Spam System Design

by Mark Dalrymple and Bill Schneider

I. Essentials

II. Introduction

The spam package allows the user to send mass e-mail to a group of users, selected with a database query. It provides a set of common user-interface pages that can be linked from any other ACS application that wishes to include a spam feature. These pages will initally be linked from the subsite admin/groups/one page, so subsite administrators can send spam to all the members of a group.

The spam package uses the acs-mail package as the store for message content, so all spam content also ends up in the acs_contents; the acs-mail package also handles the generation of multipart/alternative e-mail for us, and the actual transport of outgoing message via ns_sendmail.

The spam package is intended to be used as a singleton service, so other applications can link to a single instance of the spam package.

III. Historical Considerations

Previous versions of ACS included a feature for sending mass e-mail to groups of users. There were two separate but nearly-identical sets of pages for providing nearly the same features: one for administrators to send spam to a group of users, and one for group members to spam each other. We expect that the enhanced object-level permissioning in ACS 4.1 will prevent us from needing this kind of cut-and-paste programming.

IV. Competitive Analysis


V. Design Tradeoffs

Picking groups of recipients

Spamming groups of users chosen with different sets of criteria is a feature that can be incorporated into a variety of different applications; for example:

Ultimately, we would like the ability for each package author to register a type of criteria centrally with a user-classes service; and then the spam pages could present a central interface for picking a group of users to spam based on cross-package criteria.

This is part of a larger data-mining or personalization problem, and is out of the scope of the current spam service. So, for now, we require that each application provide a SQL query returning a list of party_id's as spam recipients as a parameter to the pages that create a new spam message. We prevent SQL tampering by passing it as a client property (using ad_{get|set}_client_property) instead of passing it as a URL variable.

Use of acs-mail

We use acs-mail for basic message storage and transport services, since there is already an e-mail queue processing procedure, and storing messages in the acs_mail table means that outgoing spams are content items in the acs_contents table.

Since acs-mail is still under development and its specifications are subject to change, we will suggest some enhancements for acs-mail as follows:



We will provide a procedure spam_base for returning the base URL where the spam package is mounted. This function will be called from other packages to get a URL to the spam system. We will also provide a function that wraps the call to the PL/SQL functions for inserting and updating messages in the database (spam_new_message and spam_update_message).

Also, we will include a "sweeper" procedure that periodically polls for spam that has been approved by an administrator and whose send-time has passed; these messages will be pushed into the acs-mail service's outgoing mail queue (acs_mail_queue_outgoing) for transport.


The spam system will extend the ACS Mail service, and will include a PL/SQL package with a new function to create a new spam message object. There will also be an edit method for editing a spam message, or updating its status fields.

VI. Data Model Discussion

Spam will not have much of its own data model; rather, it will extend the acs-mail service's data model. This allows us to build on top of acs-mail rather than re-inventing it. This also results in messages being stored in the acs-content service, consolidating our usage of BLOB columns in the database schema.

Spam only needs to keep track of four things beyond what acs-mail does:

VIII. User Interface

We will create the following pages as the spam user interface:

Last modified: $Id: spam-design.html,v 1.1 2002/07/09 17:35:13 rmello Exp $