-- -- IMS-LD Package Data Model -- -- @author jopez@inv.it.uc3m.es -- @creation-date jul-2005 -- create table imsld_learning_objects ( learning_object_id integer constraint imsld_lo_id_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_lo_id_pk primary key, environment_id integer constraint imsld_serv_env_fk references cr_items --imsld_environments not null, identifier varchar(100) not null, class varchar(4000), is_visible_p char(1) check (is_visible_p in ('t','f')) default 't', type varchar(100), parameters varchar(4000) ); create index imsld_lo_env_idx on imsld_learning_objects(environment_id); comment on table imsld_learning_objects is ' Learning objects are incorporated (in dotLRN) by referencing resources through the item elements.'; comment on column imsld_learning_objects.class is ' The class attribute refers to the value of class attributes available in learning-design or content elements.'; comment on column imsld_learning_objects.type is ' The type of learning object (e.g. knowledge-object, tool-object test-object). Vocabulary used can be the one of ''learning resource type'' element from the IEEE LTSC LOM.'; comment on column imsld_learning_objects.is_visible_p is ' Initial visibility attribute'; comment on column imsld_learning_objects.parameters is ' Parameters to be passed during runtime.'; create table imsld_imslds ( imsld_id integer constraint imsld_id_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_id_pk primary key, organization_id integer constraint imsld_org_id_fk references cr_items --imsld_cp_organizations not null, identifier varchar(100) not null, version varchar(10), level char(1) constraint imsld_level_ck check (level in ('a','b','c')), sequence_used_p char(1) constraint imsld_seq_ck check (sequence_used_p in ('t','f')) default 'f', learning_objective_id integer constraint imsld_lobj_id_fk references cr_items, --imsld_learning_objectives prerequisite_id integer constraint imsld_prereq_id_fk references cr_items --imsld_prerequisites ); create index imsld_imsld_orgid_idx on imsld_imslds(organization_id); create index imsld_imsld_loid_idx on imsld_imslds(learning_objective_id); create index imsld_imsld_pid_idx on imsld_imslds(prerequisite_id); comment on table imsld_imslds is ' IMS-LD main table, where the imsld general information is stored.'; comment on column imsld_imslds.version is ' A version number of the document'; comment on column imsld_imslds.level is ' The level of the document. It can only be A, B or C'; comment on column imsld_imslds.sequence_used_p is ' If the value is true, IMS Simple Sequencing is included at the appropriate places in the document instance, default is false.'; create table imsld_learning_objectives ( learning_objective_id integer constraint imsld_leo_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_leo_pk primary key, pretty_title varchar(200) ); comment on table imsld_learning_objectives is ' This table holds the learning objectives of the IMS-LD. Technically it is just a mapping table between items and the imsld_id or learning_activity_id, but this table was created to provide simplicity and clarification in the data model'; create table imsld_prerequisites ( prerequisite_id integer constraint imsld_prereq_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_prereq_pk primary key, pretty_title varchar(200) ); comment on table imsld_prerequisites is ' This table holds the prerequisites of the IMS-LD. Technically it is just a mapping table between items and the imsld_id or learning_activity_id, but this table was created to provide simplicity and clarification in the data model'; create table imsld_items ( imsld_item_id integer constraint imsld_items_id_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_items_id_pk primary key, parent_item_id integer constraint imsld_items_pid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_items identifier varchar(100), identifierref varchar(100), is_visible_p char(1) check (is_visible_p in ('t','f')) default 't', parameters varchar(4000), -- recursive queries support imsld_tree_sortkey varbit, imsld_max_child_sortkey varbit ); create index imsld_items_pid_idx on imsld_items(parent_item_id); create unique index imsld_items_tree_sortkey_un on imsld_items(imsld_tree_sortkey); comment on table imsld_items is ' This table holds the imsld items of the unit of learning'; comment on column imsld_items.parent_item_id is ' In case it is a nested item.'; comment on column imsld_items.identifier is ' Unique identifier of the item in the unit of learning'; comment on column imsld_items.is_visible_p is ' Initial visibility attribute'; comment on column imsld_items.parameters is ' Parameters to be passed during runtime.'; create table imsld_components ( component_id integer