update uv_card_base_note
set base_note= 100, alum_view= :alum_view
where community_id= :community_id
insert into uv_card_base_note
(community_id, base_note)
(:community_id, 100)
select name_xcent
from uv_card_xcent_note
where ref_community_id = :community_id and name_xcent = :asig_alias
insert into uv_card_xcent_note
(ref_community_id, ref_basetype, name_xcent, xcent, allow_act, rvalor,np)
(:community_id, :asig_type, :asig_alias, :asig_percent, :asig_act, :asig_rvalor, :asig_np)
select id_xcent from uv_card_xcent_note
where ref_community_id = :community_id
and name_xcent = :asig_alias
and ref_basetype = :asig_type
insert into uv_card_subtype_note
(ref_community_id, name_subtype, ref_xcent)
(:community_id, :asig_alias, :id_xcent)
update uv_card_xcent_note
set ref_basetype= :asig_type, xcent= :asig_percent,
name_xcent= :asig_alias, allow_act= :asig_act,
rvalor= :asig_rvalor, np= :asig_np
where id_xcent= :asig_id
select id_subtype from uv_card_subtype_note
where ref_xcent = :asig_id
delete from uv_card_notes where ref_subtype= :del_i
delete from uv_card_subtype_note where ref_xcent= :asig_id
delete from uv_card_xcent_note where id_xcent= :asig_id
select * from uv_card_basetype_note order by id_basetype
select * from uv_card_xcent_note where ref_community_id = :community_id order by id_xcent
select * from uv_card_xcent_note
inner join uv_card_basetype_note on
(uv_card_basetype_note.id_basetype = uv_card_xcent_note.ref_basetype)
where uv_card_xcent_note.ref_community_id = :community_id
order by uv_card_xcent_note.xcent desc
select id_xcent from uv_card_xcent_note
where ref_community_id = :community_id
select * from uv_card_xcent_note where id_xcent = :asig_id
select sum(uv_card_xcent_note.xcent) as total
from uv_card_xcent_note
where uv_card_xcent_note.ref_community_id = :community_id