-- -- add "FOR UPDATE" to call of *_f() function inserting tuples. -- -- -- procedure content_type__refresh_trigger/1 -- select define_function_args('content_type__refresh_trigger','content_type'); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_type__refresh_trigger( refresh_trigger__content_type varchar ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE rule_text text default ''; function_text text default ''; v_table_name acs_object_types.table_name%TYPE; type_rec record; BEGIN -- get the table name for the content type (determines view name) raise NOTICE 'refresh trigger for % ', refresh_trigger__content_type; -- Since we allow null table name use object type if table name is null so -- we still can have a view. select coalesce(table_name,object_type) into v_table_name from acs_object_types where object_type = refresh_trigger__content_type; --=================== start building rule code ======================= function_text := function_text || 'create or replace function ' || v_table_name || '_f (p_new '|| v_table_name || 'i) returns void as '' declare v_revision_id integer; begin select content_revision__new( p_new.title, p_new.description, p_new.publish_date, p_new.mime_type, p_new.nls_language, case when p_new.text is null then p_new.data else p_new.text end, content_symlink__resolve(p_new.item_id), p_new.revision_id, now(), p_new.creation_user, p_new.creation_ip, null, -- content_length p_new.object_package_id ) into v_revision_id; '; -- add an insert statement for each subtype in the hierarchy for this type for type_rec in select ot2.object_type, tree_level(ot2.tree_sortkey) as level from acs_object_types ot1, acs_object_types ot2 where ot2.object_type <> 'acs_object' and ot2.object_type <> 'content_revision' and ot1.object_type = refresh_trigger__content_type and ot1.tree_sortkey between ot2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(ot2.tree_sortkey) and ot1.table_name is not null order by level asc LOOP function_text := function_text || content_type__trigger_insert_statement(type_rec.object_type) || '; '; end loop; function_text := function_text || ' return; end;'' language plpgsql; '; -- end building the rule definition code -- create the new function execute function_text; rule_text := 'create rule ' || v_table_name || '_r as on insert to ' || v_table_name || 'i do instead SELECT ' || v_table_name || '_f(new) FOR UPDATE; ' ; --================== done building rule code ======================= -- drop the old rule if rule_exists(v_table_name || '_r', v_table_name || 'i') then execute 'drop rule ' || v_table_name || '_r ' || 'on ' || v_table_name || 'i'; end if; -- create the new rule for inserts on the content type execute rule_text; return null; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;