postgresql7.2 SELECT t.item_id as task_item_id, t.parent_id as project_item_id, t.title, to_char(t.end_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as end_date, to_char(t.earliest_start,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as earliest_start, t.earliest_start - current_date as days_to_earliest_start, to_char(t.earliest_start,'J') as earliest_start_j, to_char(t.earliest_finish,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as earliest_finish, t.earliest_finish - current_date as days_to_earliest_finish, to_char(t.latest_start,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as latest_start, t.latest_start - current_date as days_to_latest_start, to_char(t.latest_start,'J') as latest_start_j, to_char(current_date,'J') as today_j, to_char(t.latest_finish,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as latest_finish, t.latest_finish - current_date as days_to_latest_finish, to_char(t.end_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as end_date, t.end_date - current_date as days_to_end_date, t.percent_complete, t.estimated_hours_work, t.estimated_hours_work_min, t.estimated_hours_work_max, t.actual_hours_worked, s.status_type, s.description as status_description, r.is_lead_p, r.is_observer_p, t.priority, t.party_id, t.parent_id, o.title as project_name FROM (select tr.item_id, ta.party_id, ta.role_id, tr.title, tr.end_date, tr.earliest_start, tr.earliest_finish, tr.latest_start, tr.latest_finish, tr.percent_complete, tr.estimated_hours_work, tr.estimated_hours_work_min, tr.estimated_hours_work_max, tr.actual_hours_worked, tr.parent_id, tr.revision_id, tr.description, tr.priority from cr_items ci, pm_tasks_revisionsx tr LEFT JOIN pm_task_assignment ta ON tr.item_id = ta.task_id -- get only live revisions where ci.live_revision = tr.revision_id [template::list::page_where_clause -and -name "tasks" -key "tr.item_id"]) t LEFT JOIN pm_roles r ON t.role_id = r.role_id, pm_tasks_active ti, pm_task_status s, cr_items cp, acs_objects o WHERE t.parent_id = cp.item_id and t.item_id = ti.task_id and ti.status = s.status_id and cp.live_revision = o.object_id and exists (select 1 from acs_object_party_privilege_map ppm where ppm.object_id = ti.task_id and ppm.privilege = 'read' and ppm.party_id = :user_id) [template::list::filter_where_clauses -and -name tasks] [template::list::orderby_clause -name tasks -orderby] SELECT t.item_id as task_item_id FROM (select tr.item_id, ta.party_id, ta.role_id, tr.title, tr.end_date, tr.earliest_start, tr.earliest_finish, tr.latest_start, tr.latest_finish, tr.percent_complete, tr.estimated_hours_work, tr.estimated_hours_work_min, tr.estimated_hours_work_max, tr.actual_hours_worked, tr.parent_id, tr.revision_id, tr.description, tr.priority from cr_items ci, pm_tasks_revisionsx tr LEFT JOIN pm_task_assignment ta ON tr.item_id = ta.task_id, pm_roles r -- get only live revisions where ci.live_revision = tr.revision_id and ta.role_id = r.role_id $observer_clause $done_clause and exists (select 1 from acs_object_party_privilege_map ppm where ppm.object_id = tr.item_id and ppm.privilege = 'read' and ppm.party_id = :user_id) ) t, pm_tasks_active ti, pm_task_status s, cr_items cp, acs_objects o WHERE t.parent_id = cp.item_id and t.item_id = ti.task_id and ti.status = s.status_id and cp.live_revision = o.object_id [template::list::filter_where_clauses -and -name tasks] [template::list::orderby_clause -name tasks -orderby] select ci.item_id from cr_items ci, pm_projects p, cr_items pi where p.project_id = ci.latest_revision and ci.tree_sortkey between tree_left(pi.tree_sortkey) and tree_right(pi.tree_sortkey) and pi.item_id = :project_item_id select rel.object_id_two from acs_rels rel, acs_objects o where rel_type ='application_data_link' and object_id_two = o.object_id and o.object_type = 'logger_project' and rel.object_id_one = :parent_id