select price from ec_products where product_id=:product_id select p.price, c.user_class_name from ec_product_user_class_prices p, ec_user_classes c where p.product_id=:product_id and p.user_class_id=c.user_class_id and p.user_class_id in (select m.user_class_id from ec_user_class_user_map m where m.user_id=:user_id $additional_user_class_restriction) select sale_price, sale_name from ec_sale_prices_current where product_id=:product_id and (offer_code is null $or_part_of_query) select shipping, shipping_additional, weight from ec_products where product_id=:product_id select default_shipping_per_item, weight_shipping_cost from ec_admin_settings select min(item_id) from ec_items where product_id = :product_id and order_id:order_id select add_exp_amount_per_item, add_exp_amount_by_weight from ec_admin_settings select price from ec_products where product_id=:product_id select p.price, c.user_class_name from ec_product_user_class_prices p, ec_user_classes c where p.product_id=:product_id and p.user_class_id=c.user_class_id and p.user_class_id in ([join $user_class_id_list ", "]) select sale_price, sale_name from ec_sale_prices_current where product_id=:product_id and (offer_code is null $or_part_of_query) select case when no_shipping_avail_p = 'f' then shipping else null end as shipping, case when no_shipping_avail_p = 'f' then shipping_additional else null end as shipping_additional, case when no_shipping_avail_p = 'f' then weight else null end as weight from ec_products where product_id = :product_id select min(item_id) from ec_items where product_id = :product_id and order_id=:order_id select confirmed_date, user_id, ec_total_price(:order_id) as total_price, ec_total_shipping(:order_id) as total_shipping, ec_total_tax(:order_id) as total_tax from ec_orders where order_id = :order_id