select package_id from apm_packages where package_key = 'ecommerce' select subcategory_id from ec_subcategories where category_id = :category_id and subcategory_id in ([join $subcategory_list ", "]) order by subcategory_name select category_name from ec_categories where category_id = :category_id select category_name from ec_categories where category_id = :category_id select subcategory_name from ec_subcategories where subcategory_id = :subcategory_id select subsubcategory_name from ec_subsubcategories where subcategory_id = :subcategory_id and subsubcategory_id in ([join $subsubcategory_list ","]) order by subsubcategory_name select product_name from ec_products where product_id = :product_id select subcategory_id from ec_subsubcategories where subsubcategory_id = :subsubcategory_id select category_id from ec_subcategories where subcategory_id = :subcategory_id select category_name from ec_categories where category_id = :category_id select subcategory_name from ec_subcategories where subcategory_id = :subcategory_id select subsubcategory_name from ec_subsubcategories where subsubcategory_id = :subsubcategory_id select category_id from ec_subcategories where subcategory_id = :subcategory_id select category_name from ec_categories where category_id = :category_id select subcategory_name from ec_subcategories where subcategory_id = :subcategory_id select category_name from ec_categories where category_id = :category_id select category_id from ec_category_product_map where product_id = :product_id select s.subcategory_id from ec_subcategory_product_map m, ec_subcategories s where m.subcategory_id = s.subcategory_id and s.category_id = :category_id and m.product_id = :product_id select ss.subsubcategory_id from ec_subsubcategory_product_map m, ec_subsubcategories ss where m.subsubcategory_id = ss.subsubcategory_id and ss.subcategory_id = :subcategory_id and m.product_id = :product_id select p.product_id, p.product_name from ec_products_displayable p, ec_product_links l where l.product_a = :product_id and l.product_b = p.product_id select publication, author_name, review_date, review from ec_product_reviews where product_id = :product_id and display_p = 't' select avg(rating) from ec_product_comments where product_id = :product_id and approved_p = 't' select count(*) from ec_product_comments where product_id = :product_id and (approved_p='t' [ec_decode [util_memoize {ad_parameter -package_id [ec_id] ProductCommentsNeedApprovalP ecommerce} [ec_cache_refresh]] "0" "or approved_p is null" ""]) select category_id, category_name from ec_categories order by sort_key select user_id as correct_user_id from ec_orders where order_id = :order_id select o.confirmed_date, o.creditcard_id, o.shipping_method,, o.shipping_address as shipping_address_id, c.billing_address as billing_address_id from ec_orders o left join cc_users u on (o.user_id = u.user_id) left join ec_creditcards c on (o.creditcard_id = c.creditcard_id) where o.order_id = :order_id select i.price_name, i.price_charged, i.color_choice, i.size_choice, i.style_choice, p.product_name, p.one_line_description, p.product_id, count(*) as quantity from ec_items i, ec_products p where i.order_id = :order_id and i.product_id = p.product_id group by p.product_name, p.one_line_description, p.product_id, i.price_name, i.price_charged, i.color_choice, i.size_choice, i.style_choice select i.price_charged, i.price_name, i.color_choice, i.size_choice, i.style_choice, p.product_name, p.one_line_description, p.product_id, count(*) as quantity from ec_items i, ec_products p where i.order_id = :order_id and i.product_id = p.product_id group by p.product_name, p.one_line_description, p.product_id, i.price_charged, i.price_name, i.color_choice, i.size_choice, i.style_choice select i.price_charged, i.price_name, i.color_choice, i.size_choice, i.style_choice, p.product_name, p.one_line_description, p.product_id, count(*) as quantity from ec_items i, ec_products p where i.order_id = :order_id and i.product_id = p.product_id group by p.product_name, p.one_line_description, p.product_id, i.price_charged, i.price_name, i.color_choice, i.size_choice, i.style_choice select count(*) from $item_view where order_id = :order_id select o.order_id, o.confirmed_date, o.order_state from ec_orders o where o.user_id = :user_id order by o.order_id select * from ec_product_purchase_comb where product_id = :product_id select product_name from ec_products where product_id = :product_id select product_name from ec_products where product_id = :product_id select s.shipment_date, s.carrier, s.tracking_number, s.shipment_id, s.shippable_p, count(*) as n_items from ec_items i, ec_shipments s where i.order_id = :order_id and i.shipment_id = s.shipment_id and i.product_id = :product_id and i.color_choice [ec_decode $color_choice "" "is null" "= :color_choice"] and i.size_choice [ec_decode $size_choice "" "is null" "= :size_choice"] and i.style_choice [ec_decode $style_choice "" "is null" "= :style_choice"] and i.price_charged [ec_decode $price_charged "" "is null" "= :price_charged"] and i.price_name [ec_decode $price_name "" "is null" "= :price_name"] group by s.shipment_date, s.carrier, s.tracking_number, s.shipment_id, s.shippable_p select response_id, one_line, response_text from ec_canned_responses order by one_line select c.user_class_name, m.user_class_approved_p, c.user_class_id from ec_user_classes c, ec_user_class_user_map m where m.user_id = :user_id and m.user_class_id = c.user_class_id order by c.user_class_id update ec_user_sessions set user_id = :user_id where user_session_id = :user_session_id select state_name from us_states where abbrev = :usps_abbrev select default_name from countries where iso = :country_code