constraint imsld_comp_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_comp_pk primary key, imsld_id integer constraint imsld_comp_ldid_fk references cr_items --imsld_imslds not null ); create index imsld_comp_imsld_id_idx on imsld_components(imsld_id); comment on table imsld_components is ' This table holds the components of the learning activity, which conists of activities, roles and environments. The environments, roles and activities tables references this one since the relationship is one to many.'; create table imsld_roles ( role_id integer constraint imsld_roles_id_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_roles_id_pk primary key, component_id integer constraint imsld_roles_comp_id_fk references cr_items --imsld_components not null, identifier varchar(100), role_type varchar(7) check (role_type in ('learner','staff')) not null, parent_role_id integer constraint imsld_roles_proleid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_roles create_new_p char(1) check (create_new_p in ('t','f')) default 't', match_persons_p char(1) check (match_persons_p in ('t','f')) default 'f', max_persons integer, min_persons integer, href varchar(2000) ); create index imsld_roles_parent_id_idx on imsld_roles(parent_role_id); create index imsld_roles_comp_id_idx on imsld_roles(component_id); comment on table imsld_roles is ' Roles of the unit of learning. Whenever possible, they are treated just like the roles in dotLRN'; comment on column imsld_roles.role_type is ' Role type to know if the role is of type learner or staff'; comment on column imsld_roles.parent_role_id is ' According to the IMS-LD spec, a role can have sub-roles, i.e. a role can have a parent role'; comment on column imsld_roles.create_new_p is ' This attribute indicates whether multiple occurrences of this role may be created during runtime. True means allowed and false means not-allowed'; comment on column imsld_roles.match_persons_p is ' This attribute is used when there are several sub roles (e.g. chair, secretary, member). Persons can be matched exclusively to the sub roles, meaning that a person, who has the role of chair, may not be bound to one of the other roles at the same time. When it is not exclusive, persons may be bound to more than one sub role (this is the default situation). True means exclusively-in-roles and false means not-exlusively.'; create table imsld_activity_descs ( description_id integer constraint imsld_act_desc_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_act_desc_pk primary key, pretty_title varchar(200) ); comment on table imsld_activity_descs is ' This table holds the descrition of a learning activity. Technically it is just a mapping table between items and the learning activity, but this table was created to provide simplicity and clarification in the data model'; create table imsld_learning_activities ( activity_id integer constraint imsld_la_id_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_la_id_pk primary key, identifier varchar(100), component_id integer constraint imsld_la_component_id_fk references cr_items --imsld_components not null, activity_description_id integer constraint imsld_la_desc_id_fk references cr_items --imsld_activity_descs not null, parameters varchar(4000), is_visible_p char(1) check (is_visible_p in ('t','f')) default 't', user_choice_p char(1) check (user_choice_p in ('t','f')), time_limit_id integer constraint imdls_la_timelid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_time_limits on_completion_id integer constraint imdls_la_oncompid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_on_completion learning_objective_id integer constraint imsld_la_lobjid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_learning_objectives prerequisite_id integer constraint imsld_la_prereqid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_prerequisites sort_order integer default 0 ); create index imsld_la_comp_id_idx on imsld_learning_activities(component_id); create index imsld_la_ad_id_idx on imsld_learning_activities(activity_description_id); create index imsld_la_timel_id_idx on imsld_learning_activities(time_limit_id); create index imsld_la_oncomp_id_idx on imsld_learning_activities(on_completion_id); create index imsld_la_lo_id_idx on imsld_learning_activities(learning_objective_id); create index imsld_la_prereq_id_idx on imsld_learning_activities(prerequisite_id); comment on table imsld_learning_activities is ' This table stores the learning activitis of the component of the unit of learning.'; comment on column imsld_learning_activities.parameters is ' Parameters to be passed during runtime.'; comment on column imsld_learning_activities.user_choice_p is ' This element specifies that the user may decide him