-- -- The Notifications Package -- -- @author Ben Adida (ben@openforce.net) -- @version $Id: email-sc-impl-create.sql,v 1.1 2002/07/09 17:35:10 rmello Exp $ -- -- Copyright OpenForce, 2002. -- -- GNU GPL v2 -- -- -- The service contract implementation for email -- declare impl_id integer; foo integer; begin impl_id := acs_sc_impl.new ( 'NotificationDeliveryMethod', 'notification_email', 'notifications' ); foo := acs_sc_impl.new_alias ( 'NotificationDeliveryMethod', 'notification_email', 'Send', 'notification::email::send', 'TCL' ); foo := acs_sc_impl.new_alias ( 'NotificationDeliveryMethod', 'notification_email', 'ScanReplies', 'notification::email::scan_replies', 'TCL' ); acs_sc_binding.new ( contract_name => 'NotificationDeliveryMethod', impl_name => 'notification_email' ); foo:= notification_delivery_method.new( short_name => 'email', sc_impl_id => impl_id, pretty_name => 'Email', creation_user => null, creation_ip => null ); end; / show errors