Simuation Design - Workflow Extensions

By Lars Pind



Use cases:

The timer will always be of the form "This action will automatically execute x number of seconds after it becomes enabled". If it is later un-enabled (disabled) because another action (e.g. a vote action in the second use casae above) was executed, then the timer will be reset. If the action later becomes enabled, the timer will start anew.


We currently do not have any information on which actions are enabled, and when they're enabled. We will probably need a table, perhaps one just for timed actions, in which a row is created when a timed action is enabled, and the row is deleted again when the state changes.

Extending workflow_actions:

create table workflow_case_timed_actions(
    -- The number of seconds after having become enabled the action
    -- will automatically execute
    timeout_seconds         integer

The table:

create table workflow_case_timed_actions(
    case_id                 integer
                            constraint wf_case_time_act_case_id_nn
                            not null
                            constraint wf_case_time_act_case_id_fk
                            references workflow_cases(case_id)
                            on delete cascade,
    action_id               integer
                            constraint wf_case_time_act_action_id_nn
                            not null
                            constraint wf_case_time_act_action_id_fk
                            references workflow_actions(action_id)
                            on delete cascade,
    -- the timestamp when this action fires
    fire_timestamp          timestamp
                            constraint wf_case_time_act_timeout_nn
                            not null,
    constraint workflow_case_timed_actions_pk
    primary key (case_id, action_id)

The logic:

After executing an action, workflow::case::action::execute will:

  1. Delete all actions from worklfow_case_timed_actions which are no longer enabled.
  2. Insert a row for all enabled actions with timeouts which are not already in workflow_case_timed_actions, with fire_timestamp = current_timestamp + workflow_actions.timeout_seconds .
  3. Run the sweeper immediately, so if timeout_seconds is zero (automatic action), the action will execute right away, and not at the next sweep.

The sweeper

The sweeper will find rows in workflow_case_timed_actions with fire_timetsamp < current_timestamp, order by fire_timstamp, and execute them.

It should do a query to find the action to fire first, then release the db-handle and execute it. Then do a fresh query to find the next, etc. That way we will handle the situation correctly where the first action firing causes the second action to no longer be enabled.

The Optimization

Every time the sweeper runs, at least one DB query will be made, even if there are no timed actions to be executed.

Possible optimizations:

Triggers/Events/Related Actions/Find Good Term


Use cases:

Relating Tasks



Some process is triggered by typically a timer on an action being enabled.

Relating Workflows/Cases


Use cases: