SELECT t.process_task_id as process_tid, t.one_line, t.description, t.estimated_hours_work, t.estimated_hours_work_min, t.estimated_hours_work_max, d.dependency_id FROM pm_process_task t LEFT JOIN pm_process_task_dependency d ON t.process_task_id = d.process_task_id WHERE t.process_id = :process_id ORDER BY t.process_task_id select pm_task__new_task_item ( null, :project_item_id, :p_task_title, :p_description, [project_manager::project::util::datenvl -value [set end_date_$i] -value_if_null "null," -value_if_not_null "to_timestamp('[set end_date_$i]','YYYY MM DD HH24 MI SS'),"] '0', :p_work, :p_work_min, :p_work_max, current_timestamp, :user_id, :peeraddr, :package_id ); select pm_task__new_task_revision ( :p_task_item_id, :project_item_id, :p_task_title, :p_description, [project_manager::project::util::datenvl -value [set end_date_$i] -value_if_null "null," -value_if_not_null "to_timestamp('[set end_date_$i]','YYYY MM DD HH24 MI SS'),"] :p_percent, :p_work, :p_work_min, :p_work_max, :p_hours, current_timestamp, :user_id, :peeraddr, :package_id ); select current_timestamp FROM dual select t.task_revision_id, t.title as task_title, t.item_id, t.description,, to_char(t.end_date,'YYYY MM DD') as end_date, t.percent_complete, t.estimated_hours_work, t.estimated_hours_work_min, t.estimated_hours_work_max, d.parent_task_id, t.actual_hours_worked FROM pm_tasks_revisionsx t, cr_items i LEFT JOIN pm_task_dependency d ON i.item_id = d.task_id WHERE t.item_id in ([join $task_id ","]) and t.revision_id = i.live_revision SELECT p.project_id FROM pm_projectsx p, cr_items i WHERE p.item_id = :project_item_id and p.revision_id = i.live_revision select short_name, description FROM pm_task_dependency_types ORDER BY short_name select r.item_id, r.title as task_title FROM pm_tasks_revisionsx r, cr_items i WHERE r.parent_id = :project_item_id and r.revision_id = i.live_revision ORDER BY upper(r.title) INSERT INTO pm_task_dependency (dependency_id, task_id, parent_task_id, dependency_type) VALUES (:dependency_id, :this_task_id, :parent_task_id, :p_dep_type) select item_id FROM pm_tasks_revisionsx WHERE revision_id = :this_revision_id