update forums_messages set last_poster = :to_user_id where last_poster = :from_user_id update forums_messages set user_id = :to_user_id where user_id = :from_user_id select message_id, subject from forums_messages where user_id = :user_id select message_id, subject from forums_messages where last_poster = :user_id update forums_forums set package_id = :new_package_id where forum_id = :object_id update forums_forums set package_id = :trash_package_id where forum_id = :object_id update acs_objects set package_id = :new_package_id, context_id = :new_package_id where object_id = :object_id update acs_objects set package_id = :trash_package_id, context_id = :trash_package_id where object_id = :object_id SELECT name,charter,presentation_type,posting_policy FROM forums_forums WHERE forum_id=:object_id; SELECT name,charter,presentation_type,posting_policy FROM forums_forums WHERE forum_id=:object_id; SELECT subject, content, user_id, format as formato, parent_id FROM forums_messages WHERE forum_id=:object_id and parent_id IS NULL; SELECT subject, content, user_id, format as formato, parent_id FROM forums_messages WHERE forum_id=:object_id and parent_id IS NOT NULL; SELECT subject, content, username, format, parent_id, message_id FROM forums_messages fm, users u WHERE forum_id=:object_id and parent_id IS NULL and fm.user_id = u.user_id; SELECT subject, content, user_id, format, parent_id, message_id FROM forums_messages WHERE forum_id=:object_id and parent_id IS NOT NULL; SELECT subject, content, username, format, parent_id, message_id FROM forums_messages fm, users u WHERE forum_id = :object_id and parent_id = :message_id and fm.user_id = u.user_id; SELECT fo.name as name, ao.object_id, us1.username as creation_user, to_char(ao.creation_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS') as creation_date, fo.charter, fo.presentation_type, fo.posting_policy, fo.enabled_p, fo.thread_count, fo.approved_thread_count, fo.forums_forums, fo.last_post, fo.autosubscribe_p FROM acs_objects as ao, users as us1, forums_forums as fo WHERE us1.user_id = ao.creation_user and ao.object_id = :object_id and fo.forum_id = ao.object_id ORDER BY name, ao.creation_date SELECT name, charter, presentation_type, posting_policy FROM forums_forums WHERE forum_id = :object_id SELECT message_id, parent_id, subject, content, user_id, posting_date, last_child_post, format FROM forums_messages fm WHERE forum_id = :object_id ORDER BY posting_date SELECT message_id, parent_id, subject, content, username, posting_date, last_child_post, format FROM forums_messages fm, users u WHERE forum_id = :object_id and fm.user_id = u.user_id ORDER BY posting_date