proc_doc ad_intranet_header { } {Intranet look and feel} {
set page_title [ad_partner_upvar page_title]
set context_bar [ad_partner_upvar context_bar]
set graphic "/pages/graphics/ad_intranet_logo.jpg"
return [ad_graphics_header $page_title "" $graphic]
# Now we define some generic header and footer procedures
# that can be used to set-up the generic ArsDigita look and feel
proc_doc ad_graphics_header { {page_title ""} {extra_stuff_for_document_head ""} { graphic_source "/pages/graphics/ad_logo_sm.gif" } } {writes HEAD, TITLE, and BODY tags to start off pages in a consistent fashion} {
if { [empty_string_p $page_title] } {
# If we didn't get a title as an argument, look for it in the calling environment
set page_title [ad_partner_upvar page_title]
if { [empty_string_p $extra_stuff_for_document_head] } {
# look for it in the calling environment
set extra_stuff_for_document_head [ad_partner_upvar extra_stuff_for_document_head]
set context_bar [ad_partner_upvar context_bar]
# height=88 width=95 vspace=10>
set html "
[ad_header $page_title $extra_stuff_for_document_head]
[ad_partner_default_font "size=2"]$context_bar |
return $html
# redirect for old press stuff
proc_doc ad_custom_redirect_press {} {Redirects /press/* to /press/index.tcl} {
ns_returnredirect /press/index.tcl
ns_register_proc GET /press/*.html ad_custom_redirect_press
ns_register_proc POST /press/*.html ad_custom_redirect_press
## BBoard security hack
proc_doc bboard_restrict_access_to_group args {
Restricts access to a bboard if it has a group_id set for the
specified topic_id or msg_id
} {
set form [ns_getform]
if { [empty_string_p $form] } {
ns_log Notice "bboard_restrict_access_to_group: empty form"
return filter_ok
# 3 ways to identify a message - see if we have any of them!
set topic_id [ns_set get $form topic_id]
set msg_id [ns_set get $form msg_id]
set refers_to [ns_set get $form refers_to]
if { [empty_string_p topic_id] && [empty_string_p msg_id] && [empty_string_p refers_to] } {
# Don't have a msg_id or topic_id or refers_to - can't do anything...
# Grant access by default
return filter_ok
set db [ns_db gethandle subquery]
if { [empty_string_p topic_id] } {
# Get the topic id from whatever identifier we have
if { [empty_string_p msg_id] } {
set msg_id $refers_to
set topic_id [database_to_tcl_string $db \
"select topic_id from bboard where msg_id='[DoubleApos $msg_id]'"]
set user_id [ad_get_user_id]
set has_access_p 0
if { $user_id > 0 } {
set has_access_p [database_to_tcl_string $db \
"select case when count(1) = 0 then 0 else 1 end
from bboard_topics t
where t.group_id is null
or ad_group_member_p($user_id, t.group_id) = 't'"]
if { $has_access_p == 0 } {
# Check if this is an intranet authorized user - they
# get to see everything!
set has_access_p [im_user_is_authorized_p $db $user_id]
} elseif {$user_id == 0} {
# the user isnt loged in
set has_access_p [database_to_tcl_string $db \
"select case when count(1) = 0 then 0 else 1 end
from bboard_topics t
where t.topic_id = '$topic_id'
and t.group_id is null"]
ns_db releasehandle $db
if { $has_access_p == 0 } {
ad_return_error "Access denied" "This section of the bboard is restricted. You must either be a member of the group who owns this topic or an authorized user of the [ad_parameter SystemName] intranet. You can login as someone else if you like."
return filter_return
return filter_ok
ad_register_filter preauth HEAD /bboard/* bboard_restrict_access_to_group
ad_register_filter preauth GET /bboard/* bboard_restrict_access_to_group
ad_register_filter preauth POST /bboard/* bboard_restrict_access_to_group