-- -- /packages/acs-kernel/sql/acs-install.sql -- -- Complete the install of the system by setting up some default URL mappings. -- -- @author Bryan Quinn (bquinn@arsdigita.com -- @creation-date 2000/10/01 -- @cvs-id acs-install.sql,v 2001/01/12 18:32:21 dennis Exp -- create function inline_0 () returns integer as ' declare kernel_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; node_id site_nodes.node_id%TYPE; main_site_id site_nodes.node_id%TYPE; admin_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; lang_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; workflow_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; docs_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; api_doc_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; acs_sc_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; cr_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; schema_user varchar(100); jobnum integer; begin kernel_id := apm_service__new ( null, ''ACS Kernel'', ''acs-kernel'', ''apm_service'', now(), null, null, acs__magic_object_id(''default_context'') ); PERFORM apm_package__enable (kernel_id); main_site_id := apm_service__new( null, ''Main Site'', ''acs-subsite'', ''apm_service'', now(), null, null, acs__magic_object_id(''default_context'') ); PERFORM apm_package__enable (main_site_id); node_id := site_node__new ( null, null, '''', main_site_id, ''t'', ''t'', null, null ); PERFORM acs_permission__grant_permission ( main_site_id, acs__magic_object_id(''the_public''), ''read'' ); lang_id := apm_service__new ( null, ''OpenACS Localization Utils'', ''acs-lang'', ''apm_service'', now(), null, null, null ); PERFORM apm_package__enable (lang_id); -- All users, whether registered or not, set their locale preference at /acs-lang PERFORM acs_permission__grant_permission ( lang_id, acs__magic_object_id (''the_public''), ''read'' ); node_id := site_node__new ( null, site_node__node_id(''/'', null), ''acs-lang'', lang_id, ''t'', ''t'', null, null ); admin_id := apm_service__new ( null, ''ACS Administration'', ''acs-admin'', ''apm_service'', now(), null, null, null ); PERFORM apm_package__enable (admin_id); node_id := site_node__new ( null, site_node__node_id(''/'', null), ''acs-admin'', admin_id, ''t'', ''t'', null, null ); acs_sc_id := apm_service__new ( null, ''ACS Service Contract'', ''acs-service-contract'', ''apm_service'', now(), null, null, null ); PERFORM apm_package__enable (acs_sc_id); node_id := site_node__new ( null, site_node__node_id(''/'', null), ''acs-service-contract'', acs_sc_id, ''t'', ''t'', null, null ); cr_id := apm_service__new ( null, ''ACS Content Repository'', ''acs-content-repository'', ''apm_service'', now(), null, null, null ); PERFORM apm_package__enable (cr_id); node_id := site_node__new ( null, site_node__node_id(''/'', null), ''acs-content-repository'', cr_id, ''t'', ''t'', null, null ); workflow_id := apm_service__new ( null, ''ACS Workflow'', ''acs-workflow'', ''apm_service'', now(), null, null, null ); PERFORM apm_package__enable (workflow_id); node_id := site_node__new ( null, site_node__node_id(''/'', null), ''acs-workflow'', workflow_id, ''t'', ''t'', null, null ); docs_id := apm_service__new ( null, ''ACS Core Documents'', ''acs-core-docs'', ''apm_service'', now(), null, null, main_site_id ); node_id := site_node__new ( null, site_node__node_id(''/'',null), ''doc'', docs_id, ''t'', ''t'', null, null ); api_doc_id := apm_service__new ( null, ''ACS API Browser'', ''acs-api-browser'', ''apm_service'', now(), null, null, main_site_id ); PERFORM apm_package__enable (api_doc_id); insert into inline_data (id,name) values (api_doc_id, ''api_doc_id''); return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- Set default permissions for ACS API Browser so -- that only users logged in can view it create function inline_1 () returns integer as ' declare api_doc_id integer; begin select id into api_doc_id from inline_data where name = ''api_doc_id''; PERFORM acs_permission__grant_permission ( api_doc_id, acs__magic_object_id (''registered_users''), ''read'' ); api_doc_id := site_node__new ( null, site_node__node_id(''/'',null), ''api-doc'', api_doc_id, ''t'', ''t'', null, null ); return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create table inline_data ( id integer, name varchar ); select inline_0 (); select id from inline_data where name = 'api_doc_id'; update acs_objects set security_inherit_p = 'f' where object_id = (select id from inline_data where name = 'api_doc_id'); select inline_1 (); drop function inline_0 (); drop function inline_1 (); drop table inline_data; -- show errors