/* ------------------- ***************** NEW installation *********************** 1. Login in as ctxsys and run the intermedia-setup.sql - If you have already run this for another ACS installation using the same Oracle instance, do not run this again. 2. Run the sws-package-all.sql under the same schema as the ACS instance. 3. Run content-revision-sws.sql to add SWS for content-revision object type. 4. (if file-storage installed) file-storage-sws.sql to setup SWS for file storage 5. (if news-sws installed) news-sws.sql to setup SWS for news 6. (if bboard installed) bboard-sws.sql to setup SWS for bboard. Copy site-wide-search/www/search-redirect.tcl to bboard/www/ 7. sws-reindex.sql ---------------------*/ /* ------------------ ***************** UPGRADE 4.0.13b to 4.0.1 instructions *********************************** /* 1. (if file-storage installed) file-storage-sws.sql to setup SWS for file storage 2. (if news-sws installed) news-sws.sql to setup SWS for news 3. (if bboard installed) bboard-sws.sql to setup SWS for bboard Copy site-wide-search/www/search-redirect.tcl to bboard/www/ 4. sws-reindex.sql */ /* ------------------- Instructions for removing the site wide search: 1. (if installed) Run file-storage-sws-drop.sql to remove SWS support files 2. (if installed) Run news-sws-drop.sql to remove SWS support for news 3. (if installed) Run bboard-sws-drop.sql to remove SWS support for bboard 4. (if installed) Run content-revision-sws-drop.sql to drop SWS for content-revison object 5. Run the sws-package-all-drop.sql under the same schema as the ACS instance. 6. If there are no other ACS instances, on the same Oracle instance, have SWS installed, then you can run intermedia-setup-remove.sql under the ctxsys schema. ---------------------*/