The schema for the entities that actually collect, store and retrieve
Assessment data parallels the hierarchical structure of the Metadata Data Model. In the antecedent
"complex survey" and "questionnaire" systems, this schema was simple
two-level structure:
- survey_responses which capture information about which
survey was completed, by whom, when, etc
- survey_question_responses which capture the actual user
data in a "long skinny table" mechanism
This suffices for one-shot surveys but doesn't support the fine
granularity of user-action tracking, "save&resume" capabilities,
and other requirements identified for the enhanced Assessment package.
Consequently, we use a more extended hierarchy:
- Assessment Session which captures information about
which Assessment, which Subject, when, etc
- Section Data which holds information about the status of
each Section
- Item Data which holds the actual data extracted from the
Assessment's html forms; this is the "long skinny table"
To support user modification of submitted data (of which
"store&resume" is a special case), we base all these entities in
the CR. In fact, we use both cr_items and cr_revisions in our schema,
since for any given user's Assessment submission, there indeed is a
"final" or "live" version. In contrast, recall that for any Assessment
itself, different authors may be using different versions of the
Assessment. While this situation may be unusual, the fact that it must
be supported means that the semantics of cr_items don't fit the
Assessment itself. They do fit the semantics of a given user's
Assessment "session" however.
We distinguish here between "subjects" which are users whose
information is the primary source of the Assessment's responses, and
"users" which are real OpenACS users who can log into the system.
Subjects may be completing the Assessment themselves or may have
completed some paper form that is being transcribed by staff people who
are users. We thus account for both the "real" and one or more "proxy"
respondents via this mechanism. Note that subjects may or may not be
OpenACS users who can log into the system running Assessment. Thus subject_id
will be a foreign key to persons not users. If the responding
user is completing the assessment for herself, the staff_id will be identical
to the subject_id. But if the user completing the assessment is doing it by proxy
for the "real" subject, then the staff_id will be hers while the subject_id will belong
to the "real" subject.
We've simplified this subsection of Assessment considerably from earlier versions, and
here is how and why:
- Annotations: We previously had a separate table to capture any type of
ad hoc explanations/descriptions/etc that a user would need to attach to a given
data element (either an item or section). Instead, we will use the OpenACS General Comments
package, which is based on the CR and thus can support multiple comments attached to a given
revision of a data element. The integration between Assessment and GC thus will need to
be at the UI level, not the data model level. Using GC will support post-test "discussions" between
student and teacher, for example, about individual items, sections or sessions.
- Scoring-grading: This has been a rather controversial area because of the
wide range of needs for derived calculations/evaluations that different applications need
to perform on the raw submitted data. In many cases, no calculations are needed at all; only
frequency reports ("74% of responders chose this option") are needed. In other cases, a given
item response may itself have some measure of "correctness" ("Your answer was 35% right.") or
a section may be the relevant scope of scoring ("You got six of ten items correct -- 60%.). At the
other extreme, complex scoring algorithms may be defined to include multiple scales consisting
of arbitrary combinations of items among different sections or even consisting of arithmetic means
of already calculated scale scores.
Because of this variability as well as the recognition that Assessment should be primarily
a data collection package, we've decided to abstract all scoring-grading functions to one
or more additional packages. A grading package
is under development now by part of our group, but no documentation is yet available about it.
How such client packages will interface with Assessment has not yet been worked out, but this
is a crucial issue to work through. Presumably something to do with service contracts.
Such a package will need to interact both with Assessment metadata (to define what items are to be
"scored" and how they are to be scored -- and with Assessment collected data (to do the actual
calculations and mappings-to-grades.
- Signatures: The purpose of this is to provide identification and nonreputability during
data submission. An assessment should optionally be configurable to require a pass-phrase from the user
at the individual item level, the section level, or the session level. This pass-phrase would be used
to generate a hash of the data that, along with the system-generated timestamp when the data return to
the server, would uniquely mark the data and prevent subsequent revisions. For most simple applications
of Assessment, all this is overkill. But for certification exams (for instance) or for clinical data or
financial applications, this kind of auditing is essential.
We previously used a separate table for this since probably most assessments won't use this (at least,
that is the opinion of most of the educational folks here). However, since we're generating separate
revisions of each of these collected data types, we decided it would be far simpler and more appropriate
to include the signed_data field directly in the as_item_data table. Note that for complex
applications, the need to "sign the entire form" or "sign the section" could be performed by concatenating
all the items contained by the section or assessment and storing that in a "signed_data" field in as_section_data
or as_sessions. However, this would presumably result in duplicate hashing of the data -- once for the
individual items and then collectively. Instead, we'll only "sign" the data at the atomic, as_item level, and
procedurally sign all as_item_data at once if the assessment author requires only a section-level or assessment-level
- "Events" related to assessments In some applications (like clinical trials), it is important to define
a series of "named" assessment events (like "baseline" "one month" "six months" etc) at which time assessments
are to be performed. Earlier we included an "event_id" attribute in data collection entities (notably as_item_data)
to make mapping of these events to their data easy. This denormalization makes some sense for efficiency considerations,
but it doesn't prove to be generally applicable enough to most contexts, so we've removed it. Instead, any
client package using Assessment in this fashion should implement its own relationships (presumably with acs_rels).
