-- packages/ref-gifi/sql/oracle/ref-gifi-create.sql -- -- @author torben@kappacorp.com -- @creation-date 2005-09-27 -- @cvs-id $Id: -- gifi_registry contains GIFIs available through ref-gifi package create table gifi_templates ( -- gifi abbreviation or code, a reference which is used to match key in gifi_template_columns code char(30) constraint gifi_template_pk primary key, -- contains comments, description, vendor of this gifi etc. comments varchar(4000) not null, -- gifi title, should contain a two letter reference to entity/country published title varchar(200) not null, ); comment on table gifi_templates is ' This table contains the gifis available from ref-gifi package '; -- add this table into the reference repository declare v_id integer; begin v_id := acs_reference.new( table_name => 'GIFI_TEMPLATES', source => 'GIFI PUBLISHERS', source_url => 'http://openacs.org/doc/current/ref-gifi', last_update => to_date('2005-09-28','YYYY-MM-DD'), effective_date => sysdate ); commit; end; / create table gifi_template_columns ( -- gifi abbreviation or code, a reference which is used to match key in gifi_templates -- there should be a constraint added here that points to gifi_templates.code code char(30), -- gifi title, should contain a two letter reference to entity/country published title varchar(300) not null, -- accno, account number for one column/item in the gifi accno varchar(100) not null ); comment on table gifi_template_columns is ' This table contains the gifis available from ref-gifi package '; -- add this table into the reference repository declare v_id integer; begin v_id := acs_reference.new( table_name => 'GIFI_TEMPLATE_COLUMNS', source => 'GIFI PUBLISHERS', source_url => 'http://openacs.org/doc/current/ref-gifi', last_update => to_date('2005-09-28','YYYY-MM-DD'), effective_date => sysdate ); commit; end; /