select lro.lr_object_id, lro.lr_title, lro.restype, lro.shortname, lro.last_modified, lro.is_active, lro.pretty_name, dcc.community_key as area from lr_objects_developers_view lro inner join dotlrn_communities_core dcc on lro.community_id = dcc.community_id where lro.lr_object_id [template::list::page_where_clause -name "resource_list"] order by lro.lr_title select lro.lr_object_id from lr_objects_developers_view lro [expr {[exists_and_not_null cs]?" ,lr_concept__all_objects lrc":""}] where lro.community_id = :c and lro.restype = :restype and lro.is_active = :is_active [expr {[exists_and_not_null q]?"and (lower(lro.lr_title) like '%' || :q || '%' or lower(lro.shortname) like '%' || :q || '%')":"" }] [expr {[exists_and_not_null cs]?" and lrc.lr_object_id = lro.lr_object_id and lrc.lr_concept_id = :cs":""}] [template::list::filter_where_clauses -and -name "resource_list"] order by lro.lr_title