package com.arsdigita.acs.acsTemplating.test; /** * Test the templating system. Implements all QAS tests except 361 and 561 * (since they're stress tests) and 405 (since I don't have a good idea of how * to test it yet). * * @author Patrick McNeill ( * @creation-date 2000-12-07 * @cvs-id $Id:,v 1.1 2002/07/09 17:34:59 rmello Exp $ */ import com.meterware.httpunit.*; import junit.framework.*; import com.arsdigita.acs.acsKernel.test.ACSCommon; public class TemplatingTest extends TestCase { private static String TEST_SERVER; public TemplatingTest(String name) { super(name); TEST_SERVER = System.getProperty("server.url") + "/doc/acs-templating/demo/"; } /** * Defines the collection of all tests to run. In this case * we go for all the tests in this class (all the methods that * begin with the four characters "test"). */ public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(TemplatingTest.class); } // ---------- START OF TESTS ---------- public void test_Hello_World_385() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER+"hello"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode() ); assert("Incorrect Output", r.toString().indexOf("Hello World") != -1); } public void test_Simple_Include_390() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "include"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("Relative path failed", r.toString().indexOf("Hello Barney") != -1); assert("Absolute path failed", r.toString().indexOf("Hello Anders") != -1); } public void test_Master_Template_391() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "slave"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("Master not present", r.toString().indexOf("My") != -1); } public void test_Default_Master_Template392() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "slave-default"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("Master not present", r.toString().indexOf("<title>Using") != -1); } public void test_Skins_393() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r1 = null, r2 = null, r3 = null; r1 = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "skin?skin="); r2 = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "skin?skin=fancy"); r3 = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "skin?skin=plain"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r1.getResponseCode()); assertEquals("Status", 200, r2.getResponseCode()); assertEquals("Status", 200, r3.getResponseCode()); assert("Neither failed", r1.toString().indexOf("<h1>Sample") != -1); assert("Fancy failed", r2.toString().indexOf("bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\"") != -1); assert("Plain failed", r3.toString().indexOf("<h1>Sample") != -1); } public void test_Fibbonacci_Table_Recursion_394() throws Exception{ WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "fibo-start?m=7"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("Level 7 Not Present", r.toString().indexOf("<th colspan=2 >7") != -1); assert("Level 5 Not Present", r.toString().indexOf("<th colspan=2 >5") != -1); assert("Level 3 Not Present", r.toString().indexOf("<th colspan=2 >3") != -1); assert("Level 2 Not Present", r.toString().indexOf("<th colspan=2 >2") != -1); } public void test_Templated_If_Tag_388() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "if"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("Check 0", r.toString().indexOf("X is 5") != -1); assert("Check 1", r.toString().indexOf("X is not 6") != -1); assert("Check 2", r.toString().indexOf("N is \"Fred's Flute\"") != -1); assert("Check 3", r.toString().indexOf("N is not \"Fred\"") != -1); assert("Check 4", r.toString().indexOf("x is defined") != -1); assert("Check 5", r.toString().indexOf("x is nonnil") != -1); assert("Check 6", r.toString().indexOf("z is defined") != -1); assert("Check 7", r.toString().indexOf("z is nil") != -1); assert("Check 8", r.toString().indexOf("w is undefined") != -1); assert("Check 9", r.toString().indexOf("w is nil") != -1); } public void test_Implicit_Tcl_Escape_395() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "implicit_escape"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("X not present", r.toString().indexOf("Qui") != -1); } public void test_Explicit_Tcl_Escape_396() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "explicit_escape"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("Name not present", r.toString().indexOf("Fred") != -1); assert("Name not present", r.toString().indexOf("Ginger") != -1); assert("Name not present", r.toString().indexOf("Mary") != -1); assert("Name not present", r.toString().indexOf("Sarah") != -1); assert("Name not present", r.toString().indexOf("Elmo") != -1); } public void test_Embedded_Tcl_Escape_401() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "embed_escape"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("X is not 5", r.toString().indexOf("<b>x</b> is indeed 5") != -1); assert("Name not present", r.toString().indexOf("giraffe") != -1); assert("Name not present", r.toString().indexOf("lion") != -1); assert("Name not present", r.toString().indexOf("antelope") != -1); assert("Name not present", r.toString().indexOf("fly") != -1); } public void test_Puts_Inside_Template_402() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; int i; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "puts"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("X is 4 (check 1)", (i = r.toString().indexOf("x differs from four")) != -1); assert("X is 4 (check 2)", r.toString().indexOf("x differs from four", i+1) != -1); } public void test_ad_page_contract_406() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r1 = null, r2 = null; r1 = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "contract-2?count=2&noun=goose&plural=geese"); r2 = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "contract-2?count=13&noun=goose&plural=geese"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r1.getResponseCode()); assertEquals("Status", 200, r2.getResponseCode()); assert("Normal failed", r1.toString().indexOf("geese") != -1); assert("Error failed", r2.toString().indexOf("no luck") != -1); } public void test_Templated_Form_407() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebRequest req = null; WebResponse r = null; String user_id = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "form"); WebForm form = r.getForms()[0]; assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("Form not built", form.getParameterValue("user_id") != null); user_id = form.getParameterValue("user_id"); req = form.getRequest(); req.setParameter("first_name","Test"); req.setParameter("last_name","User"+user_id); req.setParameter("address1","hello"); req.setParameter("address2","world"); req.setParameter("city","Atlanta"); req.setParameter("state","GA"); r = wc.getResponse(req); r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "skin?skin=plain"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("Insert failed", r.toString().indexOf("User" + user_id) != -1); } public void test_Templated_Form_Sandwich_Demo_409() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "sandwich?form:id=sandwich&grid=&nickname=yummyfood&protein=bacon&sauce=mayo"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("Didn't reload properly", r.toString().indexOf("yummyfood") != -1); } public void test_Templated_Form_Select_Demo_410() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "select?form:id=car_opts&grid=&extras=windows&payment=atm"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("Didn't reload properly", r.toString().indexOf("\"windows\" selected") != -1); } public void test_Bind_Variables_386() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "bind?user_id=1"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("Didn't work", r.toString().indexOf("Fred</td><td>Jones") != -1); } public void test_Legacy_Tcl_Page_387() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "legacy"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("Didn't work", r.toString().indexOf("returns it") != -1); } public void test_Internal_Comments_389() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "comment"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("HTML comment failed", r.toString().indexOf("Page Source") != -1); assert("TCL comment failed", r.toString().indexOf("()") != -1); } public void test_Multiple_Tag_403() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "multiple"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("Jones not found", r.toString().indexOf("Jones") != -1); assert("Diaz not found", r.toString().indexOf("Diaz") != -1); } public void test_Multiple_Tag_With_Group_Tag_404() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "group"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("Jones not found", r.toString().indexOf("The Jones Family") != -1); assert("Diaz not found", r.toString().indexOf("The Diaz Family") != -1); } public void test_List_Tag_542() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "list"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("11! not found", r.toString().indexOf("<li>11! = 39916800") != -1); } public void test_Installation_Worked_382() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "list"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("11! not found", r.toString().indexOf("<li>11! = 39916800") != -1); } public void test_Display_a_Tcl_File_413() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "show.tcl?file=hello.tcl"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("Not working", r.toString().indexOf("ad_page_contract") != -1); } public void test_Display_a_Compiled_File_414() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = ACSCommon.AdminLogin(); WebResponse r = null; r = wc.getResponse(TEST_SERVER + "compile.tcl?file=hello.tcl"); assertEquals("Status", 200, r.getResponseCode()); assert("Not working", r.toString().indexOf("set __adp_output") != -1); } }