<master> <property name=title>Add photos</property> <h2>Add photos to <a href="folder-view?folder_id=@folder_id@">@title@</a></h2> @context_bar@ <hr> <p> <strong>Add image files or Zip archives from your hard drive</strong> <br><small><em>(you'll be able to add more information after the photos are on the server;<br> for best results, limit the total upload to 10MB or less)</em></small> <table cellspacing=3> <tr valign=top><td> <blockquote> <form action=photo-add-2 method=post enctype=multipart/form-data> <input type=hidden name=folder_id value=@folder_id@> <strong>File: </strong><input type=file name=file1 size=35><br> <strong>File: </strong><input type=file name=file2 size=35><br> <strong>File: </strong><input type=file name=file3 size=35><br> <strong>File: </strong><input type=file name=file4 size=35><br> <strong>File: </strong><input type=file name=file5 size=35><br> <strong>File: </strong><input type=file name=file6 size=35><br> <br> <if @default_exp_date@ not eq ""> <input type=checkbox name=use_default_date value=1> <small>Set exposure dates to @default_exp_date@</small><br> </if> <if @default_prefix@ not eq ""> <input type=checkbox name=use_default_prefix value=1> <small>Rename files to @default_prefix@-<photo number></small><br> </if> <br><center><input type=submit value="Upload files"></center> <br><small><em>(uploading may take a minute or more. Please be patient.) </em></small> </blockquote> </form> </td> <td rowspan=6><strong>This folder currently contains:</strong> <blockquote> <small> <multiple name=files> @files.client_filename@<br> </multiple> </blockquote> </small> </td></tr> </table> </body> </html>