-- -- Scalability reform part 3 (content-repository): -- -- - content_revision__del: -- * Removed manual nulling of live_revision and latest_revision -- by using appropriate ond delete actions on foreign keys -- * Removed manual deletion of old_revision and new_revision in -- cr_item_publish_audit by using "on delete cascade" -- -- - content_item__del: -- * Removed manual deletion of item_id in cr_item_publish_audit -- by using "on delete cascade" -- * Removed manual deletion of item_id in cr_release_periods -- by using "on delete cascade" -- * Removed manual deletion of item_id in cr_item_template_map -- by using "on delete cascade" -- * Removed manual deletion of item_id in cr_item_keyword_map -- by using "on delete cascade" -- * Removed manual deletion of direct permissions (was already -- cascading) -- -- - Added missing index for child_id to cr_child_rels. -- This index was in the create scripts (with a non-conformant name), -- but not in the upgrade scripts -- constraints from acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-revision.sql ALTER TABLE cr_item_publish_audit DROP CONSTRAINT cr_item_publish_audit_orev_fk; ALTER TABLE cr_item_publish_audit ADD CONSTRAINT cr_item_publish_audit_orev_fk FOREIGN KEY (old_revision) REFERENCES cr_revisions(revision_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE cr_item_publish_audit DROP CONSTRAINT cr_item_publish_audit_nrev_fk; ALTER TABLE cr_item_publish_audit ADD CONSTRAINT cr_item_publish_audit_nrev_fk FOREIGN KEY (new_revision) REFERENCES cr_revisions(revision_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- constraints from acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-item.sql ALTER TABLE cr_release_periods DROP CONSTRAINT cr_release_periods_item_id_fk; ALTER TABLE cr_release_periods ADD CONSTRAINT cr_release_periods_item_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (item_id) REFERENCES cr_items(item_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE cr_item_publish_audit DROP CONSTRAINT cr_item_publish_audit_item_fk; ALTER TABLE cr_item_publish_audit ADD CONSTRAINT cr_item_publish_audit_item_fk FOREIGN KEY (item_id) REFERENCES cr_items(item_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE cr_item_template_map DROP CONSTRAINT cr_item_template_map_item_fk; ALTER TABLE cr_item_template_map ADD CONSTRAINT cr_item_template_map_item_fk FOREIGN KEY (item_id) REFERENCES cr_items(item_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE cr_item_keyword_map DROP CONSTRAINT cr_item_keyword_map_item_id_fk; ALTER TABLE cr_item_keyword_map ADD CONSTRAINT cr_item_keyword_map_item_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (item_id) REFERENCES cr_items(item_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE cr_items DROP CONSTRAINT cr_items_latest_fk; ALTER TABLE cr_items ADD CONSTRAINT cr_items_latest_fk FOREIGN KEY (latest_revision) REFERENCES cr_revisions(revision_id) on delete set null; ALTER TABLE cr_items DROP CONSTRAINT cr_items_live_fk ALTER TABLE cr_items ADD CONSTRAINT cr_items_live_fk FOREIGN KEY (live_revision) REFERENCES cr_revisions(revision_id) on delete set null; DROP INDEX if exists CR_CHILD_RELS_kids_IDx; CREATE INDEX cr_child_rels_child_id_idx on cr_child_rels(child_id); -- -- updated functions -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_revision__del( delete__revision_id integer ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_latest_revision cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; BEGIN -- -- Get item_id and the latest revision -- select item_id into v_item_id from cr_revisions where revision_id = delete__revision_id; select latest_revision into v_latest_revision from cr_items where item_id = v_item_id; -- -- Recalculate latest revision in case it was deleted -- if v_latest_revision = delete__revision_id then select r.revision_id into v_latest_revision from cr_revisions r, acs_objects o where o.object_id = r.revision_id and r.item_id = v_item_id and r.revision_id <> delete__revision_id order by o.creation_date desc limit 1; if NOT FOUND then v_latest_revision := null; end if; update cr_items set latest_revision = v_latest_revision where item_id = v_item_id; end if; -- -- Delete the revision -- PERFORM acs_object__delete(delete__revision_id); return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- procedure content_item__del/1 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_item__del( delete__item_id integer ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_symlink_val record; v_revision_val record; v_rel_val record; BEGIN -- -- Delete all symlinks to this item -- for v_symlink_val in select symlink_id from cr_symlinks where target_id = delete__item_id LOOP PERFORM content_symlink__delete(v_symlink_val.symlink_id); end loop; -- -- Delete all revisions of this item -- -- The following loop could be dropped / replaced by a cascade -- operation, when proper foreign keys are used along the -- inheritence path. -- for v_revision_val in select revision_id from cr_revisions where item_id = delete__item_id LOOP PERFORM acs_object__delete(v_revision_val.revision_id); end loop; -- -- Delete all relations on this item -- for v_rel_val in select rel_id from cr_item_rels where item_id = delete__item_id or related_object_id = delete__item_id LOOP PERFORM acs_rel__delete(v_rel_val.rel_id); end loop; for v_rel_val in select rel_id from cr_child_rels where child_id = delete__item_id LOOP PERFORM acs_rel__delete(v_rel_val.rel_id); end loop; for v_rel_val in select rel_id, child_id from cr_child_rels where parent_id = delete__item_id LOOP PERFORM acs_rel__delete(v_rel_val.rel_id); PERFORM content_item__delete(v_rel_val.child_id); end loop; -- -- Delete associated comments -- PERFORM journal_entry__delete_for_object(delete__item_id); -- -- Finally, delete the acs_object of the item. -- PERFORM acs_object__delete(delete__item_id); return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;