@hidden_form_variables@ Saved on @saved_date@ @shopping_cart_items@ Your Shopping Cart is empty. <%= [export_form_vars order_id] %> You currently already have a shopping cart. Would you like to merge your current shopping cart with the shopping cart you are retrieving, or should the shopping cart you're retrieving completely replace your current shopping cart? @hidden_form_variables@ If you discard this shopping cart, it will never be retrievable. Are you sure you want to discard it?
Saved on @saved_date@
Your Shopping Cart is empty.
You currently already have a shopping cart. Would you like to merge your current shopping cart with the shopping cart you are retrieving, or should the shopping cart you're retrieving completely replace your current shopping cart?
If you discard this shopping cart, it will never be retrievable. Are you sure you want to discard it?