<%= [openacs_header OpenACS.org] %>

<%= [openacs_menu] %>

What is OpenACS?

OpenACS (Open ArsDigita Community System) is an advanced toolkit for building scalable, community-oriented web applications. It relies on AOLserver, a web/application server, and PostgreSQL, a true ACID-compliant RDBMS. These are two high-quality products available for free under open-source licenses. (read more)

How can I use OpenACS?

OpenACS is available under the GNU General Public License, which makes it open-source. This means you can use it and modify it in any way you want. If you choose to redistribute OpenACS, you must do so under the terms of the GNU license. In fact, this is how OpenACS came to be: it is the redistributed, modified version of the ACS, built by ArsDigita.

You are thus free to use OpenACS for commercial and non-commercial use. For professional help, you should contact Civilution, Furfly, Musea Technologies, OpenForce, or Ybos.

Is there more information?

Check out, in order, our documentation, our FAQs, and our forums.
You can also check out sites that run on OpenACS.


    <% set db [ns_db gethandle] # Create a clause for returning the postings for relevant groups set newsgroup_clause "(newsgroup_id = [join [news_newsgroup_id_list $db 0 0] " or newsgroup_id = "])" set query " select news_item_id, title, release_date, body, html_p from news_items where sysdate() between release_date and expiration_date and release_date-sysdate() < '2 weeks'::reltime and $newsgroup_clause and approval_state = 'approved' order by release_date desc, creation_date desc" set selection [ns_db select $db $query] set counter 0 while {[ns_db getrow $db $selection]} { set_variables_after_query incr counter ns_puts "
  • [util_AnsiDatetoPrettyDate $release_date]: $title" } if {$counter == 0} { ns_puts "No news items" } %>


<% set num_total_users [database_to_tcl_string $db "select count(*) from users"] set num_downloads_rpm [database_to_tcl_string $db "select count(*) from package_release_downloads where package_id=8"] set num_downloads_324 [database_to_tcl_string $db "select count(*) from package_release_downloads where package_id=1 and release_id=12"] %> <%= $num_total_users %> registered users.

<%= $num_downloads_324 %> downloads of OpenACS 3.2.4.
<%= $num_downloads_rpm %> downloads of OpenACS Apache RPMs.

The OpenACS team would like to thank ArsDigita for providing the hardware and co-location resources needed to run this site.

<%= [openacs_footer] %>