- "Status" of data collection entities An assessment author may specify different allowable steps
for her assessment -- such as whether a user can "save&resume" between sessions, whether a second user needs
to "review&confirm" entered data before it becomes "final", etc etc. Rather than try to anticipate these kinds
of workflow options (and considering that many uses of Assessment won't want to track any such status), we've
decided to move this out of the data model for Assessment per se and into Workflow. Assessment authors will have
a UI through which they can configure an applicable workflow (defining states, roles, actions) for the assessment.
Synopsis of Data-Collection Datamodel
Here's the schema for this subsystem:
Specific Entities
This section addresses the attributes the most important entities
have in the data-collection data model -- principally the various
design issues and choices we've made. We omit here literal SQL snippets
since that's what the web interface to CVS is for. ;-)
- Assessment Sessions (as_sessions) are the top of the
data-collection entity hierarchy. They provide the central definition
of a given subject's performance of an Assessment. Attributes include:
- session_id
- cr::name - Identifier, format "$session_id-$last_mod_datetime"
- assessment_id (note that this is actually a revision_id)
- subject_id - references a Subjects entity that we don't
define in this package. Should reference the parties table as there is no
concept of storing persons in OpenACS in general. Note: this cannot
reference users, since in many cases, subjects will not be able (or should not
be able) to log into the system. The users table requires email addresses.
Subjects in Assessment cannot be required to have email addresses. If they
can't be "persons" then Assessment will have to define an as_subjects
table for its own use.
- staff_id - references Users if someone is doing the
Assessment as a proxy for the real subject
- target_datetime - when the subject should do the Assessment
- creation_datetime - when the subject initiated the
- first_mod_datetime - when the subject first sent something
back in
- last_mod_datetime - the most recent submission
- completed_datetime - when the final submission produced a
complete Assessment
- ip_address - IP Address of the entry
- percent_score - Current percentage of the subject achieved so
- consent_timestamp - Time when the consent has been given.
Note, this is a
denormalization introduced for the educational application. For clinical trials apps,
in contrast, a complete, separate "Enrollment" package will be necessary and would
capture consent information. Actually, it's not clear that even for education apps that
this belongs here, since a consent will happen only once for a given assessment while
the user may complete the assessment during multiple sessions (if save&resume is enabled
for instance). In fact, I've removed this from the graffle (SK).
- Assessment Section Data (as_section_data) tracks the
state of each Section in the Assessment. Attributes include:
- section_data_id
- cr::name - Identifier, format "$session_id-$last_mod_datetime"
- session_id
- section_id
- subject_id
- staff_id
- Assessment Item Data (as_item_data) is the heart
of the data collection piece. This is the "long skinny table" where all
the primary data go -- everything other than "scale" data ie calculated
scoring results derived from these primary responses from subjects.
Attributes include:
- item_data_id
- session_id
- cr::name - identifier in the format "$item_id-$subject_id"
- event_id - this is a foreign key to the "event" during which this assessment is
being performed -- eg "second term final" or "six-month follow-up visit" or "Q3 report". Note:
adding this here is a denormalization justified by the fact that lots of queries will depend
on this key, and not joining against as_sessions will be a Very Good Thing since if a given
data submission occurs through multiple sessions (the save&resume situation).
- subject_id
- staff_id
- item_id
- choice_id_answer - references as_item_choices
- boolean_answer
- numeric_answer
- integer_answer
- text_answer -- presumably can store both varchar and text datatypes -- or do we want to separate
these as we previously did?
- timestamp_answer
- content_answer - references cr_revisions
- signed_data - This field stores the signed entered data, see above and
below for explanations
- percent_score
- To do: figure out how attachment answers should be supported; the Attachment
package is still in need of considerable help. Can we rely on it here?
- Assessment Scales : As discussed above, this will for the time being be handled by
external grading-scoring-evaluation packages. Assessment will only work
with percentages internally. It might be necessary to add scales into
assessment as well, but we will think about this once the time arrives, but we think that
a more elegant (and appropriate, given the OpenACS toolkit design) approach will be to define
service contracts to interface these packages.
- Assessment Annotations provides a
flexible way to handle a variety of ways that we need to be able to
"mark up" an Assessment. Subjects may modify a response they've already
made and need to provide a reason for making that change. Teachers may
want to attach a reply to a student's answer to a specific Item or make
a global comment about the entire Assessment. This will be achieved by
using the General Comments System of OpenACS
- Signing of content allows
to verify that the data submitted is actually from the person it is
pretended to be from. This assumes a public key environment where the
public key is stored along with the user information (e.g. with the
users table) and the data stored in as_item_data is additionally stored
in a signed version (signed with the secret key of the user). To verify
if the data in as_item_data is actually verified the system only has to
check the signed_data with the public key and see if it matches the