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Vocabulary stores words, sentences, and phonetic spellings in any language. Definitions in any language can be added to any word. Add words, sentences, or sentence lists to your personal testing list. Test yourself in flashcard or sentence mode.

Planned features include: import and export of word lists (leading to full network syncing between vocabulary sites; audio clips and audio testing; printable tests; a framework for asking other people to score your tests and to do the same in exchange. Full TODO list. My goal is to produce a site that supports an active community of language learners helping each other, and is a public domain vocabulary resource.

To use the vocabulary, browse the word list and add words to your personal list. Sentences can be added in groups. You can change the language you are being tested in. Good sources of words can be found in the Resources Section. Currently you must mangle word lists into CSV but a dict import filter is pending.