oracle8.1.6 begin :1 := static_page.new_folder ( name => :cumulative_path, label => :cumulative_path, parent_id => :parent_folder_id, description => 'Static pages folder', package_id => :package_id ); end; update cr_revisions set content = empty_blob() where revision_id = content_item.get_live_revision(:static_page_id) returning content into :1 select static_page_id from static_pages where filename = :sp_filename begin :1 := filename => :sp_filename ,title => :page_title ,folder_id => :parent_folder_id ,mime_type => :mime_type ); end; update cr_revisions set content = empty_blob() where revision_id = content_item.get_live_revision(:static_page_id) returning content into :1 begin static_page.delete_stale_items(:sync_session_id,:package_id); delete from sp_extant_folders where session_id = :sync_session_id; delete from sp_extant_files where session_id = :sync_session_id; end; begin :1 := static_page.get_root_folder(:package_id); end; select content as file_from_db from cr_revisions where revision_id = content_item.get_live_revision(:static_page_id) select nvl((select item_id from cr_items where name=:cumulative_path),0) from dual update static_pages set show_comments_p = :show_full_comments_p where static_page_id in ( select static_page_id from static_pages where folder_id in ( select folder_id from sp_folders start with folder_id = :root_folder_id connect by parent_id = prior folder_id) and filename like '%${contained_string}%' ) begin for file_row in ( select static_page_id from static_pages where folder_id in ( select folder_id from sp_folders start with folder_id = :root_folder_id connect by parent_id = prior folder_id) and filename like '%${contained_string}%' ) loop acs_permission.${grant_or_revoke}_permission( object_id => file_row.static_page_id, grantee_id => acs.magic_object_id('the_public'), privilege => 'general_comments_create' ); end loop; end; select static_page_id from static_pages where folder_id in ( select folder_id from sp_folders start with folder_id = :root_folder_id connect by parent_id = prior folder_id) and filename like '%${contained_string}%' select '{'||content_item.get_title($page_id)||'} '||decode(show_comments_p,'t',1,0) from static_pages where static_page_id = :page_id select sp.static_page_id, f.package_id from static_pages sp, sp_folders f where sp.filename = :filename and sp.folder_id = f.folder_id -- Only want pages from the Static Pages package. and f.package_id in ( select package_id from apm_packages where package_key = :package_key ) -- If the same page is in more than one instance of -- Static Pages for some reason, we only want one of -- them, and we don't care which. -- Oracle and rownum <= 1 -- PostgreSQL --limit 1 select site_node.url(min(node_id)) as url from site_nodes where object_id = :package_id