-- -- acs-workflow/sql/wf-callback-package-body.sql -- -- Creates the PL/SQL package that provides a small library of reusable -- workflow callback functions/procedures. -- -- @author Lars Pind (lars@pinds.com) -- -- @creation-date 2000-05-18 -- -- @cvs-id $Id: wf-callback-package-body.sql,v 1.1 2002/07/09 17:35:00 rmello Exp $ -- create or replace package body wf_callback as function guard_attribute_true( case_id in number, workflow_key in varchar2, transition_key in varchar2, place_key in varchar2, direction in varchar2, custom_arg in varchar2 ) return char is begin return workflow_case.get_attribute_value( case_id => case_id, attribute_name => custom_arg ); end guard_attribute_true; function time_sysdate_plus_x( case_id in number, transition_key in varchar2, custom_arg in varchar2 ) return date is begin return sysdate + to_number(custom_arg); end time_sysdate_plus_x; end wf_callback; / show errors;