%= [todo_help_header "Todo Help"] %>
Todo: The Basic Idea
Todo is simply a task manager that allows you to organize your random
tasks. Todo also integrates with other modules (the Ticket Tracker,
and the Software Development Manager) to allow you to access
everything you're assigned to do in one convenient spot.
Todo: Lists
Todo lists can be created manually from the front page. These are
simply task lists that are not tied to any other module of the ACS,
and which can be shared with other users at will. You can click down
to a list-specific page from the front page, which will show you all
the tasks assigned to you in that list.
Some Todo lists are automatically generated from other modules. These
lists cannot be explicitly created: they automatically appear when
actions are taken in other modules. For example, being assigned to a
bug in the SDM will automatically add a list in the Todo Manager that
corresponds to that SDM package and includes the bugs that need to be
Todo: Life-Cycle of items
A todo item is either:
- Open: the task is open for completion
- Closed: the task has been checked off, and appears in
strike-through style. It will remain visible to the user for a period
of time defined in the ToDo Preferences, available from every page of
the ToDo module in the upper right-hand corner.
- Deleted: the task has been marked deleted. This can only
be done once a task has been marked closed (just to prevent from
inadvertently deleting a task). Tasks remain in the "deleted" state
for a couple of days, at which point they are automatically purged
from the system. When deleted, they do not appear in the user's normal
views, but can still be retrieved by selecting "deleted tasks" from
the upper right-hand corner of every page. This link appears only when
there exists at least one deleted task.
<%= [todo_footer] %>