or herself when the activity is completed. This means that a control must be available in the user-interface to set the activity status to ''completed''. A user can do this once (no undo). Once he/she indicated the activity to be completed, then this activity stays completed in the run.'; comment on column imsld_learning_activities.time_limit_id is ' The time limit specifies that it is completed when a certain amount of time has passed, relative to the start of the run of the current unit of learning. In runtime the time limit of the play overrules the time limit on act and that one on the role-parts. This unit is curretnly treated in seconds in dotLRN.'; comment on column imsld_learning_activities.on_completion_id is ' When an activity, act, play or unit-of-learning is completed, the optional actions contained in this element are executed. In level A it contains only one element. The wrapper is available for the extensions of level B and C.'; create table imsld_support_activities ( activity_id integer constraint imsld_sa_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_sa_pk primary key, component_id integer constraint imsld_sa_componenid_fk references cr_items --imsld_components not null, activity_description_id integer constraint imsld_sa_desc_id_fk references cr_items --imsld_activity_descs not null, identifier varchar(100), is_visible_p char(1) check (is_visible_p in ('t','f')) default 't', parameters varchar(4000), user_choice_p char(1) check (user_choice_p in ('t','f')), time_limit_id integer constraint imdls_sa_timelid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_time_limits on_completion_id integer constraint imdls_sa_oncompid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_on_completion sort_order integer default 0 ); create index imsld_sa_comp_id_idx on imsld_support_activities(component_id); create index imsld_sa_ad_id_idx on imsld_support_activities(activity_description_id); create index imsld_sa_timel_id_idx on imsld_support_activities(time_limit_id); create index imsld_sa_oncomp_id_idx on imsld_support_activities(on_completion_id); comment on table imsld_support_activities is ' This table stores the support activitis of the component of the unit of learning. For comments on specific fields see the table imsld_learning_activities. The talbes imsld_learning_activities and imsld_support_activities are treated separatedly because it was too confusing using only one, because there are references to only learning activities and to only support activities, besides, a support activity can have roles mapped to it.'; create table imsld_activity_structures ( structure_id integer constraint imsld_as_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_as_pk primary key, component_id integer constraint imsld_as_component_id_fk references cr_items --imsld_components not null, identifier varchar(100), number_to_select integer, structure_type char(9) check (structure_type in ('selection','sequence')), sort varchar(4), sort_order integer default 0 ); create index imsld_as_comp_id_idx on imsld_activity_structures(component_id); comment on table imsld_activity_structures is ' The activity structures of a component determine the sets and order of activities in the unit of learning, as well as the structure type of such sets'; comment on column imsld_activity_structures.number_to_select is ' When the attribute ''number-to-select'' is set, the activity-structure is completed when the number of activities completed equals the number set. The number-to-select must be the same as or smaller than the number of activities (including unit-of-learnings) which are at the immediate child level. When the number-to-select isn''t set, the activity-structure is completed when all the activities in the structure are completed. The field ''information'' (specified in the IMS-LD spec) is just a set of items, maped to this table trhough a mapping table.'; comment on column imsld_activity_structures.structure_type is ' Indicates whether the activity-structure represents a sequence or a selection.'; create table imsld_environments ( environment_id integer constraint imsld_env_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_env_pk primary key, component_id integer constraint imsld_env_compid_fk references cr_items --imsld_components not null, identifier varchar(100) ); create index imsld_envs_comp_id_idx on imsld_environments(component_id); comment on table imsld_environments is ' The environments are learning objects, services or more environments that complement a given activity. The learning objects and services are mapped to this table through those tables and the nested environments are mapped through a mapping table.'; create table imsld_services ( service_id integer constraint imsld_serv_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_serv_pk primary key, environment_id integer constraint imsld_serv_env_fk references cr_items --imsld_environments not null, identifier varchar(100), class varchar(4000), is_visible_p char(1) check (is_visible_p in ('t','f')) default 't', parameters varchar(4000), service_type varchar(10) check (service_type in ('send-mail','conference')) ); create index imsld_serv_env_id_idx on imsld_services(environment_id); comment on table imsld_services is ' This table stores all the services that are found in the IMS-LD. The services are supposed to use the other .LRN packages (because that is how the service is provided) but we also hold the information in this table.'; comment on column imsld_services.is_visible_p is ' Initial visibility attribute'; comment on column imsld_services.service_type is ' Service type. Currently only send-mail and conference service types are supported and their respective information is sotred in the tables imsld_send_mail_services and imsld_conference_services, respectively.'; create table imsld_send_mail_services ( mail_id integer constraint imsld_emailserv_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_emailserv_pk primary key, service_id integer constraint imsld_emailsevr_service_fk references cr_items --imsld_services not null, recipients varchar(11) check (recipients in ('all-in-role','selection')) ); create index imsld_send_m_serv_id_idx on imsld_send_mail_services(service_id); comment on column imsld_send_mail_services.recipients is ' Fixed choice: ''all-in-role'' or ''selection''. With the first choice, the user agent only allows messages to be sent to the role, indicating that all persons in the role get the message. With the second choice, the user agent allows a user to select one or more individuals within the specified role to send the message to'; create table imsld_send_mail_data ( data_id integer constraint imsld_semaildata_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_semaildata_pk primary key, send_mail_id integer constraint imsld_semaildata_smailid_fk references cr_items --imsld_send_mail_services not null, role_id integer constraint imsld_semaildata_roleid_fk references cr_items --imsld_roles not null, mail_data text ); create index imsld_sm_data_sm_id_idx on imsld_send_mail_data(send_mail_id); create index imsld_sm_data_role_id_idx on imsld_send_mail_data(role_id); create table imsld_conference_services ( conference_id integer constraint imsld_confs_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_confs_pk primary key, service_id integer constraint imsld_emailsevr_service_fk references cr_items --imsld_services not null, conference_type char(12) check (conference_type in ('synchronous','asynchronous','announcement')), imsld_item_id integer constraint imsld_confs_item_itemid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_items moderator_id integer constraint imsld_confs_moderator_fk references cr_items --imsld_roles ); create index imsld_confs_serv_id on imsld_conference_services(service_id); create index imsld_confs_item_id on imsld_conference_services(imsld_item_id); create index imsld_confs_moder_id on imsld_conference_services(moderator_id); comment on table imsld_conference_services is ' Conferences in the unit of learning. The conference can be synchronous (chat), asynchronous (forum) or announcement (notice). The conference has a manager and a moderator associate to it. Besides, there are the participants, which are mapped to the conference through a mapping table.'; comment on column imsld_conference_services.imsld_item_id is ' A node in a structure, referring to a resource.'; -- TO DO: INDEX SEARCH SERVICE create table imsld_methods ( method_id integer constraint imsld_methods_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_methods_pk primary key, imsld_id integer constraint imsld_methods_imsldid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_imslds time_limit_id integer constraint imsld_methods_timel_fk references cr_items, --imsld_time_limits on_completion_id integer constraint imsld_methods_oncomp_fk references cr_items --imsld_on_completion ); create index imsld_methods_imsld_id_idx on imsld_methods(imsld_id); create index imsld_methods_timel_id_idx on imsld_methods(time_limit_id); create index imsld_methods_oncomp_id_idx on imsld_methods(on_completion_id); comment on table imsld_methods is ' This table holds the methods of the unit of learning. The methods are the ones that specifies the sequence of activities. Theese activities are grouped with their corresponding roles and form a play, which is mapped to the method. The method is completed when all the ''plays to complete method'' mapped to this table are completed or when the time indicated by time_limit has been completed.'; create table imsld_plays ( play_id integer constraint imsld_plays_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_plays_pk primary key, method_id integer constraint imsld_plays_methodid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_methods is_visible_p char(1) check (is_visible_p in ('t','f')) default 't', identifier varchar(100), when_last_act_completed_p char(1) check (when_last_act_completed_p in ('t','f')) default 't', time_limit_id integer constraint imsld_plays_timelid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_time_limits on_completion_id integer constraint imsld_plays_oncomp_fk references cr_items, --imsld_on_completion sort_order integer ); create index imsld_plays_meth_id_idx on imsld_plays(method_id); create index imsld_plays_timel_id_idx on imsld_plays(time_limit_id); create index imsld_plays_oncomp_id_idx on imsld_plays(on_completion_id); comment on table imsld_plays is ' This table stores the plays of the method in the unit of learning. The play is completed when the act (in imsld_acts) referenced by ''when_last_act_completed_id'' is completed or when the time indicated by ''time_limit_id'' has fihished. If theese two fields are empty, the play is ''ulimited.'''; create table imsld_acts ( act_id integer constraint imsld_acts_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_acts_pk primary key, play_id integer constraint imsld_plays_itemid_fk references cr_items --imsld_plays not null, time_limit_id integer constraint imsld_acts_timelid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_time_limits identifier varchar(100), on_completion_id integer constraint imsld_acts_oncomp_fk references cr_items, --imsld_on_completion sort_order integer ); create index imsld_acts_play_id_idx on imsld_acts(play_id); create index imsld_acts_timel_id_idx on imsld_acts(time_limit_id); create index imsld_acts_oncomp_id_idx on imsld_acts(on_completion_id); comment on table imsld_acts is ' The mapping of activities and roles is done in the table ''imsld_role_parts''. This table is the wrapper of the role parts of the unit of learning.'; create table imsld_role_parts ( role_part_id integer constraint imsld_rp_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_rp_pk primary key, act_id integer constraint imsld_rp_aid_fk references cr_items --imsld_acts not null, identifier varchar(100), role_id integer constraint imsld_rp_roleid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_roles learning_activity_id integer constraint imsld_rp_laid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_learning_activities support_activity_id integer constraint imsld_rp_said_fk references cr_items, --imsld_support_activities activity_structure_id integer constraint imsld_rp_asid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_activity_structures environment_id integer constraint imsld_rp_envid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_environments sort_order integer ); create index imsld_rp_act_id_idx on imsld_role_parts(act_id); create index imsld_rp_role_id_idx on imsld_role_parts(role_id); create index imsld_rp_la_id_idx on imsld_role_parts(learning_activity_id); create index imsld_rp_sa_id_idx on imsld_role_parts(support_activity_id); create index imsld_rp_as_id_idx on imsld_role_parts(activity_structure_id); create index imsld_rp_env_id_idx on imsld_role_parts(environment_id); comment on table imsld_role_parts is ' This table holds the actual mapping bewteen activities and roles. There are also mappings between roles and environments or units of learning'; create table imsld_time_limits ( time_limit_id integer constraint imsld_time_limits_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_time_limits__pk primary key, time_in_seconds integer not null ); comment on table imsld_time_limits is ' The time limit specifies that an activity is completed when a certain amount of time has passed, relative to the start of the run of the current unit of learning. This unit is curretnly treated in seconds in dotLRN. Note: This table will be modificated when implementing level B.'; create table imsld_on_completion ( on_completion_id integer constraint imsld_oncomp_id_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_oncomp_id_pk primary key, feedback_title varchar(200) ); comment on table imsld_on_completion is ' The underlying item elements point to a resource (of type webcontent or imsldcontent), where the feedback description can be found. After completion (of the component pointing to this row) this text becomes visible. Feedback are items that are mapped to this table with the imsld_feedback_rel.'; \i imsld-cp-create.sql \i imsld-status-create.sql \i imsld-tree-create.sql