role_user_map where case_id = :case_id and user_id = :user_id select a.action_id from workflow_case_enabled_actions ena, workflow_actions a where ena.case_id = :case_id and a.action_id = ena.action_id and ena.completed_p = 'f' and a.trigger_type = 'user' order by a.sort_order select count(*) from workflow_case_role_user_map where case_id = :case_id and role_id = :role_id insert into workflow_case_log_data (entry_id, key, value) values (:entry_id, :key, :value) select value from workflow_case_log_data where entry_id = :entry_id and key = :key select key, value from workflow_case_log_data where entry_id = :entry_id order by key select ena.action_id, ena.enabled_action_id from workflow_case_enabled_actions ena where ena.case_id = :case_id and parent_enabled_action_id = :parent_enabled_action_id select ena.action_id, ena.enabled_action_id from workflow_case_enabled_actions ena where ena.case_id = :case_id and parent_enabled_action_id is null select impl.impl_name from workflow_role_callbacks r, acs_sc_impls impl, acs_sc_bindings bind, acs_sc_contracts ctr where r.role_id = :role_id and impl.impl_id = r.acs_sc_impl_id and impl.impl_id = bind.impl_id and bind.contract_id = ctr.contract_id and ctr.contract_name = :contract_name order by r.sort_order delete from workflow_case_role_party_map where case_id = :case_id and role_id = :role_id delete from workflow_case_role_party_map where case_id = :case_id and role_id = :role_id and party_id = :party_id insert into workflow_case_role_party_map (case_id, role_id, party_id) values (:case_id, :role_id, :party_id) select count(*) from workflow_case_role_party_map where case_id = :case_id and role_id = :role_id and party_id = :party_id select current_state from workflow_case_fsm c where c.case_id = :case_id and c.parent_enabled_action_id is null select c.case_id, c.workflow_id, c.object_id, s.state_id, s.short_name as state_short_name, s.pretty_name as pretty_state, s.hide_fields as state_hide_fields from workflow_cases c, workflow_case_fsm cfsm, workflow_fsm_states s, workflow_fsm_actions afsm, workflow_case_enabled_actions ena where c.case_id = :case_id and cfsm.case_id = c.case_id and ((:parent_enabled_action_id is null and cfsm.parent_enabled_action_id is null) or (cfsm.parent_enabled_action_id = :parent_enabled_action_id)) and ena.enabled_action_id = :enabled_action_id and afsm.action_id = ena.action_id and ((afsm.new_state is null and s.state_id = cfsm.current_state) or (s.state_id = afsm.new_state)) select count(*) from cr_items where item_id = :entry_id select distinct rum.user_id from workflow_cases c, workflow_actions a, workflow_case_role_user_map rum where c.case_id = :case_id and a.workflow_id = c.workflow_id and (a.always_enabled_p = 't' or exists (select 1 from workflow_fsm_action_en_in_st waeis, workflow_case_fsm c_fsm where waeis.action_id = a.action_id and c_fsm.case_id = c.case_id and waeis.state_id = c_fsm.current_state) ) and rum.case_id = c.case_id and rum.role_id = a.assigned_role select distinct user_id from workflow_case_role_user_map where case_id = :case_id select lower(pretty_name) as pretty_name, lower(pretty_plural) as pretty_plural from acs_object_types ot, acs_objects o where o.object_id = :object_id and ot.object_type = o.object_type select cfsm.parent_enabled_action_id, cfsm.current_state as current_state_id from workflow_case_fsm cfsm where cfsm.case_id = :case_id select c.case_id, c.workflow_id, c.object_id, s.state_id, s.short_name as state_short_name, s.pretty_name as pretty_state, s.hide_fields as state_hide_fields from workflow_cases c, workflow_case_fsm cfsm left outer join workflow_fsm_states s on (s.state_id = cfsm.current_state) where c.case_id = :case_id and cfsm.case_id = c.case_id and cfsm.parent_enabled_action_id = :parent_enabled_action_id select c.case_id, c.workflow_id, c.object_id, s.state_id, s.short_name as state_short_name, s.pretty_name as pretty_state, s.hide_fields as state_hide_fields from workflow_cases c, workflow_case_fsm cfsm left outer join workflow_fsm_states s on (s.state_id = cfsm.current_state) where c.case_id = :case_id and cfsm.case_id = c.case_id and cfsm.parent_enabled_action_id is null select l.entry_id, l.case_id, l.action_id, a.short_name as action_short_name, a.pretty_past_tense as action_pretty_past_tense, io.creation_user, iou.first_names as user_first_names, iou.last_name as user_last_name, as user_email, io.creation_date, to_char(io.creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as creation_date_pretty, r.content as comment_string, r.mime_type as comment_mime_type, d.key, d.value from workflow_case_log l join workflow_actions a using (action_id) join cr_items i on (i.item_id = l.entry_id) join acs_objects io on (io.object_id = i.item_id) left outer join acs_users_all iou on (iou.user_id = io.creation_user) join cr_revisions r on (r.revision_id = i.live_revision) left outer join workflow_case_log_data d using (entry_id) where l.case_id = :case_id order by creation_date select enabled_action_id from workflow_case_enabled_actions where execution_time <= current_timestamp and completed_p = 'f' select 1 from dual where exists (select 1 from workflow_case_enabled_actions ean where ean.action_id = :action_id and ean.case_id = :case_id and completed_p = 'f') select enabled_action_id, case_id, action_id, assigned_p, completed_p, parent_enabled_action_id, to_char(execution_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as execution_time_ansi, coalesce((select a2.trigger_type from workflow_case_enabled_actions e2, workflow_actions a2 where e2.enabled_action_id = e.parent_enabled_action_id and a2.action_id = e2.action_id), 'workflow') as parent_trigger_type from workflow_case_enabled_actions e where enabled_action_id = :enabled_action_id