update lang_messages set sync_time = current_timestamp where package_key = :package_key and locale = :locale select package_key from apm_package_types where exists (select 1 from apm_package_versions where package_key = apm_package_types.package_key and installed_p = 't' and enabled_p = 't') and not exists (select 1 from lang_message_keys where package_key = apm_package_types.package_key) select distinct locale from lang_messages where package_key = :package_key select lm.message_key, lm.message, lmk.description from lang_messages lm, lang_message_keys lmk where lm.message_key = lmk.message_key and lm.package_key = lmk.package_key and lm.package_key = :package_key and lm.locale = :locale and lm.deleted_p = 'f' select message_key, package_key, message from lang_messages lm1 where locale = :default_locale and not exists (select message_key, package_key from lang_messages lm2 where locale != :default_locale and lm1.message_key = lm2.message_key and lm1.package_key = lm2.package_key)