JavaScript Diagram Builder - The Bar object

The Bar object is used to display a bar on the screen, especially to draw it in a diagram area. In order to find the appropriate screen position and size of the bar, the diagram functions ScreenX, ScreenY, RealX and RealY can be used. It is also possible, to move, resize, hide and delete a bar after it has been drawn.
This diagram was generated by

<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">;
var D=new Diagram();
D.SetFrame(80, 160, 520, 360);
D.SetBorder(-1, 13, 0, 1000);
D.SetText("","", "Website Hits 2001");
D.Draw("#FFFF80", "#004080", false);
var i, j, y;
Month=new Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
for (i=0; i<12; i++)
{ y=500+Math.random()*400;
  if (i%2==0) new Bar(j-15, D.ScreenY(y), j+15, D.ScreenY(0), "#0000FF", Month[i], "#FFFFFF", "Hits per month");
  else new Bar(j-15, D.ScreenY(y), j+15, D.ScreenY(0), "#FF0000", Month[i], "#000000", "Hits per month");

You can use the following methods: Before drawing, you can change the text style:
_BFont is a global variable, which is valid for all Bar and Box objects. The default setting is

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