-- Drop the cal_item object and all related tables, -- views, and package -- -- @author Gary Jin (gjin@arsdigita.com) -- @creation-date Nov 17, 2000 -- @cvs-id $Id: cal-item-drop.sql,v 1.1 2001/08/24 01:10:04 liliant Exp $ -- -- ported by Lilian Tong (tong@ebt.ee.usyd.edu.au) ---------------------------------------------------------- -- drop cal_item ---------------------------------------------------------- -- drop functions drop function cal_item__new ( integer, integer, varchar, varchar, integer, integer, integer, varchar, integer, timestamp, integer, varchar ); drop function cal_item__delete (integer); drop function cal_item__name (integer); drop function cal_item__on_which_calendar (integer); --drop objects delete from acs_objects where object_type='cal_item'; --drop table drop table cal_items; -- drop attributes and acs_object_type begin; -- drop attibutes select acs_attribute__drop_attribute ( 'cal_item', 'on_which_calendar' ); --drop type select acs_object_type__drop_type( 'cal_item', 'f' ); end; -- -- drop attributes and acs_object_type --begin -- acs_attribute.drop_attribute ('cal_item','on_which_calendar'); -- acs_object_type.drop_type ('cal_item'); --end; --/ --show errors -- -- -- -- drop package --drop package cal_item; -- -- -- -- drop table --drop table cal